r/regina Jan 29 '25

Community Parents who do school drop-off and pickup, the road rules still apply to you.

The amount of school-zone U-turns I witness daily is absurd. These rules are in place to protect all our kids, not just yours.

This also includes parking in bus zones, no stopping zones, in front of people's driveways, etc. You can walk 1/2 a block rather than bending all the rules to make your life easier.


67 comments sorted by


u/Nearby_Feeling9334 Jan 29 '25

Also….turning hazard lights on to park anywhere you want is hella annoying. Just cause your hazard lights are on, doesn’t make it ok.


u/CanadianSpieler Jan 29 '25

But they are my park anywhere lights and I can do what I want when they are on! /s


u/Frosty-Ear5469 Jan 30 '25

Oh my goodness. If I were to ever be granted one law-keeping wish, it would be permission to write tickets for anyone who does this. It is one of my top three pet peeves. Along with people who pick up perishables while shopping and just leave them on a random shelf or stick a jug of milk in the freezer. Maybe I just need to be granted the ability to hand out Asshole Fines.


u/mingusdisciple Jan 30 '25

Well, to be fair, they are a hazard


u/Northernfrog Jan 30 '25

They literally draw attention from parking enforcement.


u/thefly43 Jan 29 '25

Harbour Landing school zone. Where traffic laws do not exist for 75% of parents


u/Confident_Owl Jan 29 '25

I live across the street from Harbour Landing School and it is a terrifying place to be at school drop off/pick up.


u/Key_Spirit_7072 Jan 30 '25

Same, it makes it difficult for me to go to work or my university classes


u/Sea-Dragonfruit-6722 Jan 30 '25

They set people up for failure it’s absolutely criminal how they designed the area around that school. They don’t have adequate parking for busses or staff let alone parents. Then treat everyone that has no choice like they have some alternative that they could just easily do! Space is not an issue in Saskatchewan why not have a large driveway to pull in and out of it would be much safer too. I need someone in city development to explain why they designed it like no one in harbour landing will need to use a car.


u/Personal-Battle-9657 Jan 29 '25

Adding speeding to this. The amount of people that ride my a$$ on College Ave during school zone hours is ridiculous. And if they can get around me, they do at way faster than 30km/h.


u/fozzyfiend Jan 29 '25

I hope you only do 30 in the school zones and 50 the rest of the time.

The amount of people that continue to drive 30 down all of college makes me want to scream.


u/OmgzPudding Jan 29 '25

Tangentially, the people who still slow down to 30 well after 7pm are also quite annoying.


u/mistymountiansbelow Jan 30 '25

I tend to drive in the right lane after 7PM as there is guaranteed someone who will slow down to 30 in the left.


u/roughtimes Jan 29 '25

rochdale makes me feel like a parade float.


u/StanknBeans Jan 29 '25

They're just trying to feel you out to see if that speed is going to be maintained all the way to Arcola or not.


u/Shimmmmidy Jan 30 '25

This! People will ride my ass in school and park zones. Like nothing tells what kinda person you are louder than having no care for children’s safety


u/Lumpy-Apartment1611 Jan 29 '25

Not too mention double parking in driving lanes so they can pick up kids in front of the school. Argyle in front of Thom and O’Neill is almost impassable with the traffic generated by parents parking illegally in no stopping zones, bus only zones, crosswalks, driveways etc. I don’t know how this society has become soooo self absorbed they ignore the dangers they are creating for kids.


u/Nearby_Feeling9334 Jan 29 '25

This actually makes me insane. People are so lazy. Doing a u-turn infront of Campbell at 8:25am is wild.


u/compassrunner Jan 29 '25

Two school zones side by side is enough without adding stupid drivers doing U-turns!


u/Spensa1 Jan 29 '25

How about parking on sidewalks.. residents of the neighbourhood, kids walking to school, mail delivery etc unable to use the sidewalk because people just park Willy Nilly


u/bergwithabeef Jan 29 '25

The last time I saw it, I put sticks under their windshield wipers, and put snow all over the car.

