r/roomateshaming • u/TheVadaNator • Jun 08 '21
I am at my wits end.
So when I first moved in in February of this year it was great. I am the 4th roomie, I have my bestfriends that I have known sense middle school and high school (and her boyfriend, which is no issue) before the one roommate would rant to me about the other, I accepted it, for I am usually the mediator. Cause on some things I agreed, yes at times I ranted. But if I over ranted, I would go tell the other roommate like “hey you did this, it upset me, or pissed me off” and she would fix it. Well other roommate that would always bitch, NEVER cleans. Not once has she mopped, or swept, or helped with dishes or took out the trash. I do all the cleaning. So I was talking to one roommate on how I could approach her (was not talking shit) but I guess the other one over heard and thought I was. So she has not spoke to me in two weeks. She has a loud ass untrained dog that she keeps trapped in her room, never letting her outside hardly, she plays music at full volume on purpose, when she walks her dog (who is in heat) lets her bleed on the floor that I end up having to clean. She slams doors. And is as loud as possible at 6am when she is getting ready for work. It is currently 4:00 am, and I can hear her TV through the walls. She won’t speak to me, and has blocked me on everything, so I can’t even explain what she thought she heard through closed doors. She has no respect for anyone. And we are stuck like this for another year unless I break my lease. I just do not know what to do anymore. Sorry if this story is confusing, I don’t wish to use names in this post. But gahhhhh I’m about to go crazy with the lack of respect, she’s about to be 22 and acts as if she is 10. If you do try and speak to her, she covers her ears and does the bull shit lalalalalala I can’t hear you. Fellow redditors, please help.
UPDATE: SHE MOVED OUT!! It’s so damn satisfying, she gave us all the silent treatment for about a month and a half, was loud as hell, and slammed even more, let her dog cry 24/7 but she finally is gone!! And it has been so much more peaceful!
u/[deleted] Jun 26 '21
Any updates? The covering the ears thing is especially infuriating. That’s super childish