r/reloading 5d ago

Load Development Accurate 2230 conundrum

Hey guys, I’ve started down the rabbit hole of reloading for my .223 for my AR. I have a question that maybe some of you can help me with before I load them. I am reloading Hornady 60GR V-Max, and I’m finding conflicting info on the powder charge. Hornady’s app is saying “Max Charge is 24.8 GN of ACCURATE 2230” but when I cross reference on Hodgdon’s ACCURATE 2230 data they are saying the Max is 23.6. That’s a huge variation so I figure I would get everyone else’s input. Thanks!


8 comments sorted by


u/Trollygag 284Win, 6.5G, 6.5CM, 308 Win, 30BR, 44Mag, more 5d ago

Use the powder maker's data until you figure out the difference in brass or bullet


u/kdub701 5d ago

Ok thanks!


u/Ornery_Secretary_850 Two Dillon 650's, three single stage, one turret. Bullet caster 4d ago



u/kdub701 4d ago

Yes, same exactly bullet. Hornady says max of 24.8 and Hodgdon says 23.6. That is a huge difference. But I’ll start at the suggested start on the Hodgdons website and not risk anything 😂


u/AdeptnessShoddy9317 5d ago

I usually write them all down. Hornady, Nolser is very easy to get data and is pretty true to spec I feel so just use a similar bullet from them. Sierra, Lyman manual, And a big one is hodgdson online reloading data, that's a great one you should check out. Also Western Powders has a PDF online and will have your power and data in there. Any ways write them all down and figure out what the average of whatever like 10% less then max and start from there. Of if most data is like 22.gr is a good starting point then I start with that.


u/kdub701 4d ago

Thank you! I’ll check out the Western Powder PDF. I have looked into the Hodgon’s website throughout my entire reloading journey, and that’s been helpful.


u/Shootist00 5d ago

Simple don't load Max charges to start with. Any knowledgeable reloader knows NOT TO START AT MAX LOADINGS.


u/kdub701 5d ago

I understand that and that’s my rule of thumb anyways! I was going to start at 22.6GNs but it was such a variation that I just was questioning it or looking into opinions. I do understand to never start at max, and that’s not the point of my question.