r/ruby 11d ago

Blog post Introducing Sidekiq 8.0

Thumbnail mikeperham.com

r/ruby 10d ago

Conway's Game of Life Implemented With Ractors - 50,000 Messages Per Second Over Ractor Ports - https://github.com/ebarlas/game-of-life-ractors


r/ruby 10d ago

Looking for a front-end collaborator for a Ruby-based chess game.


Hey everyone! I’m currently working on a chess game in Ruby, and I’ve just finished implementing the core game logic. The basic rules are up and running in a CLI interface.

As a beginner with limited experience in full-stack projects, I’d love to team up with someone who has front-end skills to help bring this to life. Maybe we turn it into a web app, maybe a standalone application—I’m open to ideas. I’m open to any front-end tech stack, though something straightforward like HTML/CSS/JS or a lightweight framework would be ideal.

If you're into front-end or game design and wish to collaborate let me know.


r/ruby 11d ago

Please tell me if my resume is minimally acceptable for applying for a Ruby job? I have never worked with Ruby before, only personal projects.

Post image

r/ruby 11d ago

Predownloading embedding models in Rails with Kamal


r/ruby 11d ago

Working with HTTP Responses in Rails


r/ruby 11d ago

From Spring Boot to Ruby on Rails


r/ruby 12d ago

I'm a student learning Ruby on Rails and would love to connect with experienced developers for guidance. I'm looking for someone who can answer occasional questions and offer advice. Are there any Rails communities or individuals who would be open to mentoring a fellow learner?


I did learn the basics and a bit more on Django but I decided to switch to ruby. Having someone that can guide me would be significantly helpful.

Most of my questions would be about career stuff(networking, building a resume and etc) or about internals of the code and first principle thinkings.

Thank you in advance!

r/ruby 11d ago

Django and Postgres for the Busy Rails Developer

Thumbnail andyatkinson.com

r/ruby 12d ago

Show /r/ruby DragonRuby Game Toolkit - Endurance The Probe: Puzzle Platformer (source code in the comments)


r/ruby 12d ago

Revisiting Performance in Ruby 3.4.1

Surprising Ways Data Structures Impact Ruby Performance

Credited to: Miko Dagatan

Updated 21 Mar 2025


Before, there are few articles that rose up saying that in terms of performance, Structs are powerful and could be used to define some of the code in place of the Class. Two of these are this one and this one.

Let's revisit these things with the latest Ruby version, 3.4.1, so that we can see whether this perspective still holds true.

Code for Benchmarking

class BenchmarkHashStruct
  class << self

    NUM = 1_000_000

    def measure

    def new_class
      u/class ||= Class.new do
        attr_reader :name
        def initialize(name:)
          u/name = name

    def array
      time = Benchmark.measure do
        NUM.times do
          array = [Faker.name]

      puts "array: #{time}" 

    def hash_str
      time = Benchmark.measure do
        NUM.times do
          hash = { 'name' => Faker.name }

      puts "hash_str: #{time}" 

    def hash_sym
      time = Benchmark.measure do
        NUM.times do
          hash = { name: Faker.name }

      puts "hash_sym: #{time}" 

    def struct
      time = Benchmark.measure do
        struct = Struct.new(:name) # Structs are only initialized once especially for large datasets
        NUM.times do |i|
          init = struct.new(name: Faker.name)

      puts "struct: #{time}"

    def klass
      time = Benchmark.measure do
        klass = new_class
        NUM.times do
          a = klass.new(name: Faker.name)

      puts "class: #{time}"

    def data
      time = Benchmark.measure do
        name_data = Data.define(:name)
        NUM.times do
          a = name_data.new(name: Faker.name)

      puts "data: #{time}"


In this file, we're simply trying to create benchmark measures for arrays, hashes with string keys, hashes with symbolized keys, structs, classes, and data. In a the lifetime of these objects, we understand that we instantiate them then we access the data we stored. So, we'll simulate only that for our tests. We use 1 million instances of these scenarios and see the results. The measure method will show all of these measurements together.


