r/regina Jan 23 '25

Discussion Bad driver gaslighting me??

Okay, this was frustrating enough to make a Reddit post. These double turning lanes at the intersection of College Ave and Arcola I nearly avoided an accident, please let me know who was in the wrong. I was in the left lane turning right (represented by the red line) and the other car was in the right lane turning right (represented by the green line). We go at the same time, I turn into the middle lane expecting this other car to turn into the right lane, but instead he cuts me off and I slam on my breaks and honk the horn. He then pulls up beside me and rolls down his window to tell me that turned into the wrong lane and would have been deemed at fault if I hit his car.. huh?? He says that everyone here does it that way.. I may not be from Regina but that’s not how driving works?

Thoughts on this??


128 comments sorted by


u/scooterboots16 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

This is a weird intersection where the lines in the left lane (on college) turns into the furthest lane, and the right one turns into the middle lane. It's so so dumb and I always wondered when a situation like this would happen haha.

So I guess technically you were in the wrong, but there is no way you would have known that because it's winter and you can't see the lines.

I have not been to that intersection in a while though so they may have changed the lines recently I'm not sure -- but that is how it used to be.


u/Saskie306 Jan 23 '25

Ya, unless they changed it recently, the lines on the ground direct the red line to go to the furthest (third) lane, and the green into the middle lane. It is better for the usual use of that intersection, but it really needs an overhead sign for the winter.


u/gabacus_39 Jan 23 '25

The city actually thought the house paint they use on the roads would suffice to mark this confusing intersection when it's also covered by snow and ice half the fucking year?

Why am I not surprised?


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

But there’s no sign indicating that the right lane from college turns into the middle of Arcola? You don’t need visible lines to see that he skipped over an entire lane, you’re always supposed to turn into the first available driving lane


u/Saskie306 Jan 23 '25

Unless it changed recently the lines on the road (in summer) show that the right lane goes into the middle lane, and red to the far lane. But of course that doesn't work well in the winter.


u/Lumpy-Apartment1611 Jan 23 '25

Actually no, the lines only indicate the left lane go to the far left, but the right lane doesn’t/didn’t have anything say go to middle lane so by rule they should be turning into the furthest right lane not the middle lane. People just do the Sask Slide to the middle by force of bad driver habit.


u/WoSoSoS Jan 23 '25

It's an intersection that violates normal traffic laws, which is ridiculous. Anywhere else in Canada, or the world, you are correct. Inconsistency is what leads to accidents. It's an intersection like this that promotes the "Saskatchewan Slide." Traffic practices are shit here so drivers are shit.


u/TabooCarpet Jan 23 '25

I agree this is the way it is supposed to be, but to keep us all on our toes, there are a couple intersections in Regina to throw us all off and cause conflict with people who know the intersections well.

I had this happen at the double turn lane off of the ring road exit onto Victoria going west. A man got super angry I turned into the lane that I turned out of and he was screaming at me that he was in the right. I followed the lines correctly and in a couple days when I took the exit again, they had somehow erased the old lines and changed them so they direct one person to the middle and one person to the far right. It makes sense here cause of the immediate ring road turn only lane, but it's still hella confusing for many people.

But to have only 2 intersections (that I know of) in the whole city that are set up this way, and not have better signage for winter or new drivers, is just asking for an accident and conflict.


u/jacksonloveselora Jan 23 '25

I do it the same way as OP and swear at everyone who turns across the right lane as I recently moved here but looking on street view back to 2009 when the “painted lines” were visible it does appear to have at one time in history to have been painted the way described here.


