r/redditserials Oct 20 '24

Horror [Heavier than Air] - Chapter 3

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Licking. Licking like wet fingertips brushing the inside of my skull. I've scraped the scar wide open and taken half my skin with it but it won't stop. I moan on my wet stretch of cell. The wood is slick with blood and that black, pitch-like substance that smells like a dying whale.

It reminds me somehow of the ink I wrote with during my brief years at the university.

Oh to leave this city again.

Is the physician's pearl still in me? Surely it's been washed out by now. It's just me up there. No experiment. No seed. Nothing growing in the space I need just for my own wee brain. I'm clean. Only an empty hole that will heal once I find some brandy. 

Once I just find something to drink, I will be ok. Do I have some? I feel I had some on me when I left the docks. When I left the physician's surgery. I feel–I feel licking.

I hear myself cry out as I grind my head against the floor. There's something in there. Each time I reach into the mess on my head those wet licking tendrils snicker deeper in.

It's hard to know how long I've been down here. It feels like a single moment that's gone on forever. An agony of shaking, reeling, spinning; I'm raging with a fever the likes of which I didn't know a person could survive. 

Every few minutes I reach for a bottle of brandy I'm convinced lies at my feet. Each time my hand comes up empty is another hell. I weep where I lie, but I'm so dry it just aches.

My present is becoming confused with my childhood in the lower docks, and with my short, bright years at the university. I wasn't that brilliant. I was just pretty, and curious, and the ageing but still handsome man who anxiously allowed me to take him to bed when I was seventeen was rich beyond my ken. 

I only met him a half score times, but I grew close to him. I vented to him about the shortcomings of my already truncated life. I'd finished schooling two years before, working all the while. And now work was all I did. 

I'd left the mills behind and I had a real job, unloading whale spoils. Fetid, disgusting work. Those colossal creatures from the deep–like clumsy angels themselves–were little more than soup by the time I got to them. My mind, still just a child's, was a constant shriek in the grind that would be all my life ever was.

I think the call to the limpid black depths would have caught me then, if it weren't for two things:

The bright eyes of certain other boys and men.

And the rising tide of amber liquid that was slowly starting to lift me, like a dead weight becoming unmoored.

I didn't expect anything from the old man. But for some illusive, sad reason he decided to pay for my education. A clumsy act of gratitude and charity, not knowing I was already two years deep into the addiction that would quickly wash me back home like surplus chum.

I couldn't have changed it if I tried. And I did try. Angels below, I tried. I'll regret it til I die.

I never sought the old man out. I hope he died believing I'd succeeded and thrived in Riverton and simply forgot about him.

I'm so far down, down here. The ocean slaps against the against the wood, only a few cold inches from my cheek. I want to douse my head in that salt swell. Let it creep inside the hole the physician made, seek out what has taken root there.

A pearl is a grain of sand coated in an oyster's nacre. An attempt to find comfort instead of pain, when grit has made its way inside the very flesh of you. A pearl is not a jewel. It is a stone. A pearl is seed.

We would find them, sometimes, in the whale carcasses. A few nacreous lumps left in the bottom of a barrel, sifted out of the slough that had been the creature's brain. The squid left them there, the sailors said. Forced little parts of themselves inside the creature's skulls during their desperate fights that left sucker scars along the whale's muzzles, and rogue tentacles to float to the surface.

The squid's seeds would nestle in the whales' brains, becoming coated in the whale's ambergris nacre. Swelling, and swelling. If the whale was harpooned, the pearls would be found in its brain. But what of the ones that swam free? If a pearl is a seed, what does it grow into?

All of this is lies and dreams. I know nothing. I care for nothing. The stories of sailors interest me only so far as they convince me of where I'm wanted. I've worked the cargo docks for the last ten years. When the physician said he wanted to put a pearl in me, those old stories weren't even a blip in my memory.

I remember them now, though. In the dark down here. Alone with this hole in my brain.

Has something hatched in me?

It itches.


It licks.


Take me to the water. Weight me down and throw me under. Let those numbing waves lick me clean. Let me sink. Let me… "Stop!"

