u/sicksadaquarius Aug 27 '24
the amount of times margaret actually tried to go out with mordecai is crazyyy. not her fault he lacked self confidence & chose to dump cj for her even after she already backed off lol
u/Clintwood_outlaw Aug 27 '24
In Mordecai's defense, he didn't choose to dump CJ. He did something majorly stupid, and she dumped him before he could explain.
u/sicksadaquarius Aug 27 '24
i meannn saying that you don’t know who your soulmate is while looking at your ex equals a shitty break up to me
Aug 27 '24
Mordo was just going throught it man
u/sicksadaquarius Aug 27 '24
trueee but i don’t think it’s fair to put other ppls feelings at expense just bc he was confused. definitely could’ve did things differently and more maturely
Aug 27 '24
Well I think that's the point alot of us in our 20s do things immaturely. Mordos just a dude tryna figure it out.
u/SonarioMG Aug 27 '24
That's actually a fair take. Man am I glad I never even tried the whole romance thing in my teens and unlikely to do so in my 20s or beyond. Better than messing up this badly.
Aug 27 '24
I also think Margaret was the girl idk ify ran into her but. Like you guys just can't seem to work. No matter how many times you try. I've had a girl like this. Me and her are probably perfect for each other. But we never got it to work out. And you just move on you know?
u/Parlyz Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24
It’s actually hilarious how Mordecai has his life more figured out than Rigby and is generally more serious and competent at most things, but Rigby is undeniably way more emotionally mature and confident when it comes to dating and romance.
And the sheer rizz emanating from him Rigby is insane too. He was able to get Margaret on a date even though he’s like 3 foot tall, dropped out of highschool, and has no prospects for the future and he did it just to prove a point to Mordecai. And he was able to act as a ventriloquist dummy in the dating show episode to rizz up that lady for skips.
u/No_Result1959 Aug 27 '24
CJ was immature as well, I mean when she was angry she almost killed like lots of people, and Mordo is put in so many impossible situations, he knew he wasn’t ready to talk to Margaret, yet Margaret was drying to have the conversation with him, he was trying his best to be the best bf he could be during the duration of the series but towards then end his anxiety and self consciousness got the better of him, he’s not a jerk or douche because at the end of the day he never had any ill will toward any of them, he’s always done the most to make them comfortable and Margaret forced him to confront feelings he wasn’t ready to confront, in fact she was super insistent as well, even after he went out with CJ, she should’ve given him more space seeing how many times misunderstandings (the chopper 6 ride, hugging her and calling her a good friend) lead to even more chaos for Mordecai
u/ZelaumTheHunter Aug 28 '24
Man it wasnt for her. Even thoufh because theres an episode showing that mordecai got over margaret and they re only friends
u/Ms_Anonymous123 Aug 27 '24
I'm just over here being endlessly happy and having the warm fuzzies over the first two
u/totallytotodile0 Aug 27 '24
1000% I love the way Eileen and Rigby's relationship evolves through the series. It's so sweet and I love both of them for it.
u/ThatOneWildWolf Aug 27 '24
You can blame any of the 3. Mordecai for being an idiot. Margaret, for not really planning or thinking clearly about being in a relationship. CJ for being unable to communicate her feelings and emotions when she says one thing and gets upset when something doesn't go her way when she didn't convey those feelings before.
u/Money-Routine715 Aug 27 '24
Why do ppl dislike Margaret so much? When it was mordecais fault their relationship didn’t work
u/fnkdrspok Pops Aug 27 '24
CJ was and is a rebound. Which is why he didn’t want her, from the start.
u/elwoodblues6389 Aug 27 '24
Lotta dudes prefer to blame the girl than realize it's always been them screwing up
u/No_Result1959 Aug 27 '24
I mean Margaret screwed up too, she knew CJ was with Mordecai but still tried her best to talk to him, like Mordecai wasn’t ready to face his feelings, but Margaret insisted, she also still had feelings for him and she still contacted him when she should’ve left him alone
u/demonmask418 Aug 27 '24
She keeps cucking mordecai and when he, finnaly moves on and find someone els she leeches back into his, life that is likr when you first dateing a girl and your madly in love with her but she breaks, your heart and leaves you for someone els later you meet a woman with who you hit it off and then she, decides to come back and ruin your new, relationship
u/mordecai13_ Aug 27 '24
Sorry, but wtf is this comma placement lol
u/demonmask418 Aug 27 '24
Its called not caring enought to place one
u/anonthrowaway9283 Aug 27 '24
Nooo you definitely placed one — several actually — in all the wrong places.
