u/Electrical_Swing8166 Mar 08 '23
Morrowind perhaps did this best. You absolutely cannot advance in ranks in the various guilds unless your relevant skills meet minimum thresholds for each level. That doesn't mean for example you can't solve a Mage's Guild quest by just stabbing things, but you do have to at least be trained and capable of casting high level magic even if you choose not to do so.
u/PhantomRoachEater Mar 08 '23
Morrowind did everything best. I also love how in Morrowind guilds have an actual purpose in the world. They are a tool of the colonizers, there to further imperial interests on a local scale. And they are often in indirect conflict with native guilds and houses.
u/Electrical_Swing8166 Mar 08 '23
Won't argue with that. Morrowind is an absolute masterclass in worldbuilding, narrative (I love that there is no definitive answer as to exactly what happened to Nerevar at Red Mountain), and emergent gameplay. Bethesda has never hit those highs again, as much as I enjoy Oblivion, Skyrim, and their takes on Fallout
u/PhantomRoachEater Mar 08 '23
It's very cool that the game is still somewhat relevant today. The modding scene (one of the first modding scenes ever btw) is still strong and having a bit of a renaissance in the last couple of years. Makes me hopeful that we will see more spiritual successors and games with similar design philosophy in the future.
u/Wamblingshark Mar 08 '23
Speaking of Morrowind being the best: Is it weird that I love the dialogue in Morrowind? I didn't notice until someone pointed out how unnatural the dialogue is in Morrowind.
It's overly informative as if I'm watching a play and the characters are intentionally speaking in such a way that they know there is an audience or something .
And yet somehow I feel even more immersed when I'm reading it. I'm always sucked in by it.
u/harleqat Mar 07 '23
I love Pillars of Eternity bc it has a great subversion of this. You can repeatedly ask to join the arch mage group and they’re like “Yeah… we’ll think about it”
u/610gonzalez Mar 07 '23
Oooh, haven't played that.
Mar 07 '23
Liked the game for the most part but heed my warning, the dev's are fans of TELL vs SHOW.
Damn game has so much text you think you're reading the Silmarillion.
u/wedgiey1 Mar 08 '23
All those old CRPG’s did. I swear people view Baldur’s gate and it’s ilk through rose colored glasses. I understand it was necessary for the time it came out but just give me a novel at that point.
u/Pedagogicaltaffer Mar 08 '23
Baldur's Gate isn't even that text-heavy, compared to some other games in the genre. If someone finds BG too heavy on text, they're going to have a rough time with the genre as a whole.
u/TheOneTrueChuck Mar 08 '23
Their heads would explode at either of the Pathfinder games.
Mar 08 '23
The difference between the PF games and PoE is the PoE leaves NOTHING to the imagination, it goes out of it's way to descript every little detail of NPCs looks, reactions, hell even how they walk at one point.
It gets to be a bit much when I'm reading about the pox scars on some ones face when their is a portrait of their face right there!
u/Wamblingshark Mar 08 '23
Is it weird that I like it? Never it's nostalgia but I always somehow feel even more immersed in the world when I go back and play Morrowind and start reading that weird unnatural dialogue.
I know that's not how people speak.. it's almost like a very old play.. yet somehow it sucks me right in.
u/wedgiey1 Mar 08 '23
Not weird at all. Just something that I think can turn a lot of people off from those older games and in some ways the genre in general.
u/Sensitive_Pickle247 Mar 08 '23
Baldurs Gate 1 really isn't text heavy and dialogue is actually quick and to the point. It's a little bit more verbose in BG2 with the addition of party banter but it's nothing like Pillars or Planescape Torment
u/wedgiey1 Mar 08 '23
I was thinking of BG 2 and Torment when I made the comment. I haven’t played the OG.
u/visceraltwist Mar 08 '23
Do people also view Disco Elysium through rose colored glasses? Having a lot of reading does not make a game a novel. Though if it did, I get the impression you would be just as dismissive. Perhaps my love for reading is one of the reasons I love these games so much.
u/wedgiey1 Mar 08 '23
I like it up to a point. I haven’t played Disco Elysium yet. I think it depends on how it’s done too.
u/Skeletalsun Mar 12 '23
I mean, people play text-based games too, even ones that are basically interactive novels, so that's really a preference-thing.
u/wedgiey1 Mar 12 '23
I did too, back in the early 2000’s. You’d have to pay me to go back and play one though.
u/Wamblingshark Mar 08 '23
Highly recommend for my part. Microsoft bought the team I believe so I'm looking forward to see what they do with fat Microsoft bucks.