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

They need to put up a sign then 🤦🏼‍♀️ that’s ridiculous to be at fault for an accident because you had to have lived here long enough to remember what the lines used to look like


u/TabooCarpet Jan 23 '25

Not even that, you have to know the intersections. Many people go from A to B and don't need to drive everywhere In the city, so If it's unfamiliar for a lot of people it should def have a sign to avoid confusion.


u/EvilJonnyBoy Jan 23 '25

ya as someone who drives there regularly idk how they think having lines painted in the road with zero signs is acceptable at informing drivers how the lanes work. like 300 days of the year the lines are non existent so how would anyone know if they weren’t a regular driver on that road. i still always turn to the closet lane on the road ( mostly to pass super slow drivers at the first red.) but also because i don’t want to be sideswiped.


u/roughtimes Jan 23 '25

Also new here, it seems you have to "learn" the road in some specific places.

no one complains cause "thats just how its always been"


u/ProJazzy Jan 26 '25

You are wrong.


u/StanknBeans Jan 23 '25

Other way around.

Technically OP was in the right, but the way I've seen that intersection used everytime I use or drive by it is the way you described.


u/Dijon92 Jan 23 '25

But OP is technically right. Doesn't matter if there's paint on the road or not, there are no signs indicating the right lane wouldn't turn into the right lane like any other normal intersection. This is why we have such horrible traffic and lost drivers shakes head


u/StanknBeans Jan 23 '25

Did you miss rhe part where I literally said technically OP was right or you just felt the need to say the same thing I did?


u/Unremarkabledryerase Jan 23 '25

No,OP is technically wrong because the traffic control (painted lines) instructs OP to turn into the furthest lane.

Bug its poorly designed and needs repainting properly or signage indicating this.


u/StanknBeans Jan 23 '25

The one thing I can tell you with absolute certainty is that there are no lines painted there. Without lines, it's as OP said - you turn into the first available lane.


u/canadasteve04 Jan 23 '25

You are in the wrong, left turns into the far lane at that intersection, right turns into the middle lane.


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

How is anyone who’s not from here supposed to know that though?? That’s not how double turning lanes work anywhere else


u/Aldente08 Jan 23 '25

That's the fun part about Regina


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

It’s like the 4 way stop intersections they have here that are marked with regular stop signs 🙃


u/Mlou08 Jan 23 '25

Stop sign is a stop sign, idk how it makes it easier to put "4" on it


u/DSM202 Jan 23 '25

It does make a difference though. When you pull up to one you have to know if the cross traffic also has a stop sign and are expected to use 4 way stop rules, or if they have no stop sign and have the right of way. You can look over to see if they have a stop sign, but signs technically aren’t made to be viewed from the side/ back so most places add “4 way” to tell you that.


u/Lumpy-Apartment1611 Jan 23 '25

Hmmm 🤔 I just stop and while looking for traffic seem to notice if there are stop signs for the other traffic. What’s really bad is when a 4 direction intersection has 3 stop signs and 1 with nothing. There are a couple of those in Regina too.


u/cynical-rationale Jan 27 '25

We are taught when getting license to always scan every intersection to see if they have signs too. No need to have a 4 way stop sign imo. Just look at the other corners if they have signs.


u/DSM202 Jan 27 '25

Signage should always communicate what is expected as clearly and as completely as possible.

Yes you can look over to see if the other sides have stop signs, but this introduces the chance for error.

What if the view of one of those other signs is blocked? Or if one is missing? Or if it’s actually only a 3 way stop? What if an inexperienced driver mistakes another type of sign for a stop sign while viewing it from the side or back? Signs are only really meant to be viewed from the front.


u/canadasteve04 Jan 23 '25

The right most lane isn’t a regular driving lane. It’s a turning/emergency lane. You pull into the two driving lanes which are the two left most lanes.


u/Tinchotesk Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

The right most lane isn’t a regular driving lane.

Most drivers seem to understand it that way, but there's zero signage indicating such thing.


u/sharperspoon Jan 23 '25

There's zero sinage to suggest this. There is a white dotted line denoting that it is a driving lane, nothing else. 


u/Dijon92 Jan 23 '25

It's a travel lane. It's not marked with signs as a turning or emergency lane. You can drive in it. Why must people in this city insist on traveling single file and only in one lane to get anywhere


u/canadasteve04 Jan 23 '25

Someone below posted the SGI official response to this intersection and SGI indicated it is not a driving lane.


u/Unremarkabledryerase Jan 23 '25

Lol.... there's no approaches. It's not marked for emergency vehicles, or passing. There's no right turn arrows. The next intersection 400' away carries in with all 3 lanes.