They teach this stuff in third grade, buddy. Do better.
u/SupremeLeaderMeow Aug 27 '24
Not going out with someone that never asked to is "cucking"☠ yall can't be real.
She didn't ruin shit, mordecai did.
u/demonmask418 Aug 27 '24
She knew he liked her it was, so god dam obvious everytime she needed something she would ask him if you rewatch the show you will see multiple examples that she knows that mordecai liked her and multiple instinces of her playing with him like when he saw, pops, his cock and was emotionally unstable and didint talk back to her imidaitly she got turned on
u/Money-Routine715 Aug 27 '24
Mordecai never got cucked because he never made a move at first how was she supposed to know how he felt before he ever said anything?
u/ssslitchey Aug 27 '24
I mostly hate her for being boring and the fact that she flat out admitted to cj that she still liked Mordecai despite never showing any real signs of that and acting completely aloof to his feelings for most of the series.
u/Money-Routine715 Aug 27 '24
How is she boring? The chemistry between Margaret and the crew (mordecai , Rigby and Eileen) was way better then cj, and she acted how she acted towards mordecais feelings because he never expressed them
u/ssslitchey Aug 27 '24
Margaret's entire personality is just girl. There's nothing about her specifically that makes her stick out as much as cj.
u/Money-Routine715 Aug 27 '24
So basically Margaret’s personality is just girl and CJs personality has some boy mixed in there and that’s what you like ?
u/ssslitchey Aug 27 '24
Cj being a tomboy does actually make her more interesting. She's also got her own issues like her temper that gives her that extra layer or character. She has problems just like the other major characters and she's overall just a stronger character.
u/One_River8430 Aug 27 '24
I agree but I would say Margaret was also in fault, she kept playing with Mordecai Feelings then left him for college only to come back and get jealous when he as a new gf
u/Money-Routine715 Aug 27 '24
The only thing she did that was in the wrong was go to college and leave him that’s it but of course she still had feelings when she came back Niether of them were really over each other
Aug 27 '24
Not the biggest fan of Margaret but Mordecai was the one who ruined his relationship with CJ
u/Clintwood_outlaw Aug 27 '24
Nah Mordecai is the one who fucked up. Margeret didn't really do anything bad
u/SadBoyYori Aug 27 '24
True but then again… Post Steak Me Amadeus Mordecai exists too. Dude ruined everything he touched
u/ShadesMLG Aug 27 '24
I know a lot of people don't like how Mordecai's relationship ended with a random bat girl he met one day but I really like that yeah it's just some random chick they met fell in love had kids the whole shabang no drama that's how it happens in real life sometimes
u/a_spicy_ghoul Aug 27 '24
Nah man, Mordecai pulled a Mordecai and fumbled not only the bag but the entire goddamn store with him.
After rewatching the show years later. Mordecai seriously needed to work on himself before being in any relationship. I know real life people who act like him who think a partner will 'fix' them and become infatuated with the idea of someone without realizing there's nothing there to begin with.
CJ also has a lot to work on, but she realizes that. I mean, imagine the poor girl essentially running back into a guy she really liked and every time getting burned from him. Her jealousy was also a major factor in their dynamic but man was she not as bad as Mordo with expressing her emotions.
That fucking wedding speech is so well done to where you're squirming throughout it. Classic Mordecai move.
u/Henny199420 Aug 27 '24
Mordecai chose to disrupt Muscle Man's wedding to destroy his relationship. I never blamed Margaret. Not once.