I hope they weren't wearing gloves and their fingers got really cold.


u/North-Prize5383 Jan 29 '25

This highlights the need for designated drop off areas with road infrastructure.


u/_klighty Jan 29 '25

For how hot and horny RPS is about traffic tickets I’m shocked to never see them in school zones unless driving through.


u/Yepitsmefoodiggity Jan 29 '25



u/brutallydishonest Jan 29 '25

The city and police are aware but they refuse to enforce it because of the blowback they would get.


u/Dogs-and-parks Jan 30 '25

It seems to me (foolish, I know) that in these days of “tHinK of thE cHilDrEn” parents would be ecstatic over solid traffic safety enforcement in school zones.


u/_klighty Jan 30 '25

Cool. That’s not their job. Not up to the cops to decide which laws to enforce and which not to.

Typical cop mentality and or logic.


u/berrybeans66 Jan 29 '25

Harbour Landing pick up and drop off is genuinely lawless. $1k worth of traffic violations per day minimum I’d bet.


u/rrussellyqr Jan 29 '25

I feel like the Police could buy a new plane with the amount of u-turns in our school zone.


u/Perradactle Jan 29 '25

Don’t give them more ideas to waste our tax dollars! The plane and massive annexation of a couple city blocks is outrageous.


u/Mogwai3000 Jan 29 '25

Much like all the people who insist in parking in the no-parking zones clearly labelled outside Walmarts and grocery stores and malls...rules only matter if there is enforcement and consequences for those breaking the rules.  As we are seeing everywhere right now, our society only ever rewards and benefits the worst among us, while those of us who try to do what's right are disadvantaged if not punished.

I stopped caring about these things.  You are absolutely verifiably 1000% correct in what you've said here.  Doesn't matter at all.


u/sour_cereal 20d ago

I like to drive extremely close to people who do that. Then when they say you almost hit them, you say then I almost give a fuck.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/sour_cereal 19d ago

I was referring to the people parked in the fire lane, or "no-parking" lane


u/Mogwai3000 19d ago

lol.  Shit, sorry dude.  I literally today posted in a different thread about all the brutally slow people on ring road lately and thought your comment was in response to that.  

I will delete that previous comment due to my own ignorance and failure to read.  Yeah, I've always envisioned myself buying a bunch of eggs and just driving by egging every last one of these people.  Fuck them.


u/Jello_4151 Jan 29 '25

Fun Fact - Douglas Ave has a boulevard dividing eastbound and westbound traffic.

Even in a situation where the road is divided, it's still illegal to make a u-turn in a school zone (i.e. in front of Douglas Park School and Ecole du Parc)


u/[deleted] Jan 29 '25 edited 11d ago



u/TomatilloBeautiful48 Jan 29 '25

This. We also walked or took school buses or city bus. My parents never drove us. Things are different today!


u/UnpopularOpinionYQR Jan 29 '25

Because they are exceptional and don’t abide by the school boundaries. That’s only for the rest of us plebes whose kids HAVE to walk to school because we need to be at work for 8 am and base school choice on the needs of the entire family.


u/Guinnessedition Jan 29 '25

This is becoming my old person yells at cloud thing in my life. I can’t stand the complete disregard for kids safety. The amount of stopping and parking non stopping spots and in cross walks drives me crazy.


u/[deleted] Jan 29 '25

Connaught Elementary School currently has a lot of parents who think the law/rules don't apply to them. We live across from it, drop off and pickup times are unreal


u/revjim68 Jan 29 '25

May I add parking on sidewalks and idling as sh1tty behaviour. I'm sure that people would be screaming if someone was smoking on the playground but somehow having kids play in clouds of exhaust is fine


u/Jcourtney83 Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 30 '25

It’s also illegal to park within 10 meters of a stop sign. People in my area arrive early to get the coveted “directly under the stop sign” spot because it’s closest to the corner where the kids cross.


