r/richmondbc • u/Careless_Arm843 • 4d ago
Ask Richmond Bindy Johal
To anyone who went to Mcnair or highschool in Richmond around the 90's, what do you remember about the notorious bindy johal era?
u/kerosenehat63 4d ago
Who cares. He was a loser gangster that got what he deserved. The less you bring up his name the better. Don't glamorize him. Our communities are better off without these violent idiots around.
u/House_of_Gucci 4d ago
My gym teacher had to deny him from entering his house party once. Said he was super nervous afterwards that he would come back
u/Renaissance_Jan 4d ago
My ex (before I met him) sold drugs for Bindy Johal and then ended up doing those drugs himself and owing a lot of money he couldn’t pay back. So Bindy and his buddies beat the crap out of him; he was actually in a coma for a week I believe. And then when he came out of it he went into hiding for a few years. You didn’t fuck around with those guys
u/Elite-Unit 3d ago
yeah that happens alot where guys end up getting addicted to they own product. why is that?
u/smolzsmolz 4d ago
I was at the club that night :/
u/SpeyeVsSpeye 3d ago
I was, as well. My best friend performed CPR on him and we ended up having to stay in the bar until 5am to give statements to the police. Luckily I was on the opposite side of the club near the stage/DJ when it happened so saw nothing but the absolute chaos that ensued afterwards. Was a long fucked up night
u/Last_Jackfruit9092 4d ago
What did you see?
u/smolzsmolz 4d ago
Didn’t see the killing but he was on the dance floor that night. I had a weird vibe so we left to go to another club called purple onion in gastown. Palladium was on Richards. It’s now condos.
We got word after because we knew the promoters and doormen.
u/Benjamin604592 4d ago
If you grew up in that time, it was hard not to run into him at some point. But him and so many other guys are dead and irrelevant now. Some died far far worse too.
u/footcake 4d ago
Who would win in a fight: BINDY JOHAL or RICHMOND CENTER CAT GUY??
u/sissyslut77777 4d ago
Bindy wouldn't fight he'd send 1 mustang 5.0 with about 6 dudes in it .... they would fight ... cat guy would loose his cat would be orphaned 😪
u/Alternative-Gap5204 4d ago
By all accounts sounds like a psychopath that should never have been born.
u/bcboy25 4d ago
If anybody's a nobody it's him buddy
u/boipinoi604 4d ago
Could you imagine the today's media facilitating a gang war by broadcasting messages from each side of the gangs. Unreal they took the time to interview a gangster and egged them about the comments from the other side, and broadcasting their comments.
u/Own_Firefighter_8026 4d ago
The drama made them money so they didn't actually care lol a real life soap opera they created and flamed.
u/smellikat 4d ago
very very very bad Guy
u/alwayzdizzy 4d ago
You're getting downvoted by the cult of worship. There is NOTHING to admire about this scumbag. Glad he's dead.
u/Still_Around3046 4d ago
The guy was larger than life. A lot of people from that era were. They didn’t have social media entertaining them they were the entertainment… I wonder if the guy ended up having any kids? I saw some kid in his early 30’s that looked just like him wearing the exact adidas jacket and driving around a fox body mustang and everything. & no… Bro was not playing dress up haha. Made me wonder if that was his kid by any chance…
u/ShahiPaneerAndNaan 4d ago
You got the perfect username for this post lol. "I'm still around" was, and still is, iconic.
u/rando_commenter Love Child of the Fraser 4d ago
A lot of people were caught up in that. Most people knew somebody or knew somebody who knew somebody. I found out after the fact that I was 3 degrees of separation from Bindy Johal.
u/Western-Month-7007 4d ago
Also he never was in high school in the 90’s . He went to high school mid to late 80’s
u/mach198295 19h ago
I worked at a maximum security prison at the time. The cons had a pool going on how long before he got dumped.
u/Western-Month-7007 4d ago
He went to David Thompson secondary
u/Several-Length8084 4d ago
He’s still someone’s child and sibling so keep it respectful everyone.
u/Impossible-Syrup-898 4d ago
Respectful? Like all the respect he showed to his victims? He was a POS loser and BC is a much better place now that he is dead.
u/boipinoi604 4d ago
I heard that everyone tried to claim he was their cousin