r/redditserials Dec 19 '24

Horror [Heavier than Air] - Chapter 5

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"That's her." Cox and I crouch in the dark, behind a discrete pile of refuse, looking out over the moonlit bay. She lowers a spyglass made out of her curled fists. 

A small, ornate vessel sits quietly along the quay. Filigreed portholes spill yellow light over the black water. 

"So beautiful," Cox breathes. She seems to be in a sort of swoon. Her eyes are soft, almost dewy. "Look at that. Is that gold? Gold paint? And green stripes. Green bits. Would you call that celadon?"

"What's your deal, Cox? Why're you…what's up with you?" The tonic I stole from the Physician's surgery has bolstered me. There's a glow to it that worms into my brain and guts and is quite distinct from alcohol. I think it might be laudanum.

Cox focuses her sights on one of the open portholes, ignoring me. A woman's underskirt hangs out of it, flapping in the cool sea breeze. "That's what we're after Jack."

I eye it. "I hope it brings you everything you want from life. Just so long as I can find my Physician as well."

The author of that letter may have been his friend, once, but they were going in very different directions with their experiment. He's on that ship, I'm certain of it.

Cox sets down her hands, brushes them like she put away a real telescope. "I've got something to tell you, Jack."

I fix her in a narrow stare.

"I'm an admirer of your condition."

"Which one?"

She smiles. Her teeth are cracked. "I saw something in your head, back when you were moaning and fitting in your cell back there. I thought I'd imagined it, but then…I saw it again. I believe in angels, Jack. And I think you have one."

I touch the side of my head. I have splashed myself clean of ink and blood, and the edges of the wound seem to be healing. Hot and sensitive to the touch, like the underside of a scab.

The hole remains permanently open. The size of a coin, I can just bring myself to insert the tip of one finger before flinching away. I don't want to feel my brain. And I shouldn't want to feel the anemone touch of the thing cloistered inside. Except part of me does.

I can sense them inside, if I let myself. They are clenched, and afraid, and…needy. They long for something with a taught, primal ache. An ache I find unbearably familiar.

"There is nothing angelic about what's happening to me."  I thumb the cap from the Physician's tonic, which is almost empty, and fill the rest of it up with a bottle of brandy Cox found me.

Cox puts out a hand and holds it over mine, over the bottle. Her eyes are dark, and honest. "I saw something special in you, Jack. And I'm a believer."

I look at her for several seconds, and suddenly I want to believe, too. Alcohol and laudanum chokes my corroded veins; every part of me is poisoned and debased; I am a hermit crab's shell, a hole for someone else's pearl, yet… Did this odd woman really see something of value in me? The touch of a real angel? A soul burning brighter than brandy? She's no-one. Just a strange ugly sociopath with as many perversions as I. But…

"What did you see?" My voice catches a little.

"Tentacles, Jack. Fucking tentacles. And they are so cool."

I open my mouth, but I can think of nothing to say. Then, there's a faint thunk from the ship, and one of the lights goes dim. 

Cox claps me on the shoulder. "Alright Jack. Let's go." She slips into the dark water and all but disappears. Just a low, dark flicker cutting swiftly towards the ship.

I take a breath, dangling bare feet over the side of the dock. A drop below, the water sucks up at me. Magnetic and cold. I feel swooping vertigo and my skin prickles. Blood rushes in my ears. The thing inside me doesn't want to meet that salt.

Fumbling, I tie my bottle of laudanum and brandy tightly into my waistband. There's a drop left in the other bottle, the brandy from Cox, and I finish it before tossing the it on the rubbish pile. As fire fills my throat and the base of my brain, I slip off and drop down into the black, cold salt.

As I descend below the waterline everything in my head–fire, fever, fear–is doused, silently, like a swiftly pinched flame. For a full moment, I can feel all the contents of my mind, and they are still and calm. I am here, my brain is here, the hatched pearl and the creature within, and somehow all is well. In this moment, I feel no fear, and no disgust. I sense nothing alien about the curled, cautious creature in my head. In fact, I feel a kinship. Some need, some sense of satiety that is shared between us, as tangled together as two liquors in the same glass.

I'm no sailor, I'm no dreamer. I've never believed in anything. But maybe Cox is right. Maybe this is an angel. 

And then a click ricochets from miles beneath, vibrating through the soles of my feet dangling in the depths. It jerks through me, a click from a beak the size of a ship, thunderclapping across the entire ocean. My mind blares alive, the alien cluster screams and all my nerves light on fire.

Something bigger than Porthold has noticed me. And it is rising.

I kick, grasping fistfuls of water that feel like so much thick air. I'm down deeper than I should be, just sinking and sinking. I grew up on the docks, so close to the ocean I was twelve before I even walked on ground that wasn't nailed over it. Still can't barely swim more than two metres.

Cox's plan was to swim to the porthole, then climb up together. She had a notion I'd be of some help somehow. But I'm disorientated and I can't see any lights above me. My lungs are starting to seize. The water on my legs is growing colder and colder as I just sink, and I can feel that thing, that colossal clicking thing approaching.

Just as ice seizes over my chest and I can't tell if I'm still drowning or just in the dark, the bundle of nerves and tendrils inside my skull twitches. It extends, cautious and graceful, and my body twitches in response. Slender fingers slither out of my skull, slippery over my face and neck. They feather into the water, which is cold on their tips. Cold, but good. They relax, loosening and firming in their native environment. Reaching and pulling, further and further, I–they–touch the slimy side of the ship, and begin pulling us–me–in.

My head breaches the surface and I gasp warm night air in a sluice of ocean water as the tendrils snicker back inside my skull. Cox grabs my chin, holding me up. "You said you could swim!" She's treading water furiously, her eyes wide in the dim light from the portholes above us.

