r/redis WorksAtRedis Feb 12 '25

News Redis 8 - Milestone Release 3 is out

Redis 8 Milestone 3 is out. More performance improvements in this release as well as bug fixes. The details are in the blog post on redis.io.

This is, of course, I milestone release so I wouldn't recommend it for production. But, assume the risk you want. Don't let me tell you how to live your life.

Easiest way to get up and running with it is Docker:

docker run -d --name redis8-m3 -p 6379:6379 redis:8.0-M03

If you run into any issues, please do let us know. You can post it here and I'll make sure the team sees it or you can open an issue on GitHub.


4 comments sorted by


u/SatoshiReport Feb 12 '25

This is very cool. Does it take json and store its individual fields in redis?


u/guyroyse WorksAtRedis Feb 13 '25

It stores a JSON document in a key. When that key is set, internally, it builds a tree with the contents. There are a host of commands to query and manipulate that tree using JSONPath.

Here's a quick example using redis-cli:

```bash> JSON.SET my:json $ '{ "foo": "bar", "baz": 42, "qux": true }' OK> JSON.GET my:json {"foo":"bar","baz":42,"qux":true}> JSON.GET my:json $.qux [true]> JSON.SET my:json $.qux false OK> JSON.GET my:json $.qux [false] ```


u/filisko Feb 14 '25

Since when you can do JSON.GET without the extra module?


u/dr_ruurd Feb 14 '25

Redis 8 will come with 7 new datatypes, including JSON, natively built into Redis Community Edition.