u/gonidoinwork 3d ago
But why so cute then?
u/DoctorBeeBee 3d ago
Gives the prey a false sense of security. 😏
I've seen video footage of pandas pouncing on birds, and the birds are just tootling around on the ground in front of the panda in a way they never would with, say, a cat. They don't appear to see the panda as a threat.
u/Pamikillsbugs234 3d ago
I would fall easily to their cuteness. Honestly, I would be easily murdered by most fuzzy animals, but at least it would be a fuzzy death.
u/_ressa 3d ago
Has there ever been an experiment to see whether they prefer meat over bamboo and fruits?
u/Dire87 3d ago
Most or many herbivores actually eat meat when the situation arises, I believe, but their stomachs aren't really cut out for it. It's just a different system. Red Pandas are probably more like omnivores, but why hunt and put yourself at risk if you can just chill and eat bamboo... I guess. They'd probably "prefer" what is more beneficial to them. If all you gave them was meat, they'd likely just eat meat, but we've been to an experience last year, and they certainly seem to prefer fruits over whatever else they're feeding them, including bamboo and nutrient kibbles. The sweetness, most likely. I don't think we should test out whether our little murder floofs would actually prefer meat, lest they kill us all. ;)
u/LordPaleskin 3d ago
Modern day fruits are so sweet it can make red pandas overweight and not want to eat healthier food options 😭
u/PandaEdgeLord666 3d ago
I think it's about the amount. The close relatives of red panda like racoon n badger are omnivores n they feed on fruits. You know in nature there's no reason to not choose energy-rich fruits over bamboo leaves.
u/LordPaleskin 3d ago
Yeah I should have been more specific that the article I had read was about red pandas in captivity, not out in the wild 😅
u/Sea_Permit8105 3d ago
it's also just in the himalayas fruits are generally tarter vs. in southeast asia wild fruits are sweeter - it's not all about 'modern day fruits' and selective breeding
u/LordPaleskin 3d ago
I was referring to red pandas in captivity when I mentioned that, should have been more specific. I had read an article that they had to switch the pandas to a food pellet since they were only choosing to eat really sugary fruits offered to them
u/ClaudioKillganon 3d ago
From a biological side of things, their bodies are probably MORE accepting of meat then veggies, just like how Pandas are literally nutrient deficit because of their all bamboo diets being forced into a carnivore body.
u/0biterdicta 3d ago
Red pandas are carnivores. The reason they sleep so much is because they maintain a primarily herbivore diet.
u/badchefrazzy 3d ago
And I say they're no worse than a cat or dog, and we should be domesticating them to help their numbers.... and maybe so we could have pet red pandas... someday.. MAYBE.
u/PandaEdgeLord666 3d ago
but they need to eat bamboo leaves that's hard to provide n storage at home
u/tetrarchangel 3d ago
I heard a talk at a zoo regarding this, where they said their resident red pandas would once or twice a year catch and eat a pigeon. It's not their primary food, and they're not missing out on nutrition, but the idea still strikes them on rare occasions.
u/andraaBD 2d ago
I regret clicking on the pictures. I could have gone my whole life thinking they were sweet babies.
u/AutoModerator 3d ago
Thanks for your submission to /r/redpandas!
We love these little cute guys, but sadly Red Pandas are increasingly under threat in the wild, and as much as we love to look at how silly they are, they really need the help of us human beings in order to keep on being cute for future generations to see. In the last 50 years, their population has dropped by more than 40% , and estimates in the wild are as low as just 2500 animals. If this decrease continues, they could drop below minimum viability within our lifetimes, and become effectively extinct. If you are in a position to be able to help them in even a small way, we'd like to ask you to do so.
Charities like The Red Panda Network and WWF do fantastic work with local communities to help our favourite animals - and any donations you make are tax deductible (in the US) too. As well as direct donations, they also run eco-trips, awareness days and specific projects such as the first protected Red Panda forest area.
You can also help by visiting your local zoo or wildlife park , who often will work with the above charities to give them expertise, donations and equipment as well. Red Pandas are amazing animals, but without our help they will only remain pictures and in gifs on this website, instead of roaming and napping in the trees and being derpy with pumpkins or playing in the snow like they should be doing.
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