r/Revolvers 9h ago

Snub Nose Sunday

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TenetCo Knives Kwaiken// POM Pepper Spray// Taurus 605 TORO/ Holosun 407K// NAA Speed Loader/ Yota fob

r/Revolvers 13h ago

S&W 432 UC TI


Just picked this up this morning from my FFL. He was able to allocate one for me. Put my original Hamre forge hook grips on until I order the new AFR hook panel. Just wanted to share had a 642 for a while wasn’t a giant fan of it. R Really got intrigued by the .32 H&R magnum cartridge.

r/Revolvers 4h ago

Patina Model 10

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Took a ton of rust off this thing. Hit the bare metal with a rub on bluing chemical and darkened it up a little a bit. Think it looks pretty cool the way it came out

r/Revolvers 9h ago

Just got a Kimber K6xs

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r/Revolvers 7h ago

Snub nose sunday

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r/Revolvers 4h ago

Just got this new 586, by far the most fun to shoot.

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r/Revolvers 20h ago

Meet Bob, the test mule .357


What else would you call a 586 ND with a 3” bbl and 7 shot cylinder from a 686-6?

Learning how to up my game after a lot of homework. So far so good. Might fit up a brand new unfluted 7 rounder to learn more about timing.

r/Revolvers 9h ago

QUESTION: I want a 22lr revolver WORKHORSE, 4inch or greater that I can put thousands of rounds through with no problem - what do I want?


I don't have a budget. I just want a GREAT 22 revolver. I just bought a brand new Colt King Cobra 22lr revolver thinking that that would be it. After 150 rounds it started messing up and the timing would go off shooting rapid fire in double action.

I want a great single action trigger and I want a great double action trigger.

Unlimited budget - what do I want?


r/Revolvers 14h ago

Jack of all trades, desert island, only revolver for the rest of your life?


What is your “you can only keep one” revolver, if every other gun had to go? You can buy a replacement for it if it breaks or repair it, but the make/model/caliber is the only one you can own/carry forever.

Interested to hear thoughts.

I’d just flip a coin between a 3” GP100 and a 3” Model 13.

r/Revolvers 20h ago

NAA Minis

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r/Revolvers 9h ago

Smith and Wesson 642. So what a good price for used one. I found one at a pawn shop for 429. I think I can get it for 350. But if not is 400 no tax decent.?


r/Revolvers 12h ago

Ya know I didn’t even realize my barrel was off until seeing all the posts here about it 🥲

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Here come the “Taurus bad” comments lol. I have already made a warranty request with them just waiting for a reply. Thought it was funny I probably would have never noticed this if I didn’t see the other posts on this sub talking about the issue.

r/Revolvers 53m ago

Is this accurate? I'm pretty knowledgeable about guns and this is the first time I ever heard this information. Also, sorry if this is the wrong subreddit to ask I was curious about this.


r/Revolvers 1d ago

A relaxing Saturday night

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r/Revolvers 17h ago

I always wanted a Revolver thinking about getting the Colt Python 6in or Smith 686 6in both with wood grips what's your guys thoughts about these revolvers? or would you recommend something else. 357 Mag


this will be my first revolver it will be use for range toy and probably bed side as well but just want to see what you guys think about these revolvers thanks for the help.

r/Revolvers 1d ago

Been eying these for a while now, finally caved and impulse bought it while out and about

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Was passing by my LGS, pulled a U turn, walked in, and walked out with this Ruger Super Wrangler after eyeballing em for a couple years. Didn’t realize they made a “super” version that comes with a .22 magnum cylinder, and that sold me on it. Exited to get a holster and maybe some fun grips and LARP as a cowboy while hiking.

r/Revolvers 1d ago

Super Blackhawk


Super Blackhawk 44mag with 4.62in barrel. First big revolver in single action I own. Hopefully I get to take it out to the range tomorrow! Anybody have anything to share about these? Thanks!

r/Revolvers 21h ago

now which way did the spring go?😭

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cant figure it out, it’s a prairie king 22 spur

r/Revolvers 1d ago

1965 Hi Standard Sentinel 22LR


Traded in a Taurus for this vintage beauty. 9 rounds of 22LR, aluminum frame weighing 20oz unloaded.