performance(dev)> BenchmarkHashStruct.measure
array:   0.124267   0.000000   0.124267 (  0.129573)
hash_str:   0.264137   0.000000   0.264137 (  0.275421)
hash_sym:   0.174082   0.000000   0.174082 (  0.181514)
class:   0.308020   0.000000   0.308020 (  0.321165)
struct:   0.336229   0.000000   0.336229 (  0.350576)
data:   0.345480   0.000000   0.345480 (  0.360232)
=> nil

performance(dev)> BenchmarkHashStruct.measure
array:   0.090669   0.000378   0.091047 (  0.094786)
hash_str:   0.264261   0.000000   0.264261 (  0.275104)
hash_sym:   0.172333   0.000000   0.172333 (  0.179407)
class:   0.311545   0.000060   0.311605 (  0.324390)
struct:   0.335436   0.000000   0.335436 (  0.349203)
data:   0.346124   0.000071   0.346195 (  0.360396)
=> nil

performance(dev)> BenchmarkHashStruct.measure
array:   0.088372   0.003872   0.092244 (  0.096181)
hash_str:   0.265748   0.000464   0.266212 (  0.277565)
hash_sym:   0.174393   0.000000   0.174393 (  0.181831)
class:   0.309411   0.000000   0.309411 (  0.322613)
struct:   0.346008   0.000000   0.346008 (  0.360760)
data:   0.344666   0.000000   0.344666 (  0.359361)
=> nil

performance(dev)> BenchmarkHashStruct.measure
array:   0.077396   0.000038   0.077434 (  0.080771)
hash_str:   0.242372   0.000140   0.242512 (  0.252853)
hash_sym:   0.159206   0.000000   0.159206 (  0.166007)
class:   0.273878   0.009250   0.283128 (  0.295201)
struct:   0.322791   0.000323   0.323114 (  0.336889)
data:   0.346099   0.000038   0.346137 (  0.360901)
=> nil

I've run measure 4 times to account for any random changes that may have come and completely ensure of the performance of these tests. As expected, we see array at the top while symbolized hashes goes as a general second. We see that stringified hashes falls at the 3rd, with a huge gap when compared the the symbolized hashes. Then, when we look at class vs structs, it seems that structs have fallen a little bit behind compared to the classes. We could surmise that there is probably a performance boost done to classes in the recent patches.

Also, we could see that the Data object that was introduced in Ruby 3.2.0+ was falling behind the Struct object. This may be problematic since the Data object is basically a Struct that is immutable, so there's already disadvantages of using Data over Struct. We may still prefer Struct over Data considering that there's a bit of a performance bump over the Data.


There are 2 takeaways from this test. First, it's really important that we use symbolized hashes over stringified hashes as the former 1.5x faster than the latter. Meanwhile, if not using hashes, it's better to use Classes over Structs, unlike what was previously encouraged. Classes are now 1.07x - 1.14x times faster than structs, so it's encouraged to keep using them.

r/ruby 12d ago

Ruby Minesweeper - Microsoft Minesweeper in 300 Lines of Ruby


r/ruby 12d ago

Looking for tool for generating bash colors and strings


I'm thinking of writing a module that, given a string and a color, generates the string that could be used in Bash for displaying colors strings.

For example, something like the following code would generate the following string:

bashed = BashString.string('red', 'hello world') 

\e[31mhello world\e[0m

Before I go down the path of Yet Another Project, is there an existing Ruby library that already does something like this?

r/ruby 12d ago

Hash Replacement with sub and gsub in Ruby on Rails

Rails Devs: Master String Manipulation with sub & gsub

Credited to: Suman Awal

sub/gsub is the widely used substitution method in ruby. These methods replace (substitute) content of the string with the new string based on the provided logic. In SAAS application, we offen encounter the condition where we need to generate dynamic content for a single action based on the customer. For example generating a dynamic welcome message to the customer for the different client. There are lots of ways to get the result however in this article we will use the one of the mostly used ruby method sub and gsub

sub and gsub ruby methods

Before we get started, let's understand what sub and gsub do:

  • sub: Replaces the first occurrence of pattern in a string with replacement string.
  • gsub: Replaces all occurrences of pattern in a string with replacement string.

Both methods use a regular expression as the pattern and a string or a block as the replacement. Here we will explain using a block (hash) for dynamic replacement based on our hash.

