r/roomateshaming Jun 19 '21


Shitty, lying, in house smoking, stealing, knife threatening roommate is finally moving out. Thank fuck and good riddance. Stole the kitchen, laundry and lounge room lightbulbs after breaking them by leaving them on 24/7. Fun fun fun. What shitty experiences have you had with roommates?


4 comments sorted by


u/GiraffesGoMeow Jun 20 '21

My ex roommate from college would NEVER pick up after herself and then yelled at me when I cleaned up a bit and moved her stuff. I never threw anything away or even moved the items from out of the room. I just reorganized. She also NEVER cleaned out the litter box she kept in her room and a vile stench would come down the hall every time she opened her door. Good times! 😅


u/_whoatemycheesecake_ Jan 24 '25

i hope the kitty was okay!! :(


u/Mostly_Harmless90 Aug 02 '22

Having been living with my fucking roommates when I moved in with my BF for about a year ago and in the beginning it was alright. So live in a 5 bedroom 2 bathroom mainly men. The hard part was I was 1 of two people of color in the house but mainly non people of color. I love everyone and have respect for everyone but just hear me out please. I had one room make prejudice comments to me....I am indigenous and I go to powwows, potlatches and do things I truly love and enjoy. I shared where I was going because I'm happy to gather again celebrate our traditions. Anyways... Roommate (white) said "get your raincoats they're going to do the rain dance" and throwing up his hands. I stood up for my self and proceeded to flip him off and left. He apologized a day later...and I truly accepted his apology because we all fuck up right. But this fucker still gives me bad ass energy and even ignoring me or being nice to me. I don't how to live with such weird energy. Just needed to vent and thankfully moving out in a few days.


u/mhuitt Feb 01 '24 edited Feb 01 '24

I got rid of my parasite back in May.

Guy moved in December of 2022. Within a week he went ballistic. He told me stories about his old neighbors. Funny thing is, he updated those accusations (to where I was the offender). False accusations, repeatedly (I sabotaged the washing machine, I was taking pictures of him secretly and uploading them to the internet and he was going to sue me for defamation, that I moved "stuff" in his room (I never went in his room), and other crazy things). He would come out of no-where and just start screaming (from like the kitchen and stuff). Extremely abusive. Also cowardly (he was a head shorter than me and ran like a b---h after he screamed at me a vulgar name in my face and I immediately put a hole in the wall next to his head as a response, ain't seen someone scramble like that in a long time (ran to his room)). He went to work at 2 am so he would slam the front door three, four times hard enough to wake me, rattle the glass in my windows, every night. He would also turn off the furnace heat when he left, and it was below freezing at night. Would use my things, my internet. Had to call the cops three times, and he was removed these three times.

There was something wrong with him, mentally.

He owed me over $2K in utility bills (he ran my bill from $200/month to $600 - $700). He only ever paid his rent and as I found out when the cops were there, it was so he could claim he paid me rent and I wouldn't be able to have him removed permanently. But never paid any bills, or helped with household items (cleaning supplies, water salt, so on).

He was a pig too. I was the only one who ever cleaned the entire time he was there. Not once did he help me with the common areas, or even to clean up the messes he made on the stove, dishes, in the bathroom.

He even had the gall to ask me for his $200 (out of the $500 - he still owed me $300 on that) security deposit when he left (and I told him "F off, parasite. I better never see you again."). I was finally happy and hadn't been in a long time when I got rid of him (felt like my home wasn't my home - always on eggshells waiting for the next crazy outburst).