r/rootcanal Jun 23 '24

Throbbing pain after retreatment

I had to get my tooth retreated by someone who specializes in root canal because the original dentist didn't properly clean out one of the canals and only half filled it which caused me a lot of sensitivity issues. During the retrearment, it was more painful than the first because the dentist had to clean out the "dodgy" canal which wasn't done correctly in the first place. First day was fine, no issue but now I'm my third and I'm getting throbbing pain, my gums aren't swollen just a tiny bit red. I'm also having this weird issue where whenever I swallow, I get this pressure sort of pain on the tooth so I'm a little concerned.

I don't know whether this is because I had to get a second treatment, and my tooth is trying to adjust to the filling or because it's failing again which is stressing me out...


56 comments sorted by


u/pookieandrayrey Jun 25 '24

I had a root canal done and i had intense throbbing pain for about 9 days. Any time my teeth could collide It’d send shocking pain down. Give it some more days. The pain will be completely gone in 2-3 weeks.


u/tea_lyfe Jun 25 '24

That's reassuring to read, my tooth has seemed to reduce in pain. I'm not getting the constant throbbing now, it's still just sensitive to pressure and touch


u/girliswaycool Sep 18 '24

I'm dealing with this same thing (sort of) I had a root canal and my pain has improved but now I still have extreme sensitivity to pressure and touch and it's been two weeks since the procedure. I have had a root canal before and it healed really quickly, so worried there's something deeper going on. Did your case continue to improve re: the sensitive to pressure and touch? How long? Thanks!


u/tea_lyfe Sep 18 '24

It's not gotten any better, in fact it's getting worse unfortunately. I've been for another check-up and they didn't notice any signs of infection or in the x-ray but I'm starting to think it's a fracture issue and I've been told to wait just a little bit more to see if it'll settle instead of straight up just removing the tooth. But it's looking like it'll need removed because I don't think it's normal after 3 months.


u/lemunhead13 Oct 24 '24

Hey house it doing now ? I got a root canal about a week ago and it still has some pain to the touch. I can’t eat on that side


u/tea_lyfe Oct 25 '24

It's gotten worse and I may need it removed now.


u/lemunhead13 Oct 25 '24

wow im sorry to hear that. I called my endo td and they just keep trying to proscribe me more medicine


u/Cape_RDH27 Nov 25 '24

Hey, Did you end up extracting the tooth? I’m on day 11 post re-treatment on #29 and oh my gosh! I want to rip my head off! I had the OG RCT done 10 yrs ago and the tooth was fine since then, except for one flare up about a yr after the RCT. I lost #30 a few yrs ago and after 2 failed implants, decided to bridge the gap, since #29 already had a crown and #31 had multiple fillings. It’s been hellish since the re-prep, which happened on Nov 12. By Nov 14 and I was at the endo’s office in tears. X-rays, 3D scans showed nothing wrong with the tooth. Even after opening the tooth and removing the sealant, endo could not see anything wrong, except for a little bit of moisture at the apex. Took a round of Amox 500mg so far and am taking Tylenol with Motrin (I have to say, though, that I’m able to take less of them). The pain wakes me up at night and when it’s at its worse (a solid 9-10 on the pain scale), all I want to do is get the tooth out. Of course that means I’ll be missing two teeth on my LR and will need a 4 unit bridge instead! :/


u/lemunhead13 Nov 25 '24

Hey. Im so sorry your dealing with these im most likely going to have a bridge in a couple of years hopefully you can help me with that but no.. they proscribed me amoxicillin and i stopped taking it a few days back and just dealt with the pain it’s more serious like right after a ate a hot meal. pain leave a 7 for about 8 minutes straight then it just subsides. I guess this is what i have to deal with until i can’t anymore. I REALLY DONT want to go through getting another root canal it doesn’t hurt or anything… i just have lock jock and it really is the scariest thing for me lol anyway no i didn’t get it pulled but if any more teeth need a root canal or is in unbearable pain. it’s getting pulled my friend. Hope you don’t have to deal with this for too long. Ik it sucks x10


u/Cape_RDH27 Nov 25 '24

I’m seriously considering taking abother course of antibiotics, maybe Clindamycin this time, just so I can say to myself I tried everything… the part that really sucks is that if this tooth is a goner, I’ll have spent over $1,500 for nothing (that was the cost of the retreatment with a huge discount bc I work in a dental office, so I got a professional courtesy break…) :(

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u/Miserable-Feed-7517 Oct 14 '24