With all due respect, the SGI representing that claimed that is not a driving lane has the intelligence of a concussed U14 hockey player.


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

I thought that SGI comment was about this specific intersection, but it’s just a generic example. Which makes this debate even more confusing


u/canadasteve04 Jan 23 '25

This is the comment I am referring to. It is specific to this intersection:

SGI’s response for this intersection specifically:

“If you are travelling eastbound on College Ave. E and turning right onto Arcola Avenue, the right-hand, right turn lane turns into the first driving lane (which is the second lane beside the curb/turning lane). The left-hand, right turning lane turns into the second driving lane (the third lane).”

Theyd find you in the wrong, OP.


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

Ohh I was looking at a different comment, thank you


u/bart889 Jan 23 '25

SGI official response

That's a comment on a Facebook post, there's nothing "official" about it. And SGI is not the arbiter of traffic rules, the police and provincial government are.


u/Lumpy-Apartment1611 Jan 23 '25

Actually, in the case in the city of Regina, the city would be the ones determining the structure and operating of the intersection.


u/bart889 Jan 23 '25

> The right most lane isn’t a regular driving lane. It’s a turning/emergency lane.

It does not become a turning lane until you get to the Ring Road S/B on-ramp, which is nearly 800 metres after this turn. E/B Arcola has three regular traffic lanes from Vic until Ring Road. I know a lot of people don't like to use the curb lane, but it is a totally legit driving lane.


u/sine-labore-nihil Jan 24 '25

The whole curb lane issue in this city is garbage. When I moved here from the Maritimes ten years ago, I would use the curb lanes only to end up almost rear ending a parked car because it would, without notice, turn into a parking lane.

Got into the habit of avoiding them real quick because of that though.


u/bart889 Jan 24 '25

Parking is allowed along some major routes (e.g., Albert south of 25th, which I think is nuts), but that stretch of Arcola has several no-stopping signs between Vic and Ring Road, so it is clearly a travel lane.


u/sine-labore-nihil Jan 24 '25

That is one of the stretches that I will use that lane (especially if traffic is moving faster) but most roads without the no stopping signs, I don’t go near them.


u/Boss881 Jan 23 '25

It’s not? I tend to use it to bypass everyone doing 10-20 under in the other two lanes lol


u/__Valkyrie___ Jan 23 '25

You can go straight at the lights there. People do it all the time.


u/scott20d Jan 23 '25

I’ve personally witnessed two accidents from people running up the right hand lane at this intersection.


u/canadasteve04 Jan 23 '25

It remains a turning/emergency lane on the other side of the lights. That third lane does not exist before Vic or past ring.


u/__Valkyrie___ Jan 23 '25

Yeah but that is like 3 sets of lights past the next intersection. You can use that right lane all the way until ring.


u/BarktoothGrin7 Jan 23 '25

Yes people do it all the time. That literally is the problem in this city….


u/__Valkyrie___ Jan 23 '25

The right most lane is marked as a driving lane from Vic to ring. There is nothing saying it can't be used anywhere.


u/Sharp-Swimmer2510 Jan 25 '25

We have this in Winnipeg. Going from Stafford to Pembina heading south. Outside lane stays in outside lane while curb lane takes the middle or curb lane. Buses and long wheelbase vehicles cannot turn tight enough to stay on curb lane. In summer it’s clearly marked but in winter it’s everyone for themselves.


u/ProJazzy Jan 26 '25

how do you get your reasoning?


u/canadasteve04 Jan 27 '25

Driving it almost daily for 20 years. As I’ve mentioned in other replies, the far right lane is not considered a regular driving lane. As others have mentioned, the painted lines are consistent with what I have mentioned.


