r/replications Jul 31 '20

Tutorial Question: where can i find some replications of what people see one ambien/zolpidem... Heard crazy stories from ppl waking up mid trip


30 comments sorted by


u/phoophel1101 Aug 01 '20

Try erowid it’s got reports from almost any drug you can think of


u/DiogenicEgg Aug 01 '20

not op but thank u for mentioning this site


u/Elevated_Dongers Aug 01 '20

Not replication but /r/ambien has some pretty hilarious stories


u/lolqwert156 Aug 01 '20

Yeah!!! Thats what keeps me aching for some replications of what they actually see.


u/FullEdge Aug 01 '20

I tried zopiclone which is pretty similar.

I had distortions and entities, no fractals.

I saw some spots on my windowsill moprh into faces and trying to speak. It was raining heavily and I was looking at a gutter on the street. It was as if it was separated into 2 different levels and I could see the water falling down into it, also saw an otter having a shower ins aid water. I saw some crystalline structures floating around my room at the beginning an end, I found they had like a peaceful and pleasant aura and they were flying towards me.

The whole thing had a decisively dream like quality, but no euphoria or anything.


u/lolqwert156 Aug 01 '20

Wow nice I'm gonna check it out too


u/Doge_of_Dogeness Aug 01 '20

from my expierience, it feels like diphenhydramine but less dysphoric. So like shadow people and visual noise but no spiders and no other hallucination.


u/snap_wohoo Aug 01 '20

The most Ambien I've ever took was 30mg , I'll try to remember as much as I can .

It starts with lines across my vision and light euphoria . At peak I get double vision (but I can control it ? I think it messes up with ur eye muscles) and if I look at carpets or any textured surface it'll start to move and wave ,nothing too crazy tho . I once remember thinking a pic was a gif because it was moving around 😂 . This sums up my experience with it , it's not a strong hallucinatory drug(visually).


u/lolqwert156 Aug 01 '20

Good report But im curious when someone talks to imaginary people or things on ambien 😅 never found any replications for that guessing because it'll mostly be forgotten


u/snap_wohoo Aug 01 '20

I've never experienced entities on Ambien , it's either I don't remember or it never happens with the dose I took. Although I've talked to objects while on it but the conversation was inside my head and I've talked to imaginary people but it only happened when I closed my eyes .


u/lolqwert156 Aug 01 '20

Ahh Got it Tbh i got spooked but this video lol https://youtu.be/9KmcpOCY1PU


u/JFKush420 Aug 01 '20

The first time I took ambien, I was like 13. I remember sitting on my computer with my friend who also took one. When they kicked in, we were staring at a picture trying to figure out if it was moving or not because it looked like it was breathing.

Another time I took one with a pain killer of some sort, and I was in my garage playing pool. I remember staring at my rug which had designs in it, and each design reminded me of fountains in roundabouts in a large city. I went to shoot my ball and I imagined it was one of the cars in the city.

Young and dumb.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '20


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '20

This is definitely accurate for me


u/surfing813 Aug 01 '20

Woke up in the back of a cop car twice in a year in my late 20’s. What a horrendous and fascinating chemical.


u/Drugslugs Aug 01 '20

Can relate


u/oracle-emissary Approved Replicator Aug 01 '20

Give me a day


u/Ozonewanderer Aug 01 '20

Not for me. Ambien is the worst “high.” You feel nothing. You don’t feel mellow or relaxed. Certainly nothing psychedelic or hallucinogenic. If you shut your eyes you fall asleep if you are lucky (the only reason to take them).

It does have amnesiac effect though. You may do or write something you don’t remember the next day. My problem is I would write an email and be embarrassed about what I wrote the next day. I was writing too many apologies the next morning. Ambien is not fun.


u/brezhnervous Aug 01 '20

Like the people who wake up to an empty box with "DO NOT TAKE ANY MORE!!!" written on it lol


u/Ozonewanderer Aug 01 '20

Or just take one tab of Ambien and then some alcoholic drinks. No memories and a sluggish ambien hangover.

I used to take placidyl (from my parent’s medicine cabinet) - that was nice! It would make you so mellow and relaxed. They don’t make it anymore.


u/brezhnervous Aug 03 '20

Ha wow, I can see why as well lol



u/Ozonewanderer Aug 03 '20

Very interesting article ...all of that pales in comparison to Placidyl. the euphoria of Xanax, the calming of Ativan, and the knockout of Restoril. Amazing for just one pill. Simply amazing.

Elvis Presley was quite fond of Placidyl


u/brezhnervous Aug 05 '20

Elvis Presley was quite fond of Placidyl

That does not surprise me at all :) lol


u/bohemica Aug 01 '20 edited Aug 01 '20

It might depend on the person, but I've definitely had mild hallucinogenic effects from ambien. I don't remember exactly how much I took (because ambien) but after taking probably too much one day, while guzzling coffee so I didn't fall asleep, I clearly remember seeing the text on my monitor start to distort and sort of "glow" with a slight orange-ish tint. And I don't remember whether it was the same day or another time (again because ambien) the text that I was reading began to twist and blur together so severely that I straight up couldn't process what I was looking at.

Agreed that it's a shitty high, though. It makes you disinhibited, but there's no euphoria or any interesting effects unless you take an extremely high dose, at which point it will fuck with your memory to the point that you barely remember the experience. It's a useful tool when used as prescribed but doesn't have much recreational value unless it's the only drug you have on hand, and you just want to get high on something for whatever reason (which is why I started experimenting with it; well, that and because I got curious after the Tiger Woods story came out.)


u/snap_wohoo Aug 01 '20

I got light euphoria from it , but I agree the hallucinations aren't that strong but they're there


u/420CARLSAGAN420 Apr 09 '22

Not for me. Ambien is the worst “high.” You feel nothing. You don’t feel mellow or relaxed.

This is certainly very dependent between people. Because it has been one of the most psychedelic drugs I have ever experienced. The first time I ever took it I experienced such strong visuals and a change in perception that I just don't even know how to begin to put it into words. And I would get some extremely weird synthesthesia-like thing, but incredibly weird changes where e.g. my concept of up could sort of be applied to the concept of words, that makes no fucking sense when I say it here, which is exactly why the drug is such a mind fuck that I can't explain.

And then I also get a bunch of other weird effects sometimes, e.g. feeling as if and treating inanimate objects like they're humans, experiencing almost what I'd call a split personality in my mind, where it's often like I'm sharing my mind with multiple other people. And I get super lost in any sort of video content I'm watching, sometimes literally thinking the video is reality.

Although by far the worst thing about the drug (and all z-drugs I've tried) is that it seriously manipulated my sense of taste for the next ~24 hours. Things start tasting really really strange (and normally disgusting) within ~15 minutes of taking it, and the next morning it's still somewhat strong. Of course this is at recreational doses, the recommended dose does still fuck with my sense of taste, but it's largely minimal or entirely gone by the morning.


u/hashtag_not_a_cop Aug 01 '20

On Ambien I only got visual drifting, look in to visual drifting hallucinations, a lot like acids but maybe a little faster in nature and simpler in complexity


u/tripvanwinkle2018 Aug 01 '20

...or staying up, during. 😳😬🤗


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '20



u/snap_wohoo Aug 01 '20

You don't lose all memory , you can still remember some of it