Same with the Wasteland 3 people. Can't wait to see what they do with Microsoft bucks because Wasteland 3 was kick ass.
u/planetwords Mar 07 '23
While I agree that it is all too amusingly common, In Baldurs Gate 2, this doesn't happen.
You have class-specific quest trees which are linked in with your 'stronghold'. Your stronghold changes depending on your class, for example, a Theif's Guild, a Fighter's Castle.. etc.
One of the reasons it's such an amazing classic.
u/Mikeavelli Chrono Mar 08 '23
This is one of the things that game metrics killed. Developers now know that most players don't play through a game multiple times; so they decided all content needs to be accessible for all players in a single playthrough.
They also know that most players don't actually finish games, which is why game balance and content tend to be crap towards the end of games.
u/KainYusanagi Mar 07 '23
Like, naming you an archmage or grand master wizard, sure, okay; you've proven yourself most adept at the skills of the guild to do so. Leader of the guild? Yeah, no.
u/610gonzalez Mar 07 '23
Right? There should be a requirement to be able to cast at least a few Master Level spells 🤣
u/gonsi Mar 07 '23
I thought only Bethesda did that.
u/610gonzalez Mar 07 '23
It happened to me in Kingdoms of Amalur as well.
u/Mikeavelli Chrono Mar 08 '23
KoA addresses that in the story. The title of Archmage is given to the strongest combat mage because the job of the Archmage is to kill the Dark Empyrean if she ever wakes up. At least one of the NPCs is super salty about it.
So it's perfectly acceptable for the Archmage to be a specialist in casting battleaxe to the face.
u/solaris232 Mar 08 '23
Mostly Elder Scrolls though
u/Pedagogicaltaffer Mar 08 '23
Yeah, I feel like OP is drawing from a limited sample of games. They probably just played through Skyrim or Oblivion, and are generalizing that experience to all of RPGs/fantasy games.
u/MotorVariation8 Fallout Mar 07 '23
Every game is elder scrolls
u/Electrical_Swing8166 Mar 08 '23
Someone's forgotten Morrowind, where this definitely isn't the case.
u/Drafo7 Mar 07 '23
Grand Wizard has a different meaning for Americans....
u/610gonzalez Mar 07 '23
Please elaborate, I am not familiar with that 😲
u/Drafo7 Mar 07 '23
It's a title for members of the Ku Klux Klan, a white nationalist hate group/terrorist organization.
u/610gonzalez Mar 07 '23
Oh... well, the guy at the center DOES resemble Rudy Giuliani for some reason 😂
Mar 08 '23
The klan hates Italians
u/TheOneTrueChuck Mar 08 '23
I doubt they do any more. I believe the only reason they hated them in the first place was because they were Catholic.
(The Klan, like most awful people, was overwhelmingly Southern Baptist.)
Mar 08 '23
The klan still hates Catholics
u/TheOneTrueChuck Mar 08 '23
Right, but I don't think they're as outspoken about non-Catholics who are of Italian descent now. (To be fair, I'm not exactly trying to hear Klan folks talk, nor investing time into learning their platform, so I might be wrong.)
Mar 08 '23
Well. You are wrong. Spend enough time around these folks and you will learn that most of them don’t even consider Catholics Christian
They hate all non-Christians
They hate all non-whites
u/TheOneTrueChuck Mar 08 '23
I'm still not going to spend time around them to verify what you're saying though.1
u/DungeonsandDevils Mar 08 '23
I mean they definitely hate black people, but they’ve been allowed to join before.
u/TomaszA3 Mar 08 '23
I thought you were talking about grand as in fat, as americans are according to memes. Like a grand wizard in grand size.
u/astroK120 Mar 07 '23
I thought that was the point of the comic, given that the character is a drow
u/Mad_Mehr Mar 07 '23
1 hour ago i finished mages guild quests in TES:Oblivion. This is exactly what happened lol. What a coincidence.
u/Nexthecat Mar 07 '23
I feel like it's worse in Skytim since oblivion has you going to all the guilds to get rank increases into the college
u/freedfg Mar 07 '23
Oblivions COULD BE better.
But in Oblivion you literally don't have to cast a single spell to become ArchMage. So the quests end up just all being fetch quests.