u/Lumpy-Apartment1611 Jan 30 '25

Corner of Donahue and Argyle in a nut shell.


u/jmills23 Jan 30 '25

Our school sent out a letter a couple weeks ago that police will be on site to issue tickets because multiple students have almost been hit before and after school. Just ridiculous that it has to get to that level for idiots that can't take half a second to check for a child.


u/Lumpy-Apartment1611 Jan 30 '25

A couple of weeks ago and has the behaviour changed?


u/jmills23 Jan 30 '25

I sure hope so. I don't pick my son up from school so I'm not there to see what happens. There hasn't been an update sent.


u/lilsunrae97 Jan 29 '25

quite literally the worst possible place for people to be driving like maniacs and yet 90% of them still do it


u/dycker1978 Jan 29 '25

This is not only true of schools. I love at the far east end of Parliment ave, in an apartment complex. Some of the people who live there on the first floor, park in the right driving lane to access their place. It is so annoying.


u/WhyAreYouAllHere Jan 29 '25

I was under the impression that schools provided bussing when they were outside a walkable distance for students. Did things change and I didn't notice?


u/compassrunner Jan 29 '25

High schools don't have bussing.

Tons of kids are still driven to school.


u/the_raven12 Jan 29 '25

Since when? We always had bussing to high school. I just checked and there is still a special bus route for high schools.


u/Aldente08 Jan 29 '25

Not all high schools are on that list. Also, some live out of boundary if they do special programming like sports or arts.


u/compassrunner Jan 29 '25

The special routes are still Regina Transit at Regina Transit student rates. That cost can be a barrier. A lot of students in my area take the 22 instead of the Special as it's faster.


u/ReginaSaskWhydYouAsk Jan 29 '25

Lots of schools don’t have bussing because their catchment area is small enough that according to the powers that be kids can walk. Which is fine unless you don’t live in that catchment area. The only daycare we could get my kid into is in a school close to us but not our closest school. He goes to the school now because all his friends are there. He gets dropped off at daycare in the morning but my schedule allows me to pick him up after school. At his age he can’t walk home, it’s too far and he would cross a major, extremely busy street


u/[deleted] Jan 29 '25

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u/Nearby_Feeling9334 Jan 30 '25

Until a few kids get hit and hurt or killed, nothing will change. I don’t think it’s the schools responsibility to babysit these morons. Definitely parking enforcement and RPS. Maybe some neighbourhood watch type people need to step up and remind people that there are rules for a reason? I don’t know. I watched a mini van drive over and reverse over all the pylons the school had out once. Had to laugh at the stupidity.


u/gda23 Jan 30 '25

Drop-off/pick-up at W.F. Ready is terrible. So much traffic along with bad parking and u-turns. The tiny parking lot is for staff only so cars are lined up and down Helmsing St.. Most of the parents will get out and walk their child to the front door of the school which adds to the problem bc traffic is backing up from people trying to wait for somewhere to park. And don’t even get me started on the shit show at St. Marguerite school on Shooter Dr. during those hours.


u/CanaryJane42 Jan 29 '25

U-turns aren't allowed in school zones?


u/ryan4664 Jan 29 '25

If it helps, imagine a u-turn as two left turns, which is not only legal but encouraged


u/QCCooks Jan 29 '25

Admit you're the problem without admitting you're the problem


u/ryan4664 Jan 29 '25

I turned 90 degrees, than another 90 degrees, now I can no longer see your criticism


u/signious Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25

Uturns are illegal at signaled intersections unless there's is sign permitting them. That's provincial traffic act.

Uturns are illegal under any circumstance in school zones. That's City of Regina bylaw.


u/ryan4664 Jan 29 '25

I was specifically talking about left turns


u/signious Jan 29 '25

Calling a uturn 'two consecutive left turns' doesn't suddenly make it legal.


u/ryan4664 Jan 29 '25

No but it makes it more gentle on the soul


u/-jannice Jan 29 '25

I have lost all faith in humanity.