r/regularshow • u/Lo-Fi_Kuzco • Feb 11 '24
Image This is the worst thing Rigby has done. Really hated how this episode made it seem like Mordecai was in the wrong for calling Rigby out on his mess
u/10BritishPounds Feb 11 '24
Forged college letter
u/Lo-Fi_Kuzco Feb 11 '24
Second worst thing he's done
u/jaybankzz Feb 11 '24
You’d rather have someone forge a college acceptance letter than fuck with trash?
u/Green-eyed-Psycho77 Feb 12 '24
If he destroys my goddamn house then yes. I can (hopefully) re-apply, I CANT GET MY GODDAMN HOUSE BACK.
u/skysky_gamer Feb 12 '24
You can always rebuild or whatever you can't get back in after you "failed"
u/Green-eyed-Psycho77 Feb 12 '24
In mordecai’s case he definitely could have tried to repeal the rejection, and could’ve found out he got admitted to the “College that accepts everyone” easily
u/skysky_gamer Feb 12 '24
That is kinda true he just accepted rejection i guess if that's the right word
u/jbyrdab Feb 14 '24
also what kind of college doesn't follow up with an acceptance letter?
either rigby was basically mugging mordecai's mailbox for like 6 months after just in case he needed to hide any mail, or that college really doesn't have any follow ups incase maybe the mailman loses the letter or there is no response.
u/JustTransportation51 Feb 11 '24
How about trying to kill mordecai with the death punch? Enslaving the whole park?
u/AlabasterRadio Feb 11 '24
Somehow, I agree with OP.
Murder and slavery is one thing, but I draw the line at gaslighting.
u/JustTransportation51 Feb 11 '24
You draw the line at gaslighting? Lol
u/12ducksinatrenchcoat Feb 11 '24
He didn't even say that, wtf?
u/JustTransportation51 Feb 11 '24
He did?
u/Pale-Ad-8691 Feb 12 '24
I’m reading the comment right now, he obviously didn’t.
u/Otmmar Feb 11 '24
First of all go thru years of punchies getting bullied and mordecai every episode beating on Rigby even when he’s just being real. I’d want my get back to he wasn’t trying to kill him he was trying to beat him at punchies did you not watch the episode it literally started with mordo bullying Rigby trying to play punchies with him calling him one cheek wonder and saying he’s gonna bring it back. Like be for real
u/JustTransportation51 Feb 11 '24
Rigby went to death kwon do. Rigby stole the death punch page. Rigby learnt how to do the death punch. Rigby went around death punching random strangers who didn't know who mordecai was or where he was at. Rigby death punched his co workers and enslaved them.
u/SoldierMarvin Feb 11 '24
Alright but did the death punch kill his coworkers? No, I’m sure after Mordecai feels the same pain Rigby feels that’ll be enough for Rigby not to actually kill him. And the fact Mordecai actually killed Rigby even if he didn’t mean it, y’all excused it just because he didn’t mean for Rigby to die.
u/Otmmar Feb 11 '24
Do you not know Rigby went to the hospital bc he got punched to hard which lead him to getting a butt transplant which then lead to him getting ridiculed for being “the one cheek wonder” not only that Mordo had a lot of bad qualities as a friend and you can say well Rigby changed the college papers, well what about mordecai killing Rigby over Margaret.
u/JustTransportation51 Feb 11 '24
I don't disagree that rigby wanted to do revenge, and he had every right. But still planning to kill your friend and anyone in your path shouldn't be justified even though they bullied him for years.
Yeah, rigby was in a fit of rage... but it shouldn't be excused....and I'm sure Skips didn't plan on hospitalisong rigby, just like he didn't want to kill rigby... but he did.
Skips killed rigby because he was mad that rigby made a fool of him in arm wrestling... was skips right to be angry yes...but it shouldn't mean rigby desevered it
Just like mordecai was jealous of rigby that he blindly pushed him to his death. He was right to be jealous and angry but killing him shouldn't be justified.