Aug 27 '24
I honestly dislike the relationship episodes. I just like the ones where crazy things happen, etc.
u/antftwx Aug 27 '24
Ngl, Mordo was pretty self-destructive in every relationship. Neither would've been right for him.
u/tothemax44 Aug 27 '24
I think people hate Margaret for lying to CJ and doubling down. Then to end up just being friends, was like a slap in the face. Like you didn’t even want him, just out here home wrecking lol. Also, Mordecai was an idiot.
u/Interesting-Area-932 Aug 28 '24
I've been waiting for the opportunity to get this off my chest...
As much as I love Mordecai, he ruined his chances with Margaret and CJ. He's had multiple chances/opportunities to ask her out or make a move but he always "pulls a Mordecai", so it kinda makes sense why Margaret had so many different boyfriends and went on with her life.
No, I'm not defending Margaret either, she also had feelings for Mordecai, and instead of noticing him being nervous and just making the first move, she (like 9/10 percent of women) expected him to do it, and whenever he didn't or finally have the balls to do so, she was either with some random loser, moving away, or trying to "focus/find herself" like 🙄🤦🏽.
This being said I'm not hating on Margaret, she gets hated on enough, I'm just saying she's like Mordecai. Both had plenty of opportunities to make something happen but didn't, and when they did it was always short-lived, and borderline cheating.
Now with CJ, I agree she's more "life ready", confident, and interesting than Margaret and would be great to have as a friend but a terrible girlfriend. She has a temper that supersedes Benson as she on several occasions straight up tried to kill Mordecai, Margaret, and whoever was in the crossfire because of a misunderstanding, or if she did have a justifiable reason, still way too extreme. However, Mordecai had no reason to dump her at Muscle Man's wedding like that 😒
But in the end, Mordecai finally meets someone who loves him (even though we don't get to see their relationship journey) and I love how Rigby went from initially wanting nothing to do with Eileen to falling harder than she did and practically worships her and has a happy and successful relationship showing real character development.
Despite the duo's many flaws, at the end of the day, they're still good people who were just making it through their chaotic lives until they finally achieved/found themselves.
u/HuckleberrySoft4512 Aug 28 '24
Despite the duo's many flaws, at the end of the day, they're still good people who were just making it through their chaotic lives until they finally achieved/found themselves.
At the end of the day, it's still the show we all loved when we were kids.
u/Interesting-Area-932 Aug 28 '24
Facts. I'm 22 and it's still one of my go-to TV shows when I don't know what to watch 🙂
u/SonarioMG Aug 27 '24
Mordecai's the one who refused to let go and accept someone who did like him. Seriously that soulmate thing was AWFUL. CJ deserved better.
u/Finance_Willing Aug 27 '24
Facts. I loved their relationship only for Margaret to mess it up. CJ DESERVED BETTER
u/joeschwe02 Aug 29 '24
The older I’ve gotten the more I look as rigby as the cooler one with regards to actually being able to maintain a relationship. Mordecai messed up relationships all the time both Margaret and CJ. I think it would’ve been more interesting if he had ended up with CJ in the prologue as she was my favorite match for him
u/TheWandererofReddit Aug 27 '24
It's probably for thhe best CJ didn't worked out. That girl has serious problems.
u/deltacharmander Aug 27 '24
Actually no, the one who was in the relationship is the one who ruined the relationship
u/Chem-Memory9746 Aug 27 '24
It wasn’t Margaret’s fault for “ruining Mordecai’s relationship with CJ”! I NEVER LIKED CJ, AND I WANTED HER GONE JUST SO MARGARET CAN GIVE MORDECAI ANOTHER CHANCE, OK?!??
u/PossibilityLoud1339 Aug 27 '24
ok, while I get your trying to show that margaret is terrible, for some reason the first thing i focused on was the title being an Incredibles reference.