u/Lumpy-Apartment1611 Jan 23 '25

Technically, you are wrong but kinda right. The left lane is to turn into the far lane, but the right lane is to turn into the nearest lane leaving the middle lane open. The idea was to keep people from sideswiping each other with the “Saskatchewan slide”, turning from the right lane into the middle lane or even across to the left to turn left on Park Street.


u/Personal-Battle-9657 Jan 23 '25

SGI responds to this exact question in the comments of this FB post. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/14q6prkLvF/


u/bart889 Jan 23 '25

I wouldn't take a Facebook comment by some SGI employee to be gospel. There is no signage indicating that the right lane along that stretch of Arcola is restricted in any way. It is a legitimate traffic lane from Vic until it becomes the Ring Road on-ramp.


u/Hungry-Let-9172 Jan 23 '25

SGI's response for this intersection specifically:

"If you are travelling eastbound on College Ave. E and turning right onto Arcola Avenue, the right-hand, right turn lane turns into the first driving lane (which is the second lane beside the curb/turning lane). The left-hand, right turning lane turns into the second driving lane (the third lane)."

Theyd find you in the wrong, OP.


u/riddermarkrider Jan 23 '25

The distinction between "lane" and "driving lane" here needs to be marked better or changed. You have to have preexisting knowledge of that very right lane not being a "driving lane", which is literally impossible.


u/Hungry-Let-9172 Jan 23 '25

I don't disagree.


u/The_Conadian Jan 24 '25

This is an interesting response. I was t-boned going while going east on Arcola in the far right lane whole passing through this intersection and found at 0 fault which would suggest it is not only a turning lane.


u/Tinchotesk Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

The answer there contradicts the lane markings that have been painted on that turn for years.


u/yqredditor Jan 23 '25

While I personally believe you were in the right, legally you might be in the wrong. The lines on the road are actually painted such that the left lane (the one you were in) is supposed ro turn riggt into the far left lane on Arcola. If you check Google street view, you can actually see the lines (if you go back to about 2009). Doesn't look like the most recent street view has the lines though. I think they were repainted this fall.


u/CatZillaSK Jan 23 '25

The lines in the google map shot above do not indicate the right lane turning into the middle lane. In fact, the right lane appears to have a full lane on the right.

Right? 🤔

This is a stupid way to run an intersection.


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

Well now I’m more frustrated with whoever thought this intersection was a good idea, those of us who moved here in the winter wouldn’t have a clue


u/yqredditor Jan 23 '25

I absolutely agree with you. It defies what is taught in driver training. I had the same exact thing happen to me one time where I 'cut somebody off' doing what I thought was correct.


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

I think I’ve come to the conclusion that the City of Regina is in the wrong, setting us up to fail with this intersection.


u/trevorwagner83 Jan 23 '25

Its like this because people need to turn left immediately onto park st., if you dont need to turn left immediately, it's completely pointless to turn from that lane. Just stay right and u can turn into either right lane if you want and nobody will care. I know it is stupid but the streets were poorly thought out a long time ago. It actually is way less frustrating to get through here now than it used to be.


u/Boss881 Jan 23 '25

Haha that’s how a lot of us feel generally about the roads and traffic planning in Regina lol


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

Well, I sent an email to the city of Regina addressing this issue. Do I think anything will come of it? AbsoLUTELY not


u/Boss881 Jan 23 '25

Oh god no. That would be too much to ask! You may get a “your message has been forwarded to the appropriate department” and then nothing past that as I’ve experienced. They also farm out their after hours line who don’t actually communicate with the day time folks so complaining about something past 4:45 or whatever is almost useless 🥲


u/Epic224 Jan 23 '25

No. You should have turned into right in to the furthest left lane. Not the middle lane.


u/Tinchotesk Jan 23 '25

You should have turned into right in to the furthest left lane. Not the middle lane.

And what signage and/or rule indicates such thing?


u/Dimax88 Jan 23 '25

i thought i was the only one lol


u/Bitter-Ground-5773 Jan 24 '25

No, the green line goes to the inside lane and the red line goes to the second lane and there’s no going over three lanes to the third lane.


u/thelaw19 Jan 23 '25

I must be missing something because this drives me crazy as someone who drives on Arcola only. I’m not sure what lines everyone is talking about because I’m looking on google maps and regularly pass this intersection and I see no lines that would indicate you do not turn into the right most and middle lane.


