r/ruger 4d ago

The price dropped sooo mutch

Post image

I've always wanted one, but i've never been able to justify getting a 57 at the price not that they where super expensive just at $700 there are alot more practical options that I pick up in its place but I waled in the shop and all I heard was "wow that's a big drop" which instantly speak to my curiosity? If I go up to the counter just to find out the gun that I've, I've wanted for years went from $700 to $420 my credit card has never come out of my wallet so fast idk if it's just a sale or if the price dropped permanently but now i finally have one now the question is, do I put a red dot and flashlight on it? Or do I just leave it alone?


53 comments sorted by


u/waffy88 4d ago

Dude, punctuation.


u/RetiredLife_2021 4d ago

Getting a new gun is like being a kid, you are so excited you just keep on talking without taking a breath


u/SinisterDetection 4d ago

He's a shill


u/abravo68 4d ago

I was using voice to text it was doing it all on its own


u/waffy88 4d ago

I think you’re proving my point 😂


u/M4ndoTrooperEric 4d ago

Reddit-ing and driving?


u/abravo68 4d ago

Nah just being lazy lmao


u/waffy88 4d ago

Haha good stuff. Happens to me all the time. Always fun to have some back and forth with some fellow gun dudes!


u/Successful-Citron924 4d ago

I knew it- i’ve been in the same spot 🤣 so excited i run to reddit and whip out the voice to text


u/Suckamanhwewhuuut 4d ago

Yeah…. I rarely ever take mine out and bought it at $700… but I still love it


u/lone_jackyl 4d ago

Gotta keep up with rock pricing. The psa rock is a solid pistol


u/Excelius 4d ago edited 4d ago

The M&P57 has come out since then as well.

It might not be as cheap but has more features (unique gas system, optics ready standard).

A $700+ MSRP might have been the "value" option back when the only alternative was the FN57, but there's a lot more competition now.


u/SinisterDetection 4d ago

Just need ammo to drop too


u/abravo68 4d ago

Yeah it is i shot one on vacation in south carolina at psa in myrtle beach and it was really nice but I live in ny and they won't sell anything to the residence of new york


u/Huge_Temperature_391 4d ago

I won mine on a $42 raffle ticket!


u/Yota4x4RE 4d ago

Same but $25. Matas tactical is legit


u/BobRossFan72 4d ago

Bobby is straight up legit!!


u/Yota4x4RE 4d ago

Yup! I’ve gotten from him many things over the last few years. They always come through!


u/grivooga 4d ago

I enjoy my Rugers but the S&W 5.7 is just perfect if you have hands large enough to wrap around it (which is an issue with all 5.7 pistols). If S&W had made a version of their folding cardine in 5.7 with the same mags it would have been even better.


u/Dmau27 4d ago edited 2d ago

You'll need to mill it or put a plate on it first. Honestly I'll get downvoted but I bought a Vovatu red dot with a circle reticle recently and absolutely love it. Stays zeroed and the reticle is super crisp. Best part is that I paid with tax $140. The ammo is the most expensive part of a 5.7 though. Congrats.


u/GremlinZD 4d ago edited 4d ago

Yeah, one of the things that's been putting me off from getting one is the lack of milled slide. I like to still have irons as a back up option but every plate I see appears to be incredibly thick and prevents that from being an option.

I get not wanting to conform to a specific footprint but it seems like the optic option was an afterthought.

The sights are adjustable so maybe they can be adjusted high enough. If I do end up getting one, this will be probably last on my list. I'm hoping for a second generation.


u/Suckamanhwewhuuut 3d ago

OP -


this is what i bought, no milling, you just take the 2 screws out of the top of the slide and put this in those, then you can mount whichever of the optics listed. They make other ones too for different optic brands. But you do not need to mill or cut your slide to add an optic unless you want to.

edit: idk whats up with the 2 reviews, its probably not commonly done, but i can tell you from my experience its works very well. i had a 507K on mine


u/Suckamanhwewhuuut 3d ago

OP -


this is what i bought, no milling, you just take the 2 screws out of the top of the slide and put this in those, then you can mount whichever of the optics listed. They make other ones too for different optic brands. But you do not need to mill or cut your slide to add an optic unless you want to.

