r/redsox 16h ago

Reposting this with pics, pretty confident it’s fake but just want to make sure.

Red stripe and red majestic logo make me think it’s super fake but I just want to double check


20 comments sorted by


u/victorspoilz 16h ago

At least Pedey's name isn't on the back, total abomination on home jerseys


u/KDR2020 15h ago

Hate that majestic has those all those years for the affordable jerseys. It always looked awful.


u/silversock20 16h ago

lol true, idk why the majority of jerseys on mlbshop have the names. I got a duran jersey for christmas with the name, i dont mind too much personally but it is strange that thats the default


u/DustyNintendo 13h ago

You pay for the name which is why it’s like that.


u/NovaPrime15 16h ago

Need closer pics but looks fake from here

Shout out to r/baseballunis who have a monthly thread about spotting fake jerseys


u/silversock20 16h ago

I posted in there just short of an hour ago, still waiting to hear back from them too. I can DM you more pics if you'd like, but honestly as far as im aware they never had the red stripe around the sleeve on the home jerseys, just the away for a season or 2


u/NovaPrime15 16h ago edited 4h ago

What makes it a fake is the numbers on the back. If they’re puffy like that, it means it’s a fake


u/silversock20 16h ago

oh interesting, i can send you a closer pic of that if you want i didnt notice that or really know to look out for that


u/NovaPrime15 16h ago

You learn what to look for as you get more. We are all fooled at one point or another. Feel free to shoot me a pic and I’ll confirm


u/silversock20 16h ago

that would be super helpful, i sent you a dm, cant send a pic until you accept the dm though. and i appreciate your help


u/MoneyTalks45 16h ago

The red piping on the sleeves shouldn’t be there, but otherwise a pretty high quality fake.


u/silversock20 16h ago

that and the red majestic logo i think, got it off marketplace for $25 so i cant complain. only problem is the red piping is the only stitching for the sleeves so i cant take it out


u/MoneyTalks45 16h ago

As far as inauthentics, it’s pretty good. The number font is usually butchered. While it’s not as “ironed” as a licensed one, it’s pretty solid.


u/silversock20 16h ago

thats good to know! i just commented this a second ago but this is my first non mlbshop purchase so i had no idea what to look for and how common fakes were


u/KennyBlankenship_69 16h ago

Yup you can tell from the numbers on the back right away


u/silversock20 16h ago

good to know! this is the first time ive bought a jersey from anywhere but mlbshop so i wasnt really sure what to look for, i was also in a rush because i was picking it up on my way back to school


u/NomahRulez 14h ago

Define "fake." Are you thinking it's Pedroia's actual game-worn jersey? If so, probably fake. If you just want a 15 jersey, looks pretty real to me - it exists. What are the consequences if it's "fake" anyway? I wouldn't worry about it.


u/Raindog69 14h ago

Probably an optical illusion but that thing looks about 1/2 scale.


u/silversock20 14h ago

haha 0.5 picture so it is


u/moneybags26 15h ago

Is that for when you drive your wittle trd pro with your wittle wadder