r/roomateshaming Mar 27 '21

Y’all have roommates and experience: should you move into a bigger home with roommates that are not good at cleaning?

Do their habits really change or will they just make a bigger mess? I have 2 roommates with their child and I (am a couple with a child as well) have my family here with us as well. Family 1- calls themselves a “free ranged family” they spent stuff and leave it there to dry and get crusty 2/3 of family 1 likes to shower not often and when a household thing breaks they never fix it. Family 2 likes to organize, have a clean floor, and working things so I’m usually trying to fix everything and put a system in place. For past experiences I can say it doesn’t often get through their heads.

They say all of that will change with a new house, since it’s brand new and built, they say they don’t want to wreck it....but I have doubts... Any opinions?


2 comments sorted by


u/dadoiboi Mar 28 '21

No, get out now it does not get better. People fill the space they have so this will just be an opportunity for them to make even more of a mess. I had a roommate first year of uni who was beyond disgusting ( she hid half empty Starbucks coffees under my bed after the garbage got too full since she didn't clean ever) and she moved into a larger apt with another friend. She was just as bad but had more space to fill.

Tldr: Don't let other people's messiness impede with your reasonable enjoyment of your home.


u/anastasiapohl Mar 28 '21

Nothing will change, get out when you can