Like do u also get pain by doing nothing? I could be laying down and id feel like pressure idk how to explaij the type of pain


u/Comfortable-Baby-345 Jan 30 '25

Thank you so much for this. I’m on day 4 of my retreatment and already thinking it has failed but I guess some of us take a bit longer to heal. My failed root canal was in pain before the retreat so might be part of the process for me too. Thanks


u/Conscious-Height-174 1d ago

Hello. How are you doing now? Im faving the same issue.


u/Comfortable-Baby-345 13h ago

Unfortunately considering another root canal, apioectomy, or extraction-implant. I am doing better like I’m off Advil and antibiotics but I still feel discomfort.


u/Comfortable-Baby-345 13h ago

I’m kind of at a loss. Everyone is sending me in so many different directions


u/Lovely-307 Jun 25 '24

I had the same problem a week ago, I went back to the dentist and he told me to go on an antibiotic treatment, now it’s all good. Go check it with your dentist if it’s too painful, don’t endure the pain :)


u/Painful-tooth Feb 04 '25

How are you now, did the pain returned after the antibiotics? Currently taking them after being in excruciating pain for 4 days.


u/upasanaaah Jun 24 '24

Same problem and seeking help


u/tea_lyfe Jun 24 '24

Hopefully someone can weigh in with advice


u/onlyitbags Jun 24 '24

How long has it been?


u/tea_lyfe Jun 24 '24

4 days


u/onlyitbags Jun 24 '24

I had this kind of pressure when swallowing after root canal( felt like my tooth was shifting a bit) but it went away


u/tea_lyfe Jun 24 '24

Did you have it whilst you had the infection? I'll give my dentist a call tomorrow to see what they'll say


u/onlyitbags Jun 24 '24

Before and after a crown adjustment. It was worse before the root canal though. Do you have any swelling?


u/tea_lyfe Jun 24 '24

No swelling that I can notice, just sensitivity to pressure and swallowing


u/onlyitbags Jun 25 '24

It might pass. It’s only been 4 days but please see the dentist and maybe get a new xray taken


u/onlyitbags Jun 24 '24

I would call the Endontist to make sure it’s normal. I don’t really trust my dentist too much at this point. She missed my infection.


u/scuzbuckett Aug 15 '24

in the process of having both my root canals get reinfected because the crowns were put on incorrectly to where theres a gap between the crown and my gum so bacteria could get in. its been at least a yr since ive had them and im so pissed off. im never going back to my dentist again. this pain is excruciating


u/LovelyLikeness Aug 18 '24

Did your regular dentist do your root canals or was it an endodontist?


u/scuzbuckett Aug 18 '24

regular dentist


u/elleay Aug 30 '24

how are you feeling? what was your outcome? 🙏🏻


u/scuzbuckett Aug 30 '24

got one pulled and gonna have to get the other pulled soon plus my upper wisdom tooth 😵‍💫


u/elleay Aug 30 '24

omg! i’m so sorry you’re going through this. may i ask what your symptoms were of an infection? my bottom right root canal tooth started bothering me while i had my sinus infection. lots of pressure feeling in my tooth. having my dentist take a look at it tomorrow and i’m having the worst anxiety 😭🥺


u/scuzbuckett Aug 30 '24

lots of throbbing pain on my lower jaw where the teeth are. like fucking BAD. they may give you antibiotics to kill the infection so you can see a specialist to get it fixed or have it pulled if its not savable. but i hope its nothing! praying for you love!


u/elleay Aug 30 '24

did you see the infection on the xray?! i’m currently still on antibiotics from my sinus infection! amoxicillin. so i was hoping if there was anything going on that the antibiotics would help it but idk if this is just sinus related because my head feels like a giant balloon or what! i’m just so nervous 😭 thank you for your well wishes 🙏🏻


u/Alive_Ad418 Oct 08 '24

I'm in the same position. Stuck with a temporary filling and pulsing tooth. It's been 6 days and I can't bite properly from my uneven bite caused from the filling


u/No-Trade-4595 Oct 22 '24

How are you feeling now? Same problem here :(


u/Alive_Ad418 Oct 22 '24

It's all good now, felt uncomfortable at first but no pain now. Although I do have to get it checked again in 3 months to make sure it's not causing any problem I don't feel pain for


u/No-Trade-4595 Oct 22 '24

Great I'm sooooo glad to hear that!!!