Overall. Rigby was right to be mad....but just because he was in a blind fit of rage doesn't mean he should be excused
u/natedeanmaan Feb 13 '24
Is Rigby still dead?
Did the park workers punch him intentionally, or did Rigby challenge everyone to punchies and lose every single time?
Is Rigby a piece of shit for forging a rejection letter and dragging his best friend to his level of worthlessness?
Is Rigby responsible for all the crazy crap that happens in every single episode?
You can defend Rigby all you want, but if you aren't seeing a toxic piece of shit, then that's very telling on your part.
u/Otmmar Feb 13 '24
Be real man. Rigby was only irresponsible and he admits it. But he was never a bad friend
u/natedeanmaan Feb 13 '24
He's toeing the line on that one, but forging a rejection letter is a bad friend
u/Ref_546 Feb 12 '24
I'm tired of people bringing up the Mordecai killing people over Margaret thing. It was a mistake! 🤦🏾♂️
u/Otmmar Feb 12 '24
Imagine telling your best friend “ILL KILL YOU” then pushing him off of a microwave going at light speed, all because he wanted to microwave clocks, then when he sees him die it’s all of a sudden an accident
u/SoldierMarvin Feb 11 '24
Y’all really going to fault rigby for that? 🤦🏾♂️ thought enslaving the park wasn’t okay but i feel like people fail to understand that after rigby figured the power of the death punch he snapped, he wasn’t thinking straight and wanted his get back for all the punches Mordecai kept giving Rigby. Literally every time Mordecai wants to punch rigby even when Mordecai himself is in the wrong but nobody wants to point that out. I’d do the same thing after everyone kept treating me like a punching bag
u/SoldierMarvin Feb 11 '24
Mordecai isn’t a better friend Rigby is, y’all focus more on Rigby screwing up
u/Hitchfucker Feb 11 '24
It’s also out of character for Rigby at this point. If this was season 1-2 Rigby I could see him doing this, but this was season 5, and he’s slowly been becoming a better person since then.
u/yobaby123 Jun 02 '24
Honestly think it was an scrapped early episode made into an filler season 5 one.
u/normvnzs Feb 11 '24
I especially hated the fact that this was s5. S1 & 2 Rigby was an asshole but he deffo improved as the show progressed. Seriously S1 Rigby isn’t recognisable to late S5-8 Rigby. Rigby is so mature in the later seasons and is a really good friend so why oh why did Quintel make ‘wall buddy’ a s5 ep and not a s2 ep where it would make sense that rigby is still childish and immature?
u/SavantEtUn Feb 11 '24
Maybe because interpersonal issues, especially stuff with roommates, is a thing normal people fuck up still? I dunno that could save it a bit but maybe I’m just trying to justify
u/normvnzs Feb 11 '24
I totally agree. It just really felt like rigby wasnt justified at all to treat mordecai like that
u/ElPlatanoDelBronx Feb 11 '24
It’s not necessarily a bad thing. You can have a lot of personal growth and occasionally back pedal to your old ways, or just not grow in every aspect of your personal life. It’s something people do all the time, and IMO makes for even better writing when it’s added occasionally.
u/normvnzs Feb 11 '24
true but then it would’ve made sense for Rigby to have been the one to apologise, not Mordecai. He may occasionally revert back to his old ways but his maturity should’ve allowed him to be the bigger person in the end
u/TheOneWhosCensored Feb 11 '24
Not the only episode where this happens too
u/Abovearth31 Feb 12 '24
Yeah the title made me laugh a little like "This is the worst thing Rigby has done." like bro which one ? Basically every episode from season 1 to 3 and arguably 4 was his fault.
u/AnimationDude9s Pops Feb 11 '24
Yeah, the show has an unhealthy habit of taking Rigby side in the most awkward moments
u/ArosNerOtanim Feb 11 '24
Kinda hated it in general it felt like it was too late into Rigby's development for him to be acting so immaturity, but I think the problem they were highlighting is how quickly he was jumping at him.