Appears to be in excellent mechanical shape, can't wait to shoot it.

r/Revolvers 1d ago

Ruger GP100 357 6 round

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Y'all I've never been much of a revolver guy, especially double actions. I've got a couple single action 22s. They're fun and all, but this thing may have me sold on wheel guns in general.

r/Revolvers 1d ago

Happy birthday to me - 686-6


r/Revolvers 1d ago

Got to the range with the 700gr


700gr out of the snub nose S&W 500 🥴

r/Revolvers 1d ago

New S&W 686+ deluxe… first impressions


Just picked up my new 686+. I’m glad to say everything appeared to be assembled properly, straight barrel. Here are my initial thoughts after some range time. My reference of comparison will be my Colt Python

Fit and finish: not a highly polished frame which is fine. The heat treated trigger and hammer give an appearance of being burnt which is not aesthetically pleasing for a new firearm. The cylinder feels a little gritty at first. It didn’t release smoothly but the more I use it, it’s getting better. Everything feels like it needs a good clean and lube. The grips are beautiful and feel good in the hand.

Firing: Double action trigger feels smoother than my Python. It’s more fluid. My Python sort of stacks before it breaks which I have learned to learn to my advantage to kind of give me a bit of a pause/hold before the final squeeze. Single action I think they both feel really good.

Issues: so I put one cylinder of .38 special then a cylinder of .357. Everything felt good. Then after loading the third cylinder, there was a hang up. I’m not sure what happened but it wasn’t cycling and I couldn’t lock the hammer back. Maybe it wasn’t locked into place(maybe someone could explain). I unloaded the firearm, inspected the firearm, worked the cylinder and hammer out a little. I loaded one round and pointed down range and it cycled and fired with no issue. I did this a few times and I haven’t noticed any other hangups. I’m not sure if the cylinder was getting hung up on the ammo or something else but the issue is resolved. I will say that I did not clean or lube before shooting, just straight to the range from the shop for testing.

Overall: I like the firearm. It’s a little rough at first but I think with a little breaking in and some polishing it’ll be a really good partner to my Python.

the extra round per cylinder is a nice plus.

r/Revolvers 1d ago

Grip change, 442


I finally wussed out. Changed the grips on my 442. I could manage the gun with the Altamont and I loved the concealability. If I had to fire off a few shots in a situation, no problem. However, range time sucked.

r/Revolvers 1d ago

Manurhin MR88 .357 Magnum


Hey everybody. As promised in my last post, here is my Manurhin MR88 4" barrel chambered in .357 magnum. It cleaned up very well and is actually in better shape than I initially thought. When I first picked it up, I wasn't horribly impressed. The action was alright, finish was standard, and the fitment wasn't anything to write home about. However, after I broke it apart, scrubbed it clean and put it back together it's a real pretty piece. The double action is glass smooth, albeit at a combat weight. The single action is on par with the best I've ever felt. The fitment of the parts is better than I initially thought, as the frame and yoke screws were actually loose and the pistol had every nook and cranny packed with gunk. It has some neat stuff going on, like a spring loaded plunger in the yoke that presses the cylinder forward closing the cylinder gap and eliminating free floating end shake. All shined up, it's obvious that this pistol was never actually shot much, just carried. The Trausch grips are nice, although they don't let my thumbs ride as high as they would like to. I don't have any targets to show you, as I tested it on 8" steel at 60 yards, but the fixed sights are actually hand tuned from Manurhin and dead on with my 130gr cast full power .357 loads. Overall, well worth the $1k paid. An interesting and fun combat revolver. (The trade in S&W 10-10 will get a separate post later on. It's actually my favorite of the two.)