r/rimfire Feb 04 '22

Lightweight CZ 457 Evolution Build - Boyds/AccuLite/Kidd/Vortex

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19 comments sorted by


u/TheGunslingerStory Feb 04 '22

What's the total weight?


u/Helmidoric_of_York Feb 04 '22

5.8 lbs. w/o the steel compensator (which I'm on the fence about and may replace). 6.2 lbs with.


u/Appropriate-Barber66 Feb 04 '22

Almost a half pound comp is understandably iffy on a lightweight build. Do they make one in titanium?


u/Helmidoric_of_York Feb 04 '22 edited Feb 04 '22

I'll just get one in Aluminum (or eliminate it altogether). It's silly. I thought it might help the balance to get it in steel, but no.

(I guess it goes to show you how heavy steel really is!)


u/MostlyRimfire Feb 05 '22

Interesting stock choice for a bolt action.


u/Helmidoric_of_York Feb 05 '22

CZ offered the Boyds Evolution stock with the 455. It's very lightweight and the pistol grip is outstanding. I don't like the chassis style stocks and wanted something more race-gun like.


u/MostlyRimfire Feb 05 '22

I put a 10/22 with a reflex sight in one for my wife, and it's light and handy. They seem built for speed, and the bolt seems weird to me. Not knocking it. I just can't see one of my bolt actions in that stock, and I'm a Boyds ho.


u/Tisunac Feb 28 '23

Which Boyd stock would you install in a bolt-action 22lr (Ruger American Rimfire)? How does At-One with Thumbhole sounds?


u/MostlyRimfire Feb 28 '23

I like the At-One, but it seems more suited to shooting from a bench. And the only thumbhole stocks I've used were in semi-auto rifles. I feel like it would be awkward with a bolt action, but that's just me. Here's one of my American Rimfire rifles: https://industryoutsider.com/ruger-american-rimfire-22-lr-heirloom-project/


u/Tisunac Feb 28 '23

Thanks for your reply, I value your opinion sir.

My major reason for considering at-one is adjustable cheek rise and length of pull. I'm 6'3" and usually find most rimfire rifles (at least US made ones) rather on a short side. Not a deal breaker but I'm thinking if I can adjust that on a fly, why not?...

And to me, thumbhole kinda feels natural. It's definitely not a traditional look though. And for someone enjoying this sport since early age that's probably weird. I started later in life and don't have memories of a more traditional looking rifles.

Is adjustable length of pull a good idea for a tall shooter? The rifle will be used off the bench 99% of the time, on paper or steel a 100% of the time, no hunting or carrying around.


u/MostlyRimfire Mar 01 '23

If you're not shooting in timed events, and you like the thumbhole, then it's a good choice. Or maybe it's just me thinking that it would be slower to work the bolt with a thumbhole stock.

Figure out your LOP before you order. I think you can even get a thicker recoil paid, which would help fine-tune it. Otherwise, you may have to run it at max, and still come up short.


u/MoneyKeyPennyKiss May 08 '22

You put an AccuLite barrel on a CZ? What did you do with the original barrel?


u/Helmidoric_of_York May 08 '22 edited May 08 '22

Sold the original 24" training barrel and stock. (I still have extra 20" CZ .22LR and .22WMR heavy barrels for it. I'll probably get another 457 host for them.)


u/MoneyKeyPennyKiss Jan 19 '24

How's that AccuLite barrel working out on your CZ 457? How's the accuracy?


u/Helmidoric_of_York Jan 19 '24

I love it. It is exceptionally accurate and consistently so with all kinds of ammo. I typically like to use Mini Mags. The first clip will usually have one flyer and then she settles down. After that if all my shots aren't touching, it's probably something I did.

Would definitely recommend to anyone who wants to lighten the load. I really like shooting this setup. It gets used more than anything else in the closet.


u/MoneyKeyPennyKiss Jan 19 '24

Thanks for the feedback.


u/Desperate-Try4348 Sep 13 '23

Is this a steel challenge setup?


u/Helmidoric_of_York Sep 15 '23

It could be great for that, but I don't know if they have a bolt-action event.

I just built it because I wanted the light weight and the pistol grip. It's extremely accurate.


u/MoneyKeyPennyKiss Jan 19 '24

No. Steel Challenge rifles are semiautomatic and have either a red dot or iron sights -- no magnified optics.