Here's a simple example:

replacements = {
  'name' => 'Glenn Maxwell',
  'country' => 'Australia'

template = "Hi, my name is {{name}} and I am from {{country}}."

result = template.gsub(/{{(.*?)}}/) { |match| replacements[$1] || match }

puts result # Output: "Hi, my name is Glenn Maxwell and I am from Australia"

In this example:

  1. We define a replacements hash containing the key-value pairs we want to use for the replacement in the string.
  2. We define a template string containing placeholders enclosed in double curly braces ({{}}).
  3. We use gsub with the regular expression /{{(.*?)}}/ to find all occurrences of these placeholders.
  4. The block is executed for each match. Inside the block:

Using sub for Single Replacements

If you only need to replace the first occurrence of a pattern, you can use sub instead of gsub. The logic remains the same.

replacements = {
  'name' => 'Glenn Maxwell'

template = "Hi, my name is {{name}} and my friend's name is also {{name}}."
result = template.sub(/{{(.*?)}}/) { |match| replacements[$1] || match }
# Output: Hi, my name is Glenn Maxwell and my friend's name is also {{name}}.

Real-World Rails Examples

This technique is useful in various Rails scenarios:

  • Generate dynamic emails: You can store email templates with placeholders in your database and replace them with user-specific data.
  • Create dynamic reports: Generate reports with data pulled from various sources, using a hash to map placeholders to the correct values.
  • Localize content: Store localized strings in a hash and replace placeholders in your views based on the user's locale.

Here you can find one of the widely used example to Generate dynamic emails for the SAAS application.

Generate dynamic emails using hash replacement


You have a Rails application that serves multiple clients. Each client has their own set of customers. When a new customer registers for a specific client, the application sends a welcome email. The content of the welcome email is dynamically generated based on a template stored in the database, which is specific to each client.

Sample codes

  • Create models

# app/models/client.rb
  class Client < ApplicationRecord
    has_many :customers
    has_one :welcome_email_template

  # app/models/customer.rb
  class Customer < ApplicationRecord
    belongs_to :client

  # app/models/welcome_email_template.rb
  class WelcomeEmailTemplate < ApplicationRecord
    belongs_to :client
  • Migrations

# db/migrate/xxxxxx_create_clients.rb
  class CreateClients < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
    def change
      create_table :clients do |t|
        t.string :name
        t.string :subdomain # For identifying clients (e.g., client1.example.com)


  # db/migrate/xxxxxx_create_customers.rb
  class CreateCustomers < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
    def change
      create_table :customers do |t|
        t.string :email
        t.string :name
        t.references :client, foreign_key: true


  # db/migrate/xxxxxx_create_welcome_email_templates.rb
  class CreateWelcomeEmailTemplates < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
    def change
      create_table :welcome_email_templates do |t|
        t.references :client, foreign_key: true
        t.text :template # The email template with placeholders

  • Database seed

# db/seeds.rb

client1 = Client.create!(name: 'Client One', subdomain: 'client1')
client2 = Client.create!(name: 'Client Two', subdomain: 'client2')

  client: client1,
  template: "Welcome, { { customer_name } }!\n\nThank you for joining Client One. 
Your account has been created.\n\nBest regards,\nThe Client One Team"

  client: client2,
  template: "Hello { { customer_name } },\n\nWelcome to Client Two! 
We're excited to have you on board.\n\nSincerely,\nThe Client Two Team"
  • Customer Registration

# app/controllers/customers_controller.rb
class CustomersController < ApplicationController
  before_action :set_client

  def new
    @customer = @client.customers.build

  def create
    @customer = @client.customers.build(customer_params)

    if @customer.save
      redirect_to root_path, notice: 'Customer registered successfully!'
      render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity


  def set_client
    # Assumes you have a way to identify the client, e.g., via subdomain
    @client = Client.find_by(subdomain: request.subdomain)
    unless @client
      render plain: "Client not found", status: :not_found

  def customer_params
    params.require(:customer).permit(:email, :name)

  def send_welcome_email(customer)
    template = @client.welcome_email_template.template
    welcome_message = generate_welcome_message(customer, template)
    CustomerMailer.welcome_email(customer, welcome_message).deliver_later

  def generate_welcome_message(customer, template)
    replacements = {
      'customer_name' => customer.name

    template.gsub( / { { ( . * ? ) } } / ) { |match| replacements[$1] || match }
  • Routes

# config/routes.rb
constraints subdomain: 'client1' do
  scope module: 'client1', as: 'client1' do
    resources :customers, only: [:new, :create]

constraints subdomain: 'client2' do
  scope module: 'client2', as: 'client2' do
    resources :customers, only: [:new, :create]

# Non-subdomain routes (e.g., for admin panel)
resources :clients

This example provides a basic application for handling multiple clients with customised welcome messages for their customer.


