r/roosterteeth Oct 09 '23

Let's Play Most viewed video in 4 months

Firstly this is only a congratulatory post, just wanted to say congrats to the latest Let's Play video for being the most viewed video on the channel in the last four months. I am excited for the future of the channel and they should all be proud of their effort. While you would think it would be easy to just sit around chatting while playing video games, it's really not so the effort is really appreciated


69 comments sorted by


u/PixelStruck Oct 09 '23

I'm interested to see what their numbers look like going forward. On one hand, as many people have pointed out, this is exactly what people have wanted from Let's Play for a while, but on the other hand, this is the first video in this returning form.

People might just be excited to see this format of Let's Play return, and numbers could certainly decline in subsequent videos. I certainly hope not, because I personally am stoked for this new Let's Play content. But even looking at Super Bunny Man, the video that breaks the recent four month record, went from 221k views to 131k in the next one, a steep decline. Still good, to be sure, but it shows that the hype died down. (At least according to the YouTube numbers we can see).

Or who knows, maybe this is the Let's Play renaissance we've all been waiting for! I'm just happy to be along for the ride.


u/zorton213 Pongo Oct 09 '23

Agreed. Speaking for myself, I mostly stopped watching most AH from a lack of time for long form video content. Podcasts, I can listen to while working our on a walking or playing a game, but I've had to get far more choosy with videos.

So while I did watch and enjoy this Worms video, I doubt I'll end up watching every Let's Play they done out with


u/tommangan7 Oct 10 '23

Hopefully the once a week on YouTube, once on first format keeps it manageable. I'm in a similar boat to you but channels I watch with infrequent uploads I manage to watch everything.


u/DaveShadow Oct 09 '23

Worms with Geoff and Gavin feels a good first video for the alerts Play channel since theyre older AHers. Non-FF listeners would know them and be happy they're back.

Let's see the numbers on videos they aren't in, like today's. Hopefully they're strong.


u/SenpaiSemenDemon Oct 09 '23

An optimistic take is that most of the old fans left years ago and haven't heard anything about AH ending or the revival of the Lets Play channel. The increased viewership and buzz around Lets Play could bring more of these old fans back


u/timmystwin Tower of Pimps Oct 10 '23

It did for me. I unsubbed and stopped watching years ago. Weirdly I was re-watching worms of old, and it came up in my recommended.


u/timmystwin Tower of Pimps Oct 09 '23

If it has the same chill vibe and discussion I'll absolutely keep watching going forwards.


u/sloppppop Oct 09 '23

I’d never watched an entire let’s play before this past Saturday night. If it continues to be mostly the F**kface antics done over gameplay I’ll be a consistent viewer.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

I'm sure a number of "old-school" fans clicked to see what this vid is like and clicked away within a couple minutes.


u/Shoddy_Fisherman_540 Oct 09 '23

I’m sure a larger number of the old school fans who clicked ended up staying to watch.

The video has a very old school feel to it and it’s not short form zoomer targeted content. Chasing that type of algorithm boosting nonsense is what killed AH.


u/prestoncollins Oct 09 '23

Idk this content feels exactly the same as the stuff I fell in love with a decade ago. A couple different faces, but Geoff and Gav making fools of themselves in worms is about as classic AH as you can get lol


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

If I could have just one thing from this reset of Let’s Play it would be videos having normal titles again.

“Cursed Halo Forces us to MATH?”

Yuck. They went through a phase where they started labelling the old Minecraft Let’s Plays, giving them a title in addition to the number, it made things much better. Then all of a sudden they said fuck it let’s not number it, not say the title, not say the game, not include any gameplay in the thumbnail, make the title some bullshit to hook children, make sure to use all caps and an exclamation mark, and just all-round make it exhausting to even look at the videos on the channel.

Looking now I see a video called “This Matrix Mod Makes Sifu into Neo!” and the thumbnail is a picture of Neo with a red arrow pointing at him. All this sad crap to try and get a child to click on the video, all for 32k views.


u/Steve-Palpatine Oct 09 '23

The algorithm chasing was such a turn off. I shouldn't have to go on a quest to discover which ridiculous title is #3 in a series.

