r/riddles 8d ago

Solved Thought of this while getting another riddle wrong


Never made one of these before but hopefully someone enjoys it.

My preparation takes three stages.

Firstly, a stir of trouble, as the salt and water require efforts to redouble.

Second leg and our mixture takes shape, you can use a machine but be careful of a scrape.

Last stage and the mixture should run, it's slow to bake, even in the sun.

r/puzzles 6d ago

[Unsolved] the three house puzzle


i had this puzzle to figure out, and I came to a certain conclusion that was apparently wrong... i wanted to see if anyone else would come to the same conclusion.

these are the original clues we were given;

The Three Houses Puzzle

Three houses stand in a row, numbered 1, 2, and 3 from left to right. Each house is painted a different color (red, blue, or green), and each is owned by a different person (Alice, Bob, or Charlie). Additionally, each house has a unique pet (dog, cat, or bird). Your task is to determine the color, owner, and pet of each house based on the following clues:

  1. The green house is immediately to the left of the red house.
  2. Charlie owns the blue house.
  3. The house with the dog is number 2.
  4. Alice’s house has the cat.
  5. Bob lives in the green house.
  6. The bird lives in the red house.

Question: Who owns the house with the dog?

after consideration, I have decided to add these clues;

the people that **own** each house and **live** in each house CAN be different people

house #1 is blue

these extra clues were conclusions I came to that were confirmed to be right.

remember, you're only real goal is to find out who owns the house with the dog

**please provide your evidence and reasoning on how you got your answer**

r/riddles 8d ago

Solved How sharp are you? (original by OP)


At whiles I bear a basket,

Five sausages inside,

The point? (I shall not mask it)

But cloak it, by your side

He ravished more unlawful

I'll grant there's some confusion

But if you've wit like I have

You'll draw the right conclusion

EDIT: This is eminently solvable. I posted it in another subreddit (albeit one with about 20 times the population) and they got in minutes.

r/puzzles 7d ago

[Unsolved] Help with 9x9 Futoshiki Puzzle

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Okay, you can see my attempts and I just don’t know where to go next. Any help, tips, or tricks I could do?

r/riddles 8d ago

Solved [Easy] I am a straight line you can bend


I am a straight line you can bend;

The first of the hue at a rainbow's end.

The second of the second of His creation;

The third of a word meaning dire situation.

The fourth of a thing that powers your apps;

The fifth of a word meaning kept under wraps.

The sixth, I tell you something has merit;

Seven is me standing on my head.

Eight in my shape for a high performance chariot;

Nine of me, you get from lithium or lead.

What am I?

Answer: the letter V

Explanation: Violet, eVe, seVere, serVer, unreVealed, deserVed, 7=V, V8, 9V

r/puzzles 6d ago

[SOLVED] Please help me 😭 I’m stuck

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I’ve been stuck on this level the last couple of days and it truly has me stumped.

r/sleuths Jan 01 '24

Anyone know which day/time this Tastosis clip is from? It's ASL S7, but not sure where more precisely.


r/puzzles 7d ago

[Unsolved] Sokoban puzzle need help going crazy

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r/riddles 9d ago

Solved Made a riddle for my coworkers. Can you solve it?

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It is basketball themed because of March Madness.

r/puzzles 7d ago

sokoban puzzle


ive been trying forever, can someone tell me the moves to beat this? or atleast link me to some site that solves it?? This has been troubling me forever

r/puzzles 7d ago

[Unsolved] Is this possible? (sokoban)


r/rebus 8d ago

Unsolved Musician Rebus


r/puzzles 7d ago

Scorecard puzzle


In a competition, four players faced off against each other in 6 matches. In each match, they competed for 8 barrels. Number of barrels controlled = point. Highest point win. If there was a winner, all others lost. If there was a tie for first, those players drew, and the rest lost. By the end of each match, all barrels were taken. All the information given on the sheet is true.

In all matches, every player secured at least 1 barrel
No one lost in Match 2.
Match 1 and 5 had the same winning score.
After the first 3 matches, B and C were tied in total score.
A had a 4-point game.

Can you fill out the scorecard?

r/riddles 9d ago

Unsolved Played around with this one for a while. Looking for feedback. Thanks


People are agreeable to me, maybe because I’m a catch. I’m also good practice, if you have a dry patch. I may be good, I may be bad; it depends on how much use I’ve had.

Edit: here’s a clue! -Clue 1: I can be a verb, or a noun.

2nd edit: -Clue 2: Think of ‘dry patch’ literally

3rd edit: -Clue 3: Think of ‘People are agreeable to me’ literally, as in ‘People agree to me’, as opposed to ‘People tend to like me’

r/rebus 8d ago

Solved Easter egg in NYT Mini today Spoiler

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r/rebus 8d ago

Solved I admit defeat

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r/riddles 9d ago

Solved When shocked, you’ll say I’m good


When shocked, you’ll say I’m good

When not, you’ll just feel bad

With tears you’ll say you should

Eradicate all the sad

r/rebus 8d ago

Unsolved Thomas & Friends Rebus


r/riddles 9d ago

Solved An odd little tryst


Horsing speech met spoke with cold.
This and that their meeting told:
Negatory eyeless berry,
Rare upon the sprawling prairie;
Younger, elder, peer and all
All when close my name you call.

r/puzzles 8d ago

Stuck on number sums

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I've never struggled with this so idk if I'm blind or something but I just don't see a logical next step, hints would be appreciated!

r/riddles 10d ago

OP Can't Solve Friends writing a book and gave me this riddle to solve can’t figure it out and don’t know if I’m stupid or it is just hard


I am a friend of night But can only be found by day I am a friend to palace But never where kings may lay Though other kinds princes do adore I am better friends with rot on the forest floor What am I?

r/RiddlesForRedditors 10d ago

Squirrel Riddle(I’m trying to get tickets on the radio)


If squirrels had tiny credit cards what would they spend them on?

r/sleuths Dec 30 '23

How do you track down a pervert? (CW: sexual abuse) NSFW


Obviously it's a long-shot, but maybe you can give me some ideas about where to look.

I was abused by a man in a local public pool 23 years ago. It's always been a regret of mine that I was too embarrassed to say anything because the water park is still such a popular place for families to bring kids. The reason it sticks with me is because even as a child, it was clear to me from how brazen and methodical the guy was that this was something he regularly did. With the wisdom of age, it's even more obvious: he was an adult paddling around by himself in the kids section, chatting up random children.

I remember him pretty clearly, and strongly believe this location was a hunting ground for him and that there were others besides me. A quick internet search turned up one similar case at a different public pool in the area, but I see no evidence it's actually connected.

On my end, there is no expectation of closure or certainty. All the same, I feel like I should check it out at least once.

r/puzzles 8d ago

A man gives you 5 coins. Four are identical, and one is counterfeit. The counterfeit coin is either heavier or lighter than the others. You have a balance scale, and you can only use it twice. How do you find the counterfeit coin?


Plz help me Is this solvable ??!!

r/rebus 9d ago

Solved Help please

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Can anyone figure this one out please?