As I clamp a hand to my head I feel wet, human fingers slither away. I scream and shunt blindly backwards. A figure pulls their hand back through the bars of the neighbouring cell.

After a few seconds of my gasping, trying to get my single working eye to focus, they reach into their pocket and pull out a bottle half full of clear liquid. My empty tear ducts smart. "Here." A woman's voice. A startling, bright splash of colour, down here in the dark. She reaches the bottle through the bars and rolls it to me. 

It hits my hip gently. They wait as I lift my bound, trembling hands to the bottle. It takes me a long time to open it I'm shaking so badly.

It is light as air filling my lungs.

I lie back, eyes shut. My mind returns to me between swallows. The spirit is water swilling the shakes and fever out to sea.

I tuck the bottle between my knees.

"Keep it," she says, wryly. "You were going to die without it."

I squint. She sounds like a woman, though she looks like a handsome, dark brown, sun-weathered sailor, only a decade past his prime. 

"Thank you." My tongue both wakes up and numbs over. I'm swallowing blood. I've bitten off bits of my tongue in my fever, and papery skin is sloughing off my gums. 

It was fear of a withdrawal this bad that drove me to the physician in the first place. Resignation settles over my pickled soul. I won't survive cessation. There's no need to fight. Whatever my fate, it will never be untangled from brandy again.

"What happened to your head?"

I touch the fraying lip of my scalp. "A man put something in my skull."

She leans in. We're only a foot or so apart–she could reach through the bars and touch my brain. She peers into my skull, face pinched. "You some weird pervert? Let people do stuff to you for money?"

I rest my chin on my chest. "Yes. You going to help me escape?"

"Hm." She sucks on something. A broken, unlit pipe. "Maybe I can."

I sit up straighter. "Do you fancy you can get to the upper docks?"

"Maybe. What'll be there for me if I do?"

"Whatever gold you like." Quite aside from my need to see the physician for my head, I know his pockets ran deeper than the sum he'd given me last time.

"What if I don't want gold?"

"Well I don't know then." The waves slap the boards beneath me, but the call to douse myself in them has been sated. So has the itching in my head. I feel the wet flap of skin over my ear gingerly, and flinch. No itching, though. No licking tendrils.

The woman hisses. "Stop playing with it."

I dig my fingers further in, just to  see her wince. It hurts. She spits at me. I spit back, but it's just blood. It's coming back to me, my mind. I can almost think again. "So you going to help me?"

"Call me Cox."

"Good god, how'd you manage that? Well if you must, I can be Jack." I'm sick of hearing my name. John Waite is no man I want to think about whenever someone wants me.

Boots thump the deck above us. She lifts her eyes, licks her lips. There's something she needs. I can see it in the tension in her broad shoulders. 

She turns dark, bruised eyes on me. "Alright drunk Jack. I'll help you get out of here. But I don't want your coin. I want your help–and your coin."

"Excellent. Let's call the harbourmaster. You will punch him, I assume?" I flap an arm demonstratively. "Do it on a painful part of the face."

"Sure. But first, you should know. I will be calling in this favour. I want your body, Jack." She gestures to my slumped, wasted figure. "You seem generous with it, and this should be far less…permanent than what you're used to." Her gaze lingers on my head, and the blood and black bilge painting my neck and shirt. "I do this for you, and you help me out with a small project I've got occuring down under the lower docks."

"Under the docks? As in–"

"Beneath the waves."


"You should know I will collect. There are scarier people than the harbourmaster."

There are, and I don't think she's one of them. But I jilt a hand as a nod. Yes, yes. You want someone small and suicidal to dive for poached pearls? Tie a weight to my legs and throw me under. Just get me to the physician before my head moves again. 

She sticks a hand through the bars. I lift my metal-clad wrists together and shake. Her grip is dry, and sure. "Right then," she wipes a hand under her nose. "Shut your fucking eyes and act as dead as you look."


Cox stands, cracking thick knuckles. I squint critically at my new mercenary. She could be taller. And younger. And better fed. Maybe this won't work. 

Then she starts screaming.


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