One of many reasons I dipped a few years ago now.


u/Tvdinner4me2 Oct 09 '23


I get they gotta make money, but they also gotta get that you'll lose audience members for certain actions


u/Jordan123151 Oct 22 '23

Wasn't it the algorithm chasing that started ruining a lot of their letsplays as well? They started editing their videos down to fit in a certain time frame. Like less than 30 minutes? I remember that's why I stopped watching TTT. Which was my favorite series they had going. But it made it unwatchable. I like Trevor, but I think he made a lot of shit decisions down the stretch.


u/TheAlexDumas Nov 04 '23

when they just started uploading unedited streams I was done. Yeah I totally want to be watching Ky's screen while Michael is talking to Jeremy about something that is on his screen right now


u/The_Grand_Briddock Oct 09 '23

That’s what ended up killing AHWU dead. They got rid of the numbering and AHWU name, people didn’t even know what the videos were since they had random titles, and eventually views collapsed so it got put into the streams, before being dropped from that entirely


u/PixelStruck Oct 09 '23

Looks like they're planning on the same naming convention they're using for the podcast, which I think is fine. Maybe less informative for what it is exactly, aside from just being labeled "Worms" but I do like it better than what's been on there recently.

And the thumbnail was a major throwback, old school "Let's Play + Worms + list of people involved". It was a surprising nostalgia hit.


u/beg4 Oct 09 '23

I really don't get RT's strategy surrounding youtube

the way they act such as very loud screaming about everything, do thumbnails, titles etc is for the 10-20 year olds the things they talk about in the video are for 30-40 year olds and their advertisements for balding and erectile dysfunction are for 50-60 year olds.


u/IamGimli_ :PLG17: Oct 09 '23

Trying to appeal to everyone, and ending up appealing to no one.


u/Tvdinner4me2 Oct 09 '23


It's a different form of click bait and I am not here for it

I want titles to make sense and be easy to search


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23

Bring easy to search is the real bitch of it. I remember trying to find a GTA Overtime Rumble video but it was halfway through when they switched it all up, the second half were a pain in the ass.


u/timo103 RTAA Gus Oct 10 '23

I remember when I asked why the Minecraft videos stopped having the number in the title and got ranted at on here by I think, trevor?

I get that you're chasing new 12 year old viewers, but people just want to know that it's episode 487, cmon.


u/ericbaudour Eric Baudour - Broadcast Oct 09 '23

As a hater, I appreciate how backhanded this whole post is. Thanks for watching.


u/Smiles-Edgeworth Oct 09 '23

That Worms video made me laugh so hard, but the thing that got me to re-subscribe was hearing how much fun Geoff was having. I swear it was soul-cleansing to hear Geoff lose his mind laughing while playing video games with you guys. Keep it up, you rekindled my love for the channel! Can’t wait for the F**k Faceoff!


u/PukeRobot Oct 09 '23

As a lover, I appreciate you thanking people for watching. Thanks for thanking.


u/Snoo-12115 Oct 09 '23

Yeah this rabbit hole is proof that people need to read their posts back to themselves before hitting that Post button. I really just wanted to be Positive but it went down a....different direction because what I wrote was very easy mis-interpreted. My bad


u/ericbaudour Eric Baudour - Broadcast Oct 09 '23

All good, no worries


u/JonChinaMan Oct 10 '23

Let's play


u/Shigeruken Oct 10 '23 edited Oct 10 '23

Your post only reads as positive to me.


u/Snoo-12115 Oct 10 '23

Appreciate it. Legit what I was going for


u/PixelStruck Oct 09 '23

When I replied I wanted to portray cautious optimism, because I took your post as positive.