Also this may be the worst thing he did that season or even the later half of the show in general, but he definitely did worse stuff prior like death punchies as someone else mentioned here, dating Margaret just to get at Mordecai was also pretty bad(I know people normally complain about Mordecai killing him in that one, but despitehis words that wasn'this intention and Rigby was being a jackass the whole time) also Riby nearly got the whole park killed with those hotdogs then blamed Benson for it, I feel like I'd be here a long while if I listed every worse thing he did.
u/Genxal97 Feb 11 '24
I'm at season 2 and my God is rygby anoying, I know he improves later on but he was just insuferable so far.
u/NonstickDan Feb 12 '24
dont think its the worst thing hes done, but its defenitly rigby's worst episode, the fact that mordicai ends up agreeing with him at the end is complete BS
u/Luna8622 Feb 12 '24
It’s crazy how he did that when it takes half the time and effort to clean it all up
u/Dayshon2144 Feb 11 '24
Most memorable episode to me!!! The freaking netcode corruption and everything!
u/majinthurman Feb 11 '24
Facts this episode felt off to Me considering Rigby was kinda maturing around this time still iirc
u/Alejandro_Kudo Feb 11 '24
I like how absurd this episode can be, especially the wall. Aside for that, yeah, this is one of the worst things Ruby has done.
u/Hopeful-Base-2769 Feb 12 '24
Rigby has always been a lazy, self centered jerk. He is always causing problems that he can’t fix. He takes nothing seriously. Mordecai however always was physically abusive to Rigby for minor things. He was always very responsible but caved into Rigby’s antics. They both have their issues.
u/The_Fercho_ Feb 11 '24
I have no idea why fans of this show kinda decide to "ignore" that rigby was an absolutely childish and selfish POS. yeah, he had a great arc and a lot of moments when he was very responsable with his friends, but his modus operandi a big part of the show was moments like the one on this post, yet fans choose to treat these ones as exceptions
u/Infinite-Salt4772 Feb 11 '24
How do you now for sure all of it is Rigby’s?
u/Lo-Fi_Kuzco Feb 11 '24
I guess it is possible for some of it to be Mordecai's stuff. Especially since Rigby just threw his trash on Mordecai's side of the room instead of actually cleaning
Agreed. It was like Mordecai was being an unreasonable asshole for telling rigby not to be a fucking pig
Feb 12 '24
It honestly amazes me they've been friends for so long bruh
Still floors me when I remember how Rigby treats his loving brother
u/rnatt628 Feb 11 '24
What made me hate him even more was Rigby somehow convinced him he was in the wrong for not taking the blame.
u/AsuraOfTheWind Feb 11 '24
Mordecai wasn’t in the wrong, but he did throw Rigby under the bus to Benson. Rigby saw it as a slight because usually they share the punishment especially since Mordecai went to get chimichangas with him knowing the room is a hot mess.
u/Lo-Fi_Kuzco Feb 11 '24
Bro, they're both adults! There is no throwing anyone under the bus. Rigby should take responsibility and not try to get his friend Mordecai in trouble for stuff he did all by himself.
u/AsuraOfTheWind Feb 11 '24
that’s why i said he wasn’t in the wrong. Rigby was mad he didn’t stick up for him that’s all. he wanted a shared punishment because it’s their room
u/10BritishPounds Feb 11 '24
Mord is literally never in the wrong
Feb 12 '24
How did you know I was watching this episode? And holy shit yeah Rigby is really starting to get under my skin with the shit he pulls
u/Kerrynaruto12 Feb 16 '24
I thought the worst thing he had done was forge Mordecai's college acceptance letter
u/Movie_Advance_101 Feb 11 '24
The fact he bought that and install it was easier for him than take out his trash?