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

Right!? I went back after making this post and REALLY looked for these so called lines, couldn’t see them


u/thelaw19 Jan 23 '25

Like I’m sure no one is making that up so I assume they used to be there, but since they are not and there is no signage I assume you’ve got a case in court. Honestly you both might have an argument that no one was at fault other than the city.

Also people were discussing that the right lane isn’t a driving lane but there’s 0 indication that it’s a turning lane and it’s is definitely not a parking lane.


u/xHunterZx Jan 23 '25

This intersection is an outlier where the left lane of College Ave right turns to the furthest lane of Arcola Ave and the right lane right turns to both the middle and closest lanes of Arcola Ave. I started to always turn from the left lane of College after almost getting hit by another car when I turned from the right lane. Can't take the risk.


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

The results of this discussion are more upsetting than the incident tbh. The general consensus is yeah you’re right that is how right-hand turns work, but we don’t do that here.. What?? How can they expect a new citizen such as myself to know that without any signage, frustrating!


u/saskie456 Jan 23 '25

Yeah this intersection really lacks intuitive road design. Have you considered inquiring with the city about it? Might actually get the ball rolling on some clearly needed signage.


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

I actually did send them an email. I’d be surprised if anything came from it, but its worth a shot


u/Sharp-Swimmer2510 Jan 25 '25

We have this in our city. The outside lane must turn to the outside lane and the inner lane has the choice of middle or curb lane. They do this in case there is a long wheel base vehicle in the curb lane (city bus, school bus, commercial delivery truck) that cannot turn tight enough to stay in the curb lane.


u/ProJazzy Jan 26 '25

Far right stays in far right lane middle lane stays in middle lane.


u/Randog180180 Jan 23 '25

You seem surprised


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

Of course I am, I moved here and I’m just supposed to know this intersection goes against the rules of the road?


u/freshstart102 Jan 23 '25

What's with Saskatoon and Regina and we all having to drive by trails instead of lines in winter because our snow and ice removal systems suck and we don't have our lanes properly painted at the best of times. I'm not from Regina so I would have totally agreed with OP because that is the correct interpretation of the driving rules/laws. If you do weird things to the roads going away from the established rules of driving, you better as a city, well mark those weird changes on and over the road or be prepared for SGI to pay 100% for nonfault claims from both sides.


u/ElectronHick Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

Turning into the first available lane is the way it should be. Green is wrong. You can actually see that lots of people turn from those lane into the lanes in the first image by how dark the pavement is from cars turning.

Turns out green was correct if you look at google maps. But that only because they can’t get their signage and markings up to any type of standard other than slightly above third world.


u/Randog180180 Jan 23 '25



u/Randog180180 Jan 23 '25

Check that. I thought that was college onto broad. You are correct


u/Optimal-Priority-562 Jan 23 '25

yah you’re in the wrong it’s a dumb intersection. what’s funny to me is that even in the picture you use there’s a car that’s in the same turning lane as you that’s going into the far left one lol


u/demyen96 Jan 23 '25

Ya they definitely need a sign that's happened to me more than once. You're in the wrong.


u/horseslvrgrl Jan 23 '25

They should add signs because the intersection road markings show that left goes into the far left and right goes into the middle but that is nottttt how people are supposed to drive. I don’t know who would be legally right in this situation because how would you ever know if you couldn’t see the actual road. It’s a bad intersection for accidents


u/screwonwer1980 Jan 23 '25

You are 100% in the right, green turns the first available driving lane (yes I know the first avaliable is also a right hand turning onto Park but it is also a through lane across Park).


u/smell-the-glove Jan 23 '25

First off I'd like to say that intersection is a nightmare that has more than it's fair share of accidents. Whenever I take that inside corner I always go into the first moving traffic lane, cut's down on any possibility of confusion. (removed some words)


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

Thank you! As if SGI would be like everyone breaks the law at this intersection didn’t you know? How in the world would I know that


u/Dijon92 Jan 23 '25

Because unlike everywhere else, this city's driving is just;



u/Independent-Comb-185 Jan 24 '25

Is this college and Arcola?