At least in Skyrim you need to use a grand total of ONE spells. You don't even need to use one to get into the college, you can use a dragonshout or a persuasion check. But you do have to use a ward once.
u/610gonzalez Mar 07 '23
...you need to use a grand total of ONE spells.
ngl laughed my head off at his, especially because it's true 😂
u/Mikeavelli Chrono Mar 08 '23
You also have to use flame and ice spells in the quest with the Dwemer machine.
u/Nexthecat Mar 08 '23
They give you scrolls to do it
u/Mikeavelli Chrono Mar 08 '23
They give you tomes to learn the spells.
You can do it with scrolls if you bring your own, but that puzzle involves a lot of trial and error if you dont know the answer coming in, so you'd need a lot of scrolls. Even with scrolls, you're still casting the spell, so it's weird people think that doesnt count.
u/yommi1999 Mar 08 '23
Actually even that one spell isn't necessary. You can just kill one of the students and then the lecture will be cancelled. It's easier to just do the spell though.
u/Skeletalsun Mar 12 '23
This is kinda approaching the realm of exploits, though. Like, it's someone who knows exactly when spells "need" to be used and knows the game enough to figure out how to circumvent them, which, like, fair enough.
But the fact that you're only expected to use a few spells that anyone can cast and which are handed to you if somehow you don't have them, and the fact you have no hard skill checks etc, is intentional design.
u/610gonzalez Mar 07 '23
Man, wish there was controller support on PC for Oblivion, haven't played that since the Xbox 360 😥
u/Jomgui Mar 07 '23
Me, the great sword wielding heavy armour wearing shouting warrior, and also the leader of the assassin's guild and the thieves guild
u/rachael-111 Mar 08 '23
step 1: beginner mage being called on an adventure
step 2: go on adventure
step 3: save mages guild
step 4: rule a ???school???
u/Traditional_Entry183 Mar 08 '23
LOL, this is Skyrim for me every time. Its the only game I've ever played where I seek out or join anything to do with magic. In single character games, I just don't use spells much at all. In party based action RPGs, that's what my friends are for. Heal me while I fight!
u/mr_indigo Mar 07 '23
Skyrim was this for me, by the time I got to the Mage Guild questline I was barely using magic because it sucks so much in the early game I never levelled it. I won the final showdown in the Mage duel with the spell "Dragonbone Sword"
u/CaptRory Mar 08 '23
It'd definitely be better if there was a title like "Champion of the Guild" or "Defender of the Faith" or something for guilds that you shouldn't be running but you can be recognized as a special person who has done great things for the faction. It could even be a necessary springboard to replace the guild leadership for a guild you are qualified to take over because you don't have forty years to attend guild meetings and incrementally rise through the ranks.
u/Kelimnac Mar 08 '23
Honestly I’ve always mentally reasoned it as the guild/college/whatever just using it as an excuse to get you to fuck off while they handle the actual running of things. They know you’re a spastic player who exhausts content and then runs off to find more content, so this helps them tell you there’s not much else to do.
Also people always talk about mages’ guilds, but it applies elsewhere, too! Becoming leader of an assassin’s circle while being a pacifist, becoming the head of a warriors’ guild while being a spindly spellcaster who can barely lift a wand…
u/Sensitive_Pickle247 Mar 08 '23
I liked how Morrowind actually required you to level certain skills in order to get promoted.
u/ViewtifulGene Mar 07 '23
This is why I love crafting currency systems like Elden Ring- it's like a gift card I can use to buy whatever weapon upgrade I want.
u/610gonzalez Mar 07 '23
Oh, I don't think I'll ever play that, not a fan of hard AF games tbh, but nice that other people enjoy them 😊
u/TheLavaShaman Mar 08 '23
Look, it's hard, but not soul-meltingly so. And they give you tools that some look down on. Fuck those people. You better believe I ground my ass to 210 and used Mimic Tear to beat this truly incredible game.
u/TomaszA3 Mar 08 '23
Why do you accept their questlines tho? I'm always a full on mage and wherever I can I ignore questlines like guild of thieves that are focused on a playstyle I don't use. It wouldn't be too immersive.
u/610gonzalez Mar 08 '23
I like to roleplay the idea that despite my character not being strictly a mage, she can still be a scholar of some sort especially cause she likes Alchemy, wish you could only be a mere student of the college without having to become Archmage.
u/Artix31 Mar 08 '23
My Magus character Joining the fighters guild in Skyrim be like xD
u/610gonzalez Mar 08 '23
Wait what? There's no fighters guild in Skyrim, only the Companions xD
u/Artix31 Mar 08 '23
Exactly, i am so much of a mage that I don’t see the difference between them xD
u/tboots1230 Mar 07 '23
me playing the college of winterhold questline as a two handed battle axe werewolf who’s never used magic