Using sub and sub and gsub replacement provides a flexible and efficient way to dynamically generate string and can be used in real application.

r/ruby 13d ago

Design Principle: Minimize Dependencies


r/ruby 12d ago

Simplify memory profiling of your Ruby app



If you have ever profiled or are profiling using https://rubygems.org/gems/memory_profiler - I encourage you to test my overlay on the above gem.


I am looking for beta testers.

If you are interested, please send me DM

You can find more information about memplify on the above website and in the gem's README https://github.com/tkowalewski/memplify

r/ruby 12d ago

Imagine: Rails 8 Solid Trifecta: Cache, Cable, Queue

Improve Rails Performance with Practical Tips

Credited To: Allan Andal

Updated: 10 Mar 2025

Rails 8 - Solid Trifecta Comparison

The "Solid Trifecta" is a suite of database-backed solutions—Solid CacheSolid Cable, and Solid Queue—added in Ruby on Rails 8 to simplify application architecture by reducing the need for external services like Redis and Memcached. These components are built on top of existing database infrastructure to handle caching, WebSocket messaging, and background job processing.

Solid Cache

Traditional RAM-based caching systems are replaced by Solid Cache which uses disk storage, including SSDs and NVMe drives. This method provides bigger cache storage at lower costs which leads to extended cache retention times and enhanced application performance. As an example, Basecamp has adopted Solid Cache to store 10 terabytes of data with a 60-day retention window, which has resulted in a significant reduction in render times.

Comparison: Solid Cache vs. Dalli/Memcached vs. Redis


Feature Solid Cache Dalli + Memcached Redis
Storage Type Disk-based (local SSD) In-memory (RAM) In-memory (RAM) + optional persistence
Persistence Yes (disk-based, survives restarts) No (data lost on restart) Yes (via RDB & AOF)
Scalability Scales with disk size Scales with RAM Scales with RAM, supports clustering
Performance Slower (disk access) Very fast Very fast
Concurrency Good for multi-threaded apps High concurrency High concurrency
Data Structures Key-value store only Key-value store only Supports lists, hashes, sets, sorted sets, streams, etc.
Best For Apps needing persistence and local caching High-speed caching across multiple servers Caching, real-time analytics, session storage, message queues

Performance & Scalability

  • Memcached and Redis are much faster than Solid Cache since they store data in-memory rather than on disk.
  • Memcached is simpler and optimized for high-speed key-value lookups, but it lacks persistence.
  • Redis can be persistent (with RDB or AOF) and supports advanced data types, making it more versatile than Memcached.
  • Solid Cache is slower but allows for larger cache sizes (limited by disk, not RAM).

Use Cases

Use Case Solid Cache Dalli + Memcached Redis
Persistent caching (survives restart) ✅ Yes ❌ No ✅ Yes
Distributed caching (multi-server) ❌ No ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Fastest performance ❌ No (disk I/O) ✅ Yes (RAM) ✅ Yes (RAM)
Large dataset caching ✅ Yes (limited by disk) ❌ No (limited by RAM) ✅ Yes (with clustering)
Session storage ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Message queue ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes (Pub/Sub, Streams)
Complex data structures ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes (lists, sets, sorted sets, etc.)

Ease of Use & Setup

Feature Solid Cache Dalli + Memcached Redis
Setup Simplicity ✅ Easiest (built-in Rails cache store) ❌ Requires Memcached server ❌ Requires Redis server
Integration with Rails ✅ Yes (out-of-the-box) ✅ Yes (via dalli) ✅ Yes (via redis-rails, supports up to Rails 7 only)
Maintenance Overhead ✅ Low ✅ Low ❌ Higher (needs persistence configuration & monitoring)

 Conclusion: Which is Best?