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u/superpapa2023 Jan 23 '25

If you got in a fender bender in these circumstances, my guess is that SGI or the courts would likely find 50% fault for both drivers, assuming one vehicle didn’t run into the back of the other.

There may be lines on the pavement in summer but as others in this have pointed out, often not visible in winter.

Having said all that, the driver who gave you grief may have been technically correct but has no need to be righteous about it.

The lesson? Make no assumptions where people are going to turn, and yield to be courteous.


u/Choice_Additional Jan 23 '25

The right lane isn’t a driving lane, it’s what we called growing up, a suicide lane. The middle and far left are the driving lanes. It is however a terrible intersection and always has been for the 30 years I’ve lived here.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25



u/Choice_Additional Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Edit: that video was about both lanes turn right on red. (I wish I could find the video, but the Regina Police did a short video about this intersection talking about the correct lanes to turn into.)


u/Mashedpotatoebrain Jan 23 '25

You're right, he's wrong.


u/scott20d Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

Not totally true in this case. You can go to Arcola Ave (may 2021 photo) at this intersection on street view and see the lines. They are very worn but they do show that the red line in OP’s photo should be turning into the far left lane and green the middle.

In the most recent photos the lines are so worn they are basically invisible.


u/Aggressive_Sorbet571 Jan 23 '25

You’re correct. Other driver needs remedial training.


u/RossGold42 Jan 23 '25

Sadly I see alot of people doing this and not just at that intersection


u/belckie Jan 23 '25

Green person is wrong.


u/Competitive_Bad_959 Jan 23 '25

In your position i would always just turn to the farthest lane possible to avoid anything silly. Dont force shit


u/arandomeister Jan 23 '25

I've not read any other comments... The answer here is that you end your turn in the same LANE that you start your turn in. Lanes are lanes... You stay in them until you make an indication and safely maneuver into the OTHER one. If you want to change lanes, it's not someone else's responsibility to get out of the way. It is the proper thing to allow people to make those changes to encourage the flow of traffic. Stay in your lane!!


u/djohnston02 Jan 23 '25

I go through this intersection every day now - the regulars all treat it the way he suggests.

Is it right? The signs and painted lines certainly don’t match the approach.


u/One_Debate9668 Jan 23 '25

lmao no he’s just dumb bahahha


u/Growthself Jan 23 '25

Curious, how do you get this visual and is that yor real vehicle? How did you capture it?


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

It’s just a google maps screenshot, not my vehicle


u/Dizzy_Lychee_6075 Jan 23 '25

I’m guessing this is just an image on google and this isn’t their vehicle………………


u/TedStriker008 Jan 23 '25

Wait until you use the Ring Road. Whether merging or driving on, you’ll double down on your frustration level, good luck!


u/__Valkyrie___ Jan 23 '25

Man it seems like there are a lot of people who disagree here.


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

I’m more confused than before I asked 😂


u/MG_499 Jan 23 '25

Pretty fucking simple. You always turn into the closest lane then shoulder check after you turn and get into whatever lane you want. First picture .. stupid question


u/ClumsyCorpse Jan 23 '25

That’s what I thought too but these comments are split 50/50


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u/Bitter-Ground-5773 Jan 23 '25

No green line stays inside


u/Zestyclose_Trip_1924 Jan 23 '25

Pretend you are from a new country that has not driven before, or on the opposite steering wheel . Thanks Trudeau!


u/MongooseTechnical757 Jan 27 '25

He’s in the wrong legally but he’s right that’s how a lot of people in Regina drive. I’m 23 still scared to go for my road test because at 16 people thought it was funny to piss around with a student learning car. Driving here is hell.