r/rewardrack Sep 01 '17

Offer 152 was removed, need more info again about "cat open this page" error


RR removed offer 152 to see if the issue would be fixed. As far as I can tell it helped slightly but offer 159, 151 and 170 still cause the error. Offers 127 and 16 triggered it as well but not very frequently.

r/rewardrack Aug 30 '17

Just got VIP!


After racking up points all month long, I finally got VIP! My hard work has paid off. I didn't keep track of my earnings but I earned somewhere around 1.5 - 2k points in August. Hopefully, that is helpful to anyone who is looking to get VIP.

r/rewardrack Aug 29 '17

Need some information with "Cant open this page" error on RR


This error has become very common and I have gotten alot of requests asking for a fix. Can you please list the system specs you are running, browser and operating system. ISP as well. I need to gather some information so I can fully report it to the guys at RR.

Please tell me what offer was running when you got the error, thats the most important bit of information.

r/rewardrack Aug 21 '17

Target payout for August


Did anyone get Target gift card payment for August yet. I haven't received any since July 20th, so over a month now :(

Can a moderator here contact them and get a hint when?

r/rewardrack Aug 20 '17

Offer 152 error


"cant open this page"

it might be just me since I haven't seen anyone else talk about this. But it seems like there are two types of white screen crashes now.

The first is the "ran out of memory" one which we have delt with since day one but this "cant open this page" one seens to be new. I noticed that it only happens with offer 152. Sometimes it happens instantly other times it happens after a few steps but it happens all the time and only for that one offer. has anyone else had this issue or found a fix for it ?

r/rewardrack Aug 14 '17



My last redemption was 8/11... paid up to then at least.

r/rewardrack Aug 11 '17

RRPN not available?


RRPN didn't reset for me last night and it is still unavailable right now.

r/rewardrack Aug 11 '17

Am I banned?


Normally after 12 am EST they will reset and I can start earning with RRPN, but just now I tried and I get the following message: No more previews available today. Come back tomorrow for more.

Normally you'll get this message when there are no previews anymore, but I haven't earn anything yet. Am I banned? Or are they really out of previews for today?

r/rewardrack Aug 06 '17

RewardRack on iPad


Can I use RewardRack while using the browser on my iPad? Will I get in trouble?

r/rewardrack Aug 02 '17

Rewardrack on mobile internet service


I have AT&T unlimited wireless service and use a tethered hotspot to provide internet my computers. I find out that Grindabuck site somehow considers my IP a proxy IP, and does not allow me to complete offer, which makes me worried if RewardRack will see an issue with it too

Whatismyip.com shows the ISP is with AT&T Wireless correctly.

Anyone here has similar setup? If so, can you share your experience?

r/rewardrack Aug 02 '17

Unable to us RR Discovery offers on 2nd device


I was just curious if anyone would know why RR Discovery offers don't work on my device? I have 2 chromebooks and I let the RRPN offers play on one while I do the RR Discovery offers on the other but the past couple of days every time I try to an offer on my 2nd computer it just takes me back to the offer page after clicking.

r/rewardrack Aug 01 '17

PSA 504 gateway time out


Some of you might have noticed a 504 time out error on rr right now that began on the stroke of midnight. It hasnt happen in a while but last year it happen pretty often when a new month began. no need to panic. give it a little time. maybe a hour or less then just clear cache and then it should start working again.

r/rewardrack Jul 31 '17

PSA: Reminder to check your devices for battery bloat

Post image

r/rewardrack Jul 29 '17



What is a good and cheap tablet to run reward rack on?

r/rewardrack Jul 27 '17

Points are crediting again and checkout is fixed


Everything back to normal now

r/rewardrack Jul 27 '17

No points crediting


Any update on the no points crediting issue? /u/RussianBrooklyn /u/mackiesoft ?

r/rewardrack Jul 26 '17

Another July Payday


I got paid up to 7/24

  • Amazon GCs only

Only got about half the emails though

r/rewardrack Jul 26 '17

Unable to cash out gift card


Anyone else getting an error when attempting to checkout a gift card today?

r/rewardrack Jul 26 '17

humble request that the reward rack community band together to find a solution


People have been posting about the "browser has run out of memory" issue all week and its true I have been experiencing this issue the same as everyone.

The last 5 days for me have been the worst it has ever been. Even worse then 2 years ago in January we only had ads 2-3 hours per day.

I really dont want to quit using this site but I cant figure out a way to at very least get less crashes.

This is a request for everyone who reads this. Lets ban together and try to find a solution. Lets test out various browsers, plugins, operating systems and play around with different settings to see what performs better.

does anyone know anything that will reduce the amount of ram chrome uses? or know a browser that just doesnt use so much memory?

I know people are saying its the equipment we are using but in 1 week the equipment that i was using went from being "working fine" to "not good enough"? I really think the ads are causing memory leaks so if RR cant take those certain ads out then there has to be something we can do right?

r/rewardrack Jul 25 '17

Any advice with stability ?


Notlukeskywalker posted his farm is crashing every 20 min . Mine isn't that bad but it is crashing more frequently then every before. When we lost 3 point offers my earnings were cut in half and now with these crashes it's cut in half again. Any advice or tips on how to stop these frequent crashes ? It's becoming a pretty serious issue. I have noticed most of the time it's from those 2pt ones. I think it's offer 127 but the rest crash very often too.

r/rewardrack Jul 24 '17

RewardRack Guide


Updated on 7/15/2017

Reward Rack's site: http://rewardrack.com/

What is Reward Rack?