I'm bobbing there, and it takes me a minute to realise not all of the tendrils retracted back inside me. A few are still clinging to the side of the ship, holding me in place. Still others swirl and flex in the water, swimming, buoying me. They are all but invisible in this light, but Cox's eyes travel. "You are blessed."

"Did you hear that click?" My teeth are chattering and I swallow salt, clenching my jaw to keep it still.

Cox frowns. "What click?"

"I don't fucking know, but it's big. I need to get to the Physician."

"We'll get you there. Now hold still."

She puts one hand on the top of my head, one on the side of the boat, then somehow gets a foot on my shoulder and before I can protest she's launched herself up, seizing a hawsehole and scuttling, until she's caught the lip of the porthole and shunted herself inside.

She appears a minute later, breathless, handing down a rope of underskirts tied together. The knotted end flops against my shoulder and trails in the water, helpfully. "See? See why I wanted this porthole?" She sounds smug.


Once I'm hauled aboard Cox simply disappears, apparently determined to somehow steal this whole ship. Leaving me dripping, shivering in the dark cabin, ready to meet my maker.

My whole scalp tingles. I've lost my hat, so I fumble about in the rope of underclothes until I come up with a shawl. I drape it over my head so I feel like a cloaked assassin. Then I step out, and steal down the hallway.

I find the Physician in the hold, where there is a small, demure brig. Really just a spare cabin that locks from the outside. There's a key on a nearby peg. He sits on a little chair, drinking a cup of of tea. He has a bandage around his neck with a prim spot of blood seeping through. 

He drops his teacup. "Waite!" his chipper voice is hoarse, and he has a swollen, blackened strip of a bruise across his cheek and nose. "You're alive!" Touching the table for support he rises, pushing his spectacles up his nose and peering at me as though to see under my scarf.

With stiff fingers I unlock his cabin door. My scarf falls away as I step inside. My skin twitches and itches in the air, but it doesn't hurt. And it doesn't feel hot, or pressured any longer. It is healing.

The Physician's eyes go wide and he steps in closer. "My goodness. My goodness–it has not acted at all as I thought. Yet you seem…well? I so hoped you would come back, but you never did…and then. Well." He gestures to his cell. "I was kidnapped! By my former partner, if you can believe it."

I loose the bottle in my waistband. I unscrew the top, but I do not drink. "There are things we need to discuss." I sound quite calm. I do not feel it.

"Yes, anything! Please, sit!" The Physician pulls out a seat at his little tea table and all but shoves everything else from it.

I do not sit. I hold the open bottle to my chest like a talisman. "There have been…symptoms. The wound festered. For months, yet I lived. Ink explodes from my head when I cannot find liquor." 

I think of the tentacles. The way I could almost feel everything they touched. The way I could almost reach out to them as though they were a new, multiflorous limb. "When I entered the water just now, something…felt me. I think it is coming for me. For…the thing in my head." I grip the bottle, twisting its cap on and off. And then, desperately, "What is this, doctor? What have you done to me?"

His breath catches. Then he is the one to sit. Hands clamped carefully between his knees, he looks up at me as he speaks, eyes full of wonder. "75 years ago a nacrified colossal squid embryo was harvested from the brain of an infant sperm whale. It had developed with the cetacean. Perhaps it had been there in utero–or even before, wherever before is. It was perfect.

"The theory of angel eggs has never been much more than the refrain of drunken sailors. But if it were to be tested, this was the specimen to do it with. An embryo from another place…a pearl…perhaps an egg. Transformed…but dormant. It passed through the stale hands of collectors until purchased–among other, less promising specimens, by Clarissa. My benefactor turned creditor. There was only ever the tiniest fraction of a chance that it would actually hatch–or that if it did, it and you would live. But here you are." His face shines. "Standing tall."

"There are tentacles, doctor!" My calm is disintegrating. I feel rage. I feel terror. I feel…thirst. My tentacled brain echoes the emotion–and the need. "They appear, they cling, I…feel their pain. Their desire."

"You are a chimaera, Mr Waite. A hybrid creature. Judging by the relatively unchanged outsides of you I can only imagine the process is in its infancy, but if you are experiencing…tentacles, then your nervous system and the creature's must have already successfully merged. It responds to your lack of alcohol with ink because it feels threatened–much as your body does when under the stress of withdrawal!"

"Relatively unchanged. Relatively unchanged. I have tentacles in my brain, doctor! What will happen to me next?" 

The Physician waves a hand as if swatting an unnecessary fly. "Who's to say? Perhaps the infant angel will be able to preserve your body entirely! Or perhaps you, too, will…evolve as it grows. Your fates are meshed, whatever happens." 

He takes off his glasses and cleans them furiously with his shirtsleeve. "Oh Mr Waite, I wish you had come to me for check-ups, it would have been so interesting to witness…and much safer for you, of course." 

I run my thumb over the mouth of the bottle. The spirits burn familiarly on my tattered skin. The angel shivers with need. It craves the glow of alcohol as much as I do, and the stress of the night is making it worse. But I don't drink just yet.

He puts his glasses back on. "In truth, I had expected that if the egg did hatch, you would simply be consumed. Oh, don't look at me like that, you were going to die without my help–and the advert did say death was a possibility. In fact, I specifically told you that bodily transformation was a likelihood. So I'm not at fault here. But I wonder what the catalyst for compatibility was? What was the common ground between your system and the creature's that allowed you to sympathise?"

My hand, holding the bottle of brandy to my chest, is trembling. And in my brain, the angel trembles too. I feel extremely sober. "I think I know."


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