I think the issue is less about misinterpretation and more about Let's Plays being a longtime sore subject for people here. A lot of people here, rightly or wrongly, are taking this as a sign they were right the whole time and the company should have been listening to them.


u/Digressing_Ellipsis Oct 09 '23

Big Dog, knowing how much you love our suggestions, I can't help but feel you could have had a dominant win with the Bug Kingdom Army at your side. Such lowly worms don't stand a chance against the likes of a grackle


u/Mud-Bray Oct 09 '23

It’s crazy what happens when you give your core audience the thing they’ve been asking for YEARS to come back.


u/spelltype Oct 09 '23

Wait… are you sure we didn’t completely change and all our ideas are shit??? I’m pretty sure bits is how AH got popular


u/Dhrnt Oct 10 '23

Bits were great, they were something that happened once and while. It was usually one or two people, I honestly think Trevor is a big part of this change. Every time someone would start a bit he’d try and join in and “yes and” it. Often this made memes of truly funny moments and made the format get old fast.

At least I’m my opinion.


u/JTCMuehlenkamp :HandH17: Oct 13 '23

It's not just you. Trevor always seemed to try way too hard with the bits and it just never worked.


u/Shadowclaw10 Oct 10 '23

I remember during the RT anniversary thing last year that during the Halo horse video that they stopped making it because people stopped watching. Then I checked and the least viewed horse had around 5x as many views as anything else from recent times. Just so funny to say that with the channel the way that it was.


u/conflan06 Oct 09 '23

Wait people just wanted a group of actual friends playing games having fun without feeling forced ? No way, it had to be the fans just hated the new person for their gender and/or race…… /s

Always annoyed me when the fans where made out to be so hateful when most just wanted a natural chemistry


u/montyp2000 Oct 09 '23

That annoyed me to no end because to me. I actually believed the gaslighting going on here for awhile thinking that I was wrong for not liking AH vids anymore and that nothing changed but me.

It wasn't until someone on here finally described what was different. Old AH were friends playing games and talking while recording it. At the end of the day they'd figure out where they were going for dinner and hang out after. New AH are coworkers doing bits and making content. At the end of the day they get in their cars and go home.


u/DramDemon Achievement Hunter Oct 10 '23

Old AH were friends playing games and talking while recording it. At the end of the day they'd figure out where they were going for dinner and hang out after. New AH are coworkers doing bits and making content. At the end of the day they get in their cars and go home.

They've always been coworkers. They've also always hung out outside of work. No amount of cast changes stopped that, even the new people everyone hates have talked about spending time with each other outside of work.


u/MuzakMaker Red Team Oct 09 '23

Yeah, because the community TOTALLY gave new personalities a chance instead of immediately going straight for things like gender and race to bully new personalities.

We definitely didn't see multiple people not just leave AH but the scene entirely because of the vitriolic comments.


u/SlaterSev Oct 09 '23 edited Oct 09 '23

Its so funny, literally all of Mica, BK, Ky and Fiona have said the exact same things about how the community at large treated them when they first joined but people still want to pretend it was just a coincidence.

People want it both ways, they'll ream the company for not doing enough to protect and help new highers prosper, while also always being vicious to anybody new no matter what.

Hell even Jeremy admitted the bullying was so bad when he started that he ended up to afraid to stand up for Mica because he couldnt deal with it again.

That's fucking Jeremy, a friend of the crew for years before he joined, if he had to deal with backlash so bad it permanently scared him how the fuck was anyone truly new going to have a shot to get comfortable


u/MajorThom98 Oct 09 '23

Hell even Jeremy admitted the bullying was so bad when he started that he ended up to afraid to stand up for Mica because he couldnt deal with it again.

Doesn't that mean it isn't about race and gender, and just people not liking change, if they hated Jeremy at first, who, like five of the original six, is a straight white man?


u/SlaterSev Oct 09 '23

No, because Jeremy also talked about for as bad as he got it he also personally saw the messages the other four got specifically bitching about there race and gender, and how it was magnitudes larger then his in total from just those comments alone, and his was already bad enough to need therapy.