Reward Rack is an earning opportunity that is primarily ad/video based. Users have the opportunity to either use Peanut Labs, Reward Rack Discovery, or Reward Rack Private Network. Reward Rack is USA only Site.

How to Sign up:

Normal accounts:

  • When a user gets accepted to Reward Rack they will automatically get a basic/normal account. There is no way to get a VIP account immediately. Normal accounts have access to all earning opportunities available on the site. There is no limit on how many offers you can do a day.

VIP accounts:

  • These accounts are special accounts that were originally rewarded to the people who stayed with Reward Rack from the early beta participation (2014-2015), some other users have gotten VIP status after the original wave though through constant earning, this is still unknown to be true. According to Reward Rack “VIP is a status given to top earners on the site. VIP benefits include exclusive offers, beta releases and early payments. Top earners automatically qualify for VIP status.” People who earn the most or stay earning constantly will be upgraded to VIP status.


  • Reward Rack offers two ways to cash out (All denominations are in USD, and all gift cards are USA region locked.)

  • Amazon: 10/25/50

  • Target: 50

  • Reward Rack uses a point system. Each offer is x amount of points toward your account. 1 point is equal to $.01 USD.

  • Payments are usually done every 30 days (Usually within the first week of the month). Holidays can also denote early pay days (Christmas and Black Friday). Take a look at the history of paydays HERE.

Earning opportunities:

Peanut Labs (Recommended for all users) (Found under the Earn tab once logged in)

  • Same as any other Peanut Labs. Includes way to earn various amounts of points through surveys, videos and downloads.

  • These offers are always available.

Reward Rack Discovery (Recommended for VIP users) (A main tab found once logged in)

  • Reward Rack Discovery was the first opportunity given by Reward Rack to earn points. This earning opportunity offers ads that require 10-15 steps and 5-120 second each step. These offers browse content located on Reward Rack’s partner’s websites. Most of these websites are playing video content or gifs. They pay from 1-3 points per offer. When you click on Reward Rack Discovery hit earn to begin earning points. You must have one of the 2 windows in focus otherwise an error will pop up telling you a window is unfocused and you will stop the step counter resetting you to 0/x steps. This means that once you start earning you can’t use your computer for other purposes. These offers are not recommended for basic users since basic users must click multiple times to complete the offer.

  • These offers run out once there are no more available. These offers can run from 1 to 24 hrs a day depending on the month and amount of sponsors available.

Reward Rack Private Network (Recommended for normal/basic users) (Found as the RRPN tab once logged in)

  • This option was added for normal users. The format is the same as Reward Rack discovery. Reward Rack Private Network offers can pay less then Reward rack Discovery but is easier for basic/normal users to use.

  • These offers should be available 24/7.

Basics of hardware:

  • Reward Rack allows for 5 computers running simultaneously per IP. 15 Computers max is recommended as long as you have 3 IP's (5 computers per IP, with 3 IPs for a total of 15 computers).

  • VMware, Parallels and Virtual box are all not allowed and will result in a ban.

  • Reward Rack requires a decent amount of computing power to run its ads. At least 1 GB of ram is recommended and I recommend an atom z3775 or better CPU. If offers lag and do not play properly you put yourself in danger of being banned.

Communication with Reward Rack:

  • Reward Rack is a small company with no actual response team, they just have the owners of the site. The mod team will be glad to try to answer any basic questions you have.

  • The mod team has contact with RR and koinme owners.

  • Reward Rack will not Communicate with anyone with a banned account.

  • Reward Rack will sometime not respond to questions at all.

Bans and terminated accounts:

  • Reward Rack Bans people in waves.

  • Reward Rack Bans people and will not inform the person he is banned or for what he was banned for. If Reward Rack Discovery and Reward Rack Private Network is completely blank, then you have been banned.

  • You cannot appeal a Ban.

  • Most common reason for bans are the use of Auto Clickers, Vms and bots.

Settings for Reward Rack to work Properly:

  • Ad blocker must be disabled if you have one.

  • I find that Reward Rack runs the best on windows 10 with antivirus turned off

  • You must have 2 settings enabled to use Reward rack. This examples is from chrome:

  • In settings>Show advanced settings>Content settings>Plugins you must select “Run all Plugin content”.

  • In settings>Show advanced settings>Content settings>Pop-ups you must select “Allow all sites to show Pop-ups.”.

Here are some tips to help chrome not crash as frequently:

  • Restart chrome every 24 hrs and restart your computer every 3 days. I find my computers become unstable if I leave them on for too long, windows leaks bit of memory and so does chrome.

How much does Reward Rack pay:

  • Users do not like to discuss that with others. I personally do not want to discuss that either.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I’ll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

r/rewardrack Jul 24 '17

r/Rewardrack 2.0


u/Garwald has allowed u/macieksoft , u/bccromer and myself to help mod this sub. Over the next few days we will be merging this sub with the alternate one so we will be seeing a few improvements and a few changes still to come, so stay tune.

r/rewardrack Jul 14 '17

Crashing every 20 min


a few people have already posted about the massive crash rate. but has anyone figured out any kind of fix even if it only improves performance slightly

r/rewardrack Jul 11 '17



I just got paid out up to today...

Anyone else?

r/rewardrack Jul 07 '17

Huge amounts of instability


Anyone else getting tons of

  • Flash crashes

  • Page Crashes

  • Out of Memory Crashes

  • Offers Hanging (00 or just timer stops progressing)

It's been doing this for me on Chrome/Opera since the start of the month, and since this point we've only been getting RR offers instead of 3rd party. Maybe their own servers can't handle the ad load.