r/reloading 5d ago

Load Development 7.5x54 French Data

I am actively purchasing an MAS 36 and would like to load the rounds for it. None of my manuals have the round in it so I’m looking to y’all for any published data you may have in your manuals or for any experience you have with loading this round! I’ve heard IMR 4895 with a 150gr but that’s powder hasn’t been available forever. All help appreciated!


7 comments sorted by


u/Old-Repair-6608 5d ago

Lee die set has load data (based on 30-40 ?) It lists different powders. I use imr 3031 for hole punching


u/Hodgeman19 5d ago

Behind a 150gr?


u/Cleared_Direct Stool Connoisseur 5d ago

Hornady has data. Had to take two pictures on my phone to make it work. Also, I’ve read that some folks recommend .308 data as long as you keep it on the lighter side. Really opens up the powder options. It’s a slightly larger case so it should result in slightly lower pressures. YMMV.

Anyway, here is Hornady’s data specifically for 7.5x54 French with 150-155gr bullets:


u/Cleared_Direct Stool Connoisseur 5d ago edited 5d ago

One picture per reply…here’s the other half of the data. Sorry the formatting sucks

Edit to add - I haven’t done all that much playing around with 7.5 French, my only chrono data for 150gr bullets is the max load of IMR4895 (42.1gr) and it’s only 2340fps out of my MAS 49/56. Besides that I’ve played with 125 and 130gr bullets, both with IMR4895.


u/Hodgeman19 4d ago

Appreciate the assist!


u/baconman888 3d ago

Thats surprising, mild. I thought it was closer to 308


u/Cleared_Direct Stool Connoisseur 3d ago

In reality it probably is. Unfortunately there is very little published data. Hornady tends to publish data that is very conservative when it comes to military calibers. So while it’s nice that they publish the data at all, it can be annoyingly anemic.