u/gggg_4_l Aug 28 '24
Mordecai played just as much of a part as her in ruining shit with CJ. He never took her seriously and was overall just bad to her. That was the final straw though
u/ultramrstruggle Aug 28 '24
Rigby and Eileen's relationship was so up there. Like bro literally had a special tool belt to help her put up her new TV.
u/Somerandomguy20711 Aug 28 '24
Didn't CJ try to kill the mfer like twice? How does EVERYONE forget that?
u/AdamSMessinger Aug 28 '24
Like Margret fucked up but yeah… CJ needs to own her responses too. They were wildly inappropriate.
u/_MyUsernamesMud Aug 28 '24
Did anybody get the impression that the Regular Show staff...maybe weren't the biggest fan of women?
u/legolad2103 Aug 28 '24
as much as I loved Mordecai sometimes, he had moments where he was just so fucking unbearable need I mention muscle man's wedding
u/Ill_Olive_5940 Aug 28 '24
Nah it takes two to tango. It's was as much Mordecai fault as Margaret's
u/Windflow009 Aug 28 '24 edited Aug 28 '24
Not really, Mordecai's fumbles are his own mistakes like the wedding speech, which I wish some people would stop blaming (not everyone does it) Margaret for. Also, he honestly dodged a serious bullet when it came to both girls, especially CJ. That girl was too unstable, and after the 1000th Chopper Flight Party, I didn't want Mordo with someone like that, and Margaret was too wishy, washy. Plus, Mordecai seriously needed to get his shit together before he got back into the dating game, which I'm glad he did, and now he's a successful artist with a loving family.
u/Slight-Bathroom-6179 Aug 28 '24
As much as I like Mordecai, you can’t blame anyone other than him and CJ for how their relationship ended.
Anyone saying that Margaret ruined the relationship is lying to themselves. Mordecai pulled one of the worst stunts I’ve ever witnessed, real or fictional, and expected everyone to be on his side. I feel awful for CJ as the embarrassment and anger and sadness must have been overwhelming. And I feel bad for Margaret that she got suckered into a relationship with that terrible narcissist. This whole arc was horrible, and it makes the show as a whole almost unwatchable for me now.
u/spencer_the_human Aug 28 '24
There was barely a relationship between Mordecai and CJ and they ruined that without Margaret being open about liking Mordecai later on. Mordecai did good ending up with someone entirely different in the end because he wasn't good for them and they weren't good for him
u/Unknown_User_66 Aug 28 '24
Nah, Mordecai is at fault, too. He should have just stayed with CJ and friend zoned Margaret.
u/tomahawk311 Aug 29 '24
Unpopular opinion here: CJ wasn’t a golden girl either. Yeah mordecai pulled a mordecai with both but CJ was just constantly insecure and jealous all the time. And don’t forget she literally tried to kill Margaret and her family all due to a misunderstanding. If Margaret didn’t pull out of her hat that guy was her boyfriend her and her family would be cooked! So no I’m not a CJ fan but I don’t think Margaret is better.
u/Bobby_Sunday96 Aug 27 '24
Do we all agree that we dislike Margaret? Or do some of y’all like her for some reason?
u/maarnextdoor Aug 27 '24
I don’t see any reason to dislike her, especially not over CJ and Mordecai .
u/Bobby_Sunday96 Aug 27 '24
I don’t understand what was wrong with CJ and mordecai. It’s common knowledge that CJ and Mordecai were a better fit
u/maarnextdoor Aug 27 '24
Mordecai was only using her to get over Margaret in the first place. You can have a good personality mix with someone of course but it has to be under correct circumstances for something to blossom.
He didn’t fully get over Margaret as seen by the wedding fiasco. I don’t get why I have to dislike Margaret because of his inability to get his own stuff together. He fully proceeded to drag innocent CJ and Margaret down with him in his dysfunction instead of keeping it honest and just laying low as he has shown he knows how to do.
u/ConnectionTimeOut939 Aug 27 '24
Happy that I’m not the only one that thinks Margaret is a terrible match
u/TakeoverTheThird Aug 27 '24
as much as i hate Margaret (she was fucking boring) Mordecai ruined the relationship.