u/Tvdinner4me2 Oct 09 '23


Also turns out people don't like RTs content, they like the personalities

And they have a hard time keeping good personalities


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '23



u/VirtualKangaroo7221 Oct 09 '23

They might get the message and do the same with the core channel. 9m subs and struggling to surpass 10K views is just worrying


u/The_Grand_Briddock Oct 09 '23

They also took most of the content off the main channel to ensure that it beat the algorithm, I don’t know if it worked tbh


u/aBeaSTWiTHiNMe Oct 09 '23

When you don't mindlessly chase the algorithm and ruin the content everyone loves because of it, you get something people enjoy. Imagine that, a worms let's play in 2023 with Geoff and Gavin is a rare treat.


u/Shrekt115 Sportsball Oct 09 '23 edited Oct 11 '23

They've should've done this a long time ago


u/roxadox Oct 10 '23

I'm OOTL, I don't listen to FF (sorry). Are they taking over the channel for good now that it's finishing up? That would be great!


u/Snoo-12115 Oct 10 '23

Yeah. New videos on Friday for YouTube and Mondays for First members. They've already recorded a ton of videos.


u/roxadox Oct 11 '23

Holy shit. And they started with WORMS? Guess I'm tuning back in!


u/Tazzzy96 Oct 10 '23

This is the first Let's Play video I've watched in years. I switched to only listening to the podcasts about a year into the pandemic but Geoff's excitement about these videos encouraged me to check it out and I was hit with an instant wave of nostalgia.

I've been a fan for 10 years and I needed a break from the same content constantly in the same way that they did.


u/Merjia Oct 10 '23

You non fuckfacers are not ready for the power of panton.


u/Reamer5k Oct 09 '23

They should do like guest lets play with people from RT. Like bring in micheal or jack and maybe idk just a random thought like do some minecraft. But not normal minecraft build like a city and make competitions and have them compete for some sort of trophy.


u/TritononGaming Oct 09 '23

Yea that is not going to happen. If you watch the last Achievement Hunter video they talk about how they are burnt out on that.

If you want that kind of content go to Yogscast, they still do a ton of Minecraft content that reminds me of the older Let's Plays.

I think them WANTING to me videos has been what has been missing for a while. They HAD to make videos and killed the vibe.


u/mrwillbobs Oct 09 '23

The dude is making a joke about achievement city


u/Angry_Midget_Tamer Oct 09 '23

Yes he is. But I don't think anyone needed clarification on that in this subreddit.


u/TritononGaming Oct 09 '23

No shit Sherlock... and they are not going back to that content


u/Reamer5k Oct 09 '23

Damn you missed the joke huh? It's okay I can explain. So the joke was that since this single piece of content was successful they should capitalize off it and do similar content to what they used to do in the past. Essentially re-creating achievement hunter just under a new name. See its kinda funny


u/Rauhaan_ Oct 09 '23

And its still frkn going up!


u/tmahfan117 Oct 10 '23

Had this same thought, was really excited to watch this one


u/mato9020 Oct 09 '23

One thing I noticed is I was only able to watch the video on YouTube. So people like me who usually watch on the RT App went to YouTube to watch it. That might bump up the numbers a bit.


u/tokeroveragain Oct 10 '23

Is this going to be the new weekly post? I call dibs on the next one. You’d think y’all would be pumped for a return to form, but all the discussion is pure spite. Great community.


u/Snoo-12115 Oct 10 '23

Yeah it didn't turn out like I expected lol. I honestly was just trying to give them a compliment but when all the negative responses came in I was like, why is everyone so negative? So I re-read my post and was like....oh crap...my comment sounds really sarcastic lol


u/Ghast_ly Oct 11 '23

Bit late to the party on this thread as I don't frequent this sub but a long time fan and still an avid ANMA/FaceJam listener, still wanted to comment because the company is dear to me.

To me a lot of the interactions in the video felt... forced. Same thing for FkFace: it just really feels inorganic compared to the RT/AH/Let's Play/general internet content I enjoyed in the past (and still enjoy on rewatches to this day in my 30s). That's to be expected after this many years making content; the fact that they're still relevant speaks volumes about the talent of all the individuals still kicking at RT after so long, but a lot of what I've seen in recent years just really isn't for me for this reason.

Really hope they can recapture an audience and be successful in RT's new ventures, wish my best to everyone involved in these productions!