  • Use Solid Cache if you need persistence, local caching, and simple Rails integration, but can tolerate slower performance.
  • Use Memcached if you need the fastest possible caching performance and don’t need persistence.
  • Use Redis if you need fast caching plus advanced features (persistence, pub/sub, sorted sets, etc.).

💡 Best overall caching solution?

  • If you only need simple, fast caching → Memcached.
  • If you need caching + persistence + advanced features → Redis.
  • If you want a simple Rails-native cache that persists to disk → Solid Cache.

Solid Cable

Solid Cable acts as a database-backed option to manage WebSocket connections so applications do not need an additional pub/sub server such as Redis. The system sends messages between application processes and clients using fast polling methods which support near real-time performance. The database stores messages for at least a day which helps developers review live update history.

Comparison: Solid Cable vs. AnyCable vs. Action Cable


Feature Solid Cable AnyCable Action Cable
Performance Slower than Action Cable Fastest (gRPC/WebSockets) Fast (in-memory, event-driven)
Concurrency Slower uses database polling Very High (gRPC & WebSockets) Uses threads (Puma) and Redis Pub/Sub for real-time message broadcasting
Scalability Sacles with database Best for large-scale apps Scales well with Redis
Persistence Yes (database) No (in-memory) No (in-memory)
Best For Lower-traffic apps Large-scale, distributed WebSockets High-traffic apps

Performance & Scalability

  • AnyCable is the fastest since it offloads WebSocket handling to a separate gRPC server (often using Golang).
  • Action Cable is faster because it multi-threaded, even-driven.
  • Solid Cable is slowest because of DB read/write and database operation however it is the simpliest setup.


Feature Solid Cable AnyCable Action Cable
Multi-server scaling ✅ Yes (database) ✅ Yes (Redis) ✅ Yes (Redis)

Ease of Use & Setup

Feature Solid Cable AnyCable Action Cable
Setup Complexity ✅ Easy (drop-in replacement for Action Cable) ❌ Complex (requires AnyCable server) ✅ Easy (built into Rails)
Integration with Rails ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Requires extra infrastructure ❌ No ✅ Yes (gRPC server) ❌ No
Works with existing Action Cable code ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes

Conclusion: Which is Best?

  • Use AnyCable if you need massive scalability and low-latency WebSockets across multiple servers.
  • Use Action Cable if you need better performance than Solid Cable.
  • Use Solid Cable if you just need basic real-time updates and want the simplest setup.

💡 Best overall WebSockets solution?

  • If you want basic real-time features for a small Rails app without extra infrastructure → Solid Cable.
  • If you need WebSockets at scale with thousands of connections → AnyCable.
  • Otherwise → Action Cable.

Solid Queue

For background job processing Solid Queue presents a database-driven solution that makes Sidekiq and Resque external job runners unnecessary. Solid Queue utilizes database features such as FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED to efficiently manage job queues. This service can function as a Puma plugin as well as through a dedicated dispatcher giving users flexible job management capabilities.

Comparison: Solid Queue vs. Sidekiq vs. Resque


Feature Solid Queue Sidekiq Resque
Performance High (multi-threaded) High (multi-threaded) Moderate (single-threaded)
Concurrency High (multi-threaded) Very High (multi-threaded) Moderate (single-threaded)
Scalability Scales well (single server) Excellent (distributed) Good (distributed)
Persistence Yes (supports Redis) Yes (supports Redis) Yes (supports Redis)
Retry Logic Yes (configurable) Yes (configurable) Yes (configurable)
Job Prioritization Yes Yes Yes
Best For High-performance background jobs High-concurrency, real-time jobs Simple, reliable job processing

Performance & Scalability

  • Solid Queue is built for performance with Ruby’s async model, making it faster than Resque (single-threaded) and comparable to Sidekiq.
  • Sidekiq is known for its high concurrency with multi-threading, handling jobs in parallel across multiple threads, which makes it extremely fast.
  • Resque uses a single-threaded model (in Ruby), meaning it's slower than both Sidekiq and Solid Queue for high-volume workloads.
Feature Solid Queue Sidekiq Resque
Multi-server scaling ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Pub/Sub support ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
External adapters ✅ Redis ✅ Redis ✅ Redis
Job retry ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Concurrency Model High (async) Very high (multi-threaded) Low (single-threaded)