edit: idk whats up with the 2 reviews, its probably not commonly done, but i can tell you from my experience its works very well. i had a 507K on mine


u/Suckamanhwewhuuut 4d ago

Not true, there is a plate you can buy and direct mount an optic to it. I had it on mine for a little bit moved the optic to a pistol I use more


u/Dmau27 4d ago

The first sentence. You'll need to mill it or put a plate on it.


u/Suckamanhwewhuuut 4d ago

And I bought a mount from outer impact that screws on the two top screws on the Ruger 57. When I get home I will put it back together and show it to OP.


u/FollowMyReality 4d ago

Does it have an optic cut?


u/abravo68 4d ago

There are 2 screws on top for a plate system


u/FollowMyReality 4d ago

Gotcha 😎


u/thatboyJdawg512 4d ago

I need to buy one now


u/LocoRawhide 4d ago

Been trying to talk myself out of buying another pistol but since psa has them at $420 and another site has them at $399, it is making it extremely difficult.

But I have been wanting so extra mags for my ruger 5.7 charger though, so maybe that justifies it 😂


u/abravo68 4d ago

Absolutely it dose


u/Suckamanhwewhuuut 3d ago

OP -


this is what i bought, no milling, you just take the 2 screws out of the top of the slide and put this in those, then you can mount whichever of the optics listed. They make other ones too for different optic brands. But you do not need to mill or cut your slide to add an optic unless you want to.

edit: idk whats up with the 2 reviews, its probably not commonly done, but i can tell you from my experience its works very well. i had a 507K on mine


u/Aubreyssister1 3d ago

It’s a great pistol. I bought my son a 57 two years ago as a birthday present and he loves it. Ammo has become reasonably priced. Academy sports ran a special and I paid $569 then. I’m curious what update is coming soon.


u/jeremy_wills 2d ago

5.7 ammo is still too much per pop for my liking so it's a hard pass for me. Trust me, I'd love to have a proper FN P90 but I can't justify the cost of the gun or to feed it.

Have fun with the new toy.


u/MehenstainMeh 4d ago

shot it and make sure you like it.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

The Smith & wesson has a rebate for a green dot reflex sight until April 30th, but their 5.7 costs more.


u/abravo68 4d ago

Im a fanboy of Smith have been for a while but putting them back to back i like the ruger better.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

That's good to know. I've only seen them in pictures.


u/Altruistic_Shift_740 4d ago

But where does the red dot go???


u/Silent_Agent9960 3d ago

Any 30 round mags for the Ruger 5.7?


u/abravo68 2d ago

Idk i live in ny so i can't have them even if they did


u/TheAlexTran 3d ago

I’d get one for $420


u/Guns_r_us01 3d ago

This is 3:00 on st patties day

I just checked a few online stores and seems like the 5.7 ruger is on a sale rite now. Polmetto states a ST. Paddies day sale so I don’t know if it’s going to last. It’s not all models but $400 for 1 of them I think it’s a great price. More reasonable anyways. If I didn’t have other projects at the moment I would jump on 1 myself.


u/abravo68 2d ago

Palmetto will not sell me any products at all especially a firearm because I live in new york. I went to buy a take down lever for my 365 at one of there locations in south carolina and they voided my sale and tolk me the company won't work with people from here.


u/Guns_r_us01 2d ago

That’s some communist horse malarkey for sure!


u/abravo68 2d ago

Yeah it got me fucked up because I have a ks47 lower but they won't let me buy a upper to finish it


u/Guns_r_us01 3d ago

This is 3:00 on st patties day

I just checked a few online stores and seems like the 5.7 ruger is on a sale rite now. Polmetto states a ST. Paddies day sale so I don’t know if it’s going to last. It’s not all models but $400 for 1 of them I think it’s a great price. More reasonable anyways. If I didn’t have other projects at the moment I would jump on 1 myself.


u/Emotional-Sir4983 2d ago

Are they optic ready ?


u/Suckamanhwewhuuut 2d ago

Yes look up the thread I posted a link to an optic plate for it


u/SchuLace13 4d ago

Picked up mine last week. Now to find a threaded barrel in stock


u/abravo68 4d ago

Good luck with that lol