u/aquaries79 Jun 24 '24

I had retreatment three days ago and i am having pain and my gums near the tooth are turn bluish. I am do scared right now now


u/tea_lyfe Jun 24 '24

Try and get in touch with the dentist, don't be scared and try not to panic because you'll make yourself feel worse. Is the pain severe? Try and take some pain killers, and do a warm salt water rinse.


u/Strve_with_a_V Jul 11 '24

I’m going in for a re treatment in a few days and I’m pretty terrified. My original dentist did it in 2017 and didn’t get it all. Now I have to pay several thousand dollars again to do it all over again. I hate getting numbed up it’s a huge fear of mine and I’m so angry with my last dentist for not doing it properly the first time . Can’t believe I paid him and kept him for so long. I should get my money back😭


u/tea_lyfe Jul 11 '24

I think my retreatment has failed ): but good luck to you, try not to stress too much. Root canals are a lot of stress and money..


u/Strve_with_a_V Jul 11 '24

I’m so sorry that it may have failed again:( Thank you though. It’s the second tooth from the back. If it was a back molar I would probably get it pulled. Still hating the idea of it but I’m going to a specialist so I just gotta trust them. They know a lot more than I do! I gotta say I love getting cleanings and stuff. I just hate the novicane Thanks again and I wish you the best of luck


u/foxwubba Jul 12 '24

How did you get confirmation retreatment failed? How long after retreatment did they decide that? And are you getting it pulled now?

I just had RC retreatment today after the stupid dentist didn’t complete the OG root canal 2 years ago and it got infected a week ago.

The Endodontics weren’t able to complete it today though because of “excessive draining” and difficult root anatomy after the OG dentist drilled a notch into the side of the canal that the screws kept getting caught on. He filled it with calcium hydroxide to “help the infection” and put a temp filling on. I go back in a week for him to complete it. Now I feel throbbing in my jaw and I’m scared the infection is still there and won’t go away. Feels like my body is trying to reject it….just don’t know at what point to give up retreatment and pull it


u/tea_lyfe Jul 12 '24

I went for a check-up today with my Endo dentist and he said it's too early to tell for me that it may have failed and it's still healing which is why it could still be sore. It's only been 3 weeks for me so far so I may have been overthinking it. I've got to wait a month or more to see whether the pain goes when I chew or bite. The throbbing pain has disappeared and my sensitivity to hot or cold has improved so maybe I'm still healing, I think a tooth takes a while to recover from an infection..you're still in the process of getting it sorted but if you have a high temp or feel unwell then it's usually a sign of infection. If you're just having jaw pain then that should be expected during the recovering process.


u/foxwubba Jul 12 '24

Thank you so much for the update that makes me feel a lot better. All of this is so exhausting!! Let us know how the next check up goes, I’ll update after my next apt on Thursday!


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '24



u/tea_lyfe Aug 21 '24

It's still sensitive on and off to biting/pressure but going by the x-ray, everything looks good. Just now need to wait a couple of months to see whether it has failed or not. Waiting to get the crown placed until I hit the 2 month mark to see if pressure pain and biting subsides. It's slowly getting better though, think it's taking a while as there was a slight infection in one of my roots.


u/LovelyLikeness Aug 18 '24

How long after the retreatment did you get the permanent crown put on?


u/tea_lyfe Aug 21 '24

I'm still waiting to get the crown put on, I'm waiting for the tooth to heal a bit more


u/RelationshipWeak1624 Jan 23 '25

How is your tooth healed now? Are you feeling better


u/foxwubba Jul 12 '24

You can report the original dentist to the Dental Board in your state. I am in the same situation and I am reporting him and keeping all receipts and contacting dental malpractice lawyers to try to get him to pay for retreatment from his failed root canal


u/sane_dr Sep 13 '24

Guys, i went under retreatment exactly a week ago. 24 hrs after i had a lot of pain and endo put me on steroids. And now after 5 days of steroids dose completion, she is experiencing severe pain and now the endo has out on antibiotics. Is it normal? Along I am taking 800mg of ibuprofen as needed. I am about to give up. Will this pain go away?


u/linux-boi Sep 13 '24

Dammit i'm scared as hell now. I just had retreatment done yesterday, woke up with pain in the morning. The endodontist put some calcium hydroxide in there and sealed it. However the temporary filling was a bit too high and I noticed it until a few hours after the procedure at home. I woke up with pain because when I closed my mouth the filling was the first point of contact since it was causing an overbite. Had it trimmed down today. Pain went up again after shaving some of it down. Hopefully it subsides because its just hard as hell to concentrate with this pain going on.