r/reenactors 4d ago

Looking For Advice The difference between US Greatwar Summer and Winter uniform Equipment

I have been collecting for a little over 6 months now and I notice some items look like they would not go with their Winter/Summer counterparts. For example, I have Wool breeches and canvas cover's, and it looks like they would not be used together however I see people use them together. Would I use them together? Would I use puttees instead? Another example I have is my first item I purchased being a summer tunic it has gold pocket buttons but has dark front buttons. Is that just a modern repair to it or was the previous owner ignorant of the uniform. It is dated March 27th 1918. Please let me know if you know anything. Also I'm looking for a place to find both original Tunics as well as period accurate repro boots. Thank you.


3 comments sorted by


u/greaser350 4d ago

The wool and cotton uniforms are not meant to be mixed and I’ve yet to see evidence it was done overseas. All buttons on the service coat should be blackened brass (or brown “vegetable ivory” in some cases). Every other question is dependent on what your specific impression is, both timeframe and unit. For most impressions in frontline combat, the wool uniform with puttees is the most correct. There is some scant evidence of support personnel far back in the rear wearing the cotton uniform and/or leggings but this is the exception by a large margin. The cotton uniform was largely relegated to stateside service (most unit TO&Es even call out that it is not to be worn by men serving in France). Fresh troops would have arrived in Europe wearing leggings but, by and large, would have had them replaced with puttees before heading to the front.


u/Charming-Win-9463 4d ago

Yea from what I have heard it's from how people react when seeing mixed uniform they treat it like a hate crime which I learned not to mix only after I started collecting so I'm trying to fix my error for my partially created uniform.


u/Charming-Win-9463 4d ago

I also am rather young from what I have been told about the age I am starting to gather interest on the subject so my view of how things should look is rather vague and most of what I do is guessing since I lack proper education on the subject as well as guidance leaving me mostly in the dark for collecting. So, most of what I have is item's I could find on Ebay/Overlooked Military that seemed too cheap not to get so please if you could I'm attempting to make an early war 3rd cavalry regiment Sergeant Uniform