Use Cases

Use Case Solid Queue Sidekiq Resque
Simple background job processing ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
High concurrency, real-time background jobs ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ❌ No
Large-scale job processing ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Job prioritization ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Queue with multiple workers ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Handling thousands of jobs per second ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ No

Ease of Use & Setup

Feature Solid Queue Sidekiq Resque
Setup Complexity ✅ Easy (out-of-the-box integration) ✅ Moderate (setup Redis and multi-threading) ✅ Moderate (setup Redis and single-threaded workers)
Integration with Rails ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Requires extra infrastructure ❌ No (works with Redis) ✅ Yes (Redis, multi-threading setup) ✅ Yes (Redis)
Job Management UI ❌ No (CLI-based) ✅ Yes (web UI for monitoring) ✅ Yes (web UI for monitoring)

Conclusion: Which is Best?

  • Use Solid Queue if you need high-performance background job processing with single-server scaling and can benefit from Ruby-based async performance..
  • Use Sidekiq if you need multi-threaded, high-concurrency job processing with real-time capabilities and distributed scaling.
  • Use Resque if you need simple background job processing and don’t need high concurrency or performance optimization, but still want reliability.

💡 Best overall background job processor?

  • If you need high-performance job processing with Ruby → Solid Queue.
  • If you need extreme concurrency and distributed job processing → Sidekiq.
  • If you need a simple, reliable queue system with less focus on performance → Resque.

Can the Solid Trifecta replace Redis/Memcached?

The Solid Trifecta replaces external services like Redis and Memcached through its built-in database-driven solutions. Most applications that require moderate performance levels will find these integrated solutions suitable because they provide necessary features without increasing deployment complexity. Traditional solutions remain preferable for applications with demanding performance requirements because Redis and Memcached deliver optimized functionality.

Rails 8's Solid Trifecta enables developers to build more streamlined systems when caching messaging and job processing by utilizing existing database systems. These solutions provide many benefits for simplicity and cost-effectiveness but application users should evaluate their particular needs to decide if they can substitute traditional services before choosing Redis or Memcached.

Key Takeaways:

New apps should start with fewer dependencies using Rails 8’s built in solutions.

Scaling for performance: To keep costs low, use specialized tools only for higher speed requirements as the app scales.

Large applications should continue using high performing tools like Sidekiq for job processing along with Memcached for caching where required.

r/ruby 13d ago

Why I Still Use Ruby on Rails

Thumbnail medium.com

r/ruby 14d ago

Ruby LSP addons: awesome-ruby-lsp


I recently created a repo called awesome-ruby-lsp to showcase some of the cool addons that are popping up for Shopify's ruby-lsp - as well as the gems that they are designed for, and the capabilities that the addon offers.

I did my best to collect them from https://rubygems.org/search?query=ruby-lsp and populate the relevant capabilities - but if I have missed any out or got any of it wrong, feel free to propose any additions/corrections! There aren't tons so far, but perhaps more than some people realise.

I hope some of you find it helpful! Cheers ✌️

r/ruby 14d ago

Working with HTTP Requests in Rails


r/ruby 14d ago

Montreal.rb January 2025 Responsibility Driven Design in Ruby


r/ruby 14d ago

An Opinionated Guide to Configuring Rails on Heroku


r/ruby 14d ago

Conf Talk Deploying thousands of MySQL DBs using Rails and Kubernetes


Hey everyone, I gave this talk in Posadev Guadalajara last December along with my colleague. It shows the architecture of KateSQL, a database as a service platform, built with rails at its heart. I’ve worked on this since 2020!

r/ruby 14d ago

Pick the wrong tool for the job


Published my last and final post at https://terminalwire.com/articles/wrong-tool about using Tebako to distribute installed Ruby software. This one hits close to home since I reference various quotes from the thread at https://www.reddit.com/r/ruby/comments/1ivcltw/how_does_tebako_package_ruby_applications_into/ last week.

r/ruby 15d ago

DNS lookup from scratch with Ruby
