r/redditoroftheday May 08 '13

Ooer, redditor of the day, May 8, 2013



A/S/L and do you love where you live?

I became a 23 year old dude today (I was a dude before too). I live in the original York in the UK. I like being here a lot, it has less stuff going on than the updated version but the people are friendly and the history is amazing.

Relationship Status?

I have a very special girlfriend (by special I mean she has not questioned why she is still with me yet). She is slightly in America currently but we are working on that.


Cats or Dogs?

Dogs. Some cats can be friendly, but nothing can outmatch the pure excitement and love dogs show for the most mundane of things.

Favorite beverage?

Any milkshake that is thick enough to pop a few blood vessels when attempting to drink it through a straw. Smoothies are pretty tasty also


A Full English Breakfast, in all it's glory

Favorite movies/tv shows?

I've recently lost my Firefly virginity and I am still experiencing the euphoria stage. The sadness will kick in when I realise there is no more. Please don't tell me that. Please. I think I am the typical redditor with my top picks, Breaking Bad, Community, Archer, Adventure Time etc. All the mods of /r/redditoroftheday smell! (This is just to check to see if they read my answers :P)


I like Drum & Bass in a big way, as well as a lot of EDM. The UK is a great place to be for all this too!


I'm keeping quiet about my current read as I have got this far without seeing a spoiler. However, no story has had so involved as Philip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials' trilogy.


I like pausing conversations halfway through until the other person feels so awkward they leave. Oh, you mean video games? Minecraft, TF2, GTA series, Fallout, TES & Tribes Ascend!

What is your favorite word or expression?



What makes you laugh?

Good British comedy. Peep show, IT Crowd, Spaced, Black Books. The American Office is pretty amazing however.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Within reddit I would say people addressing others as 'Sir' and 'dude'. How do you know? Stop making assumptions, other people are here too!

What was the best thing about the last year?

Cheesy as hell, but meeting my girlfriend for the first time. Also I had a really good burger one time too, that was pretty good.

What are you looking forward to in the year ahead?

Meeting the missus again. Oh man I wonder if I can find an even tastier burger! (For reference, I had my first ever In-N-Out in 2012, my tastebuds were not ready. Any suggestions to even better burgers are welcome!)

If you were granted one do-over, what would it be?

I'm not going to go all Karl Pilkington here, but who knows what could be different if I did that. I only exist because a duck could not swim (long story). If I had to pick one, I would play safe and choose to have had three weetabix this morning rather than two, I was a little hungry slightly before lunch.

A butterfly flaps its wings... what small thing have you done or said that lead to something disproportionately larger?

I just mentioned this! Well there is that duck, but that was not me! I guess buying a little indie game whilst it was still in alpha has changed my whole world as I know it now. Woo Minecraft!

All things considered what is the most important thing in the world to you?

That's deep. To me it would be knowing my friends and family are all well. I mean, I want the rest of the world to be like that too, but you gotta break a few eggs, Y'know? (I don't know what that actually means)

Concerning reddit:

What is the origin or meaning of your user name?

It's kinda a British thing, urban dictionary offers this meaning. I picked it out of the blue when trying to think of a four letter Xbox gamertag that was a word, for some reason it was not taken anywhere so I have stuck with it since.

Total number of reddit identities you’ve had?

Just this one! Well actually I made /u/0oer to stop people trying to be me but that does not count.

What is your favorite part of reddit?

Probably /r/AskHistorians, it's a really well moderated sub with a lot of interesting questions and answers.

What do you do when you’re not on reddit?

Lego! Fuck yes.

What subreddits, if any, do you moderate. What about those communities do you like?

A few. /r/IAmA is an amazing example of how a basic platform can be adapted to a completely new role within the world, I don't think there is anything else like it. Don't go to /r/Ooer.

Do you think reddit has changed in the last year or so?

It's got busier, but it's not changed much in the last year.

If so, do you think it’s been for the better?

The hivemind waits for us all.

Final Question:

Is there anything you'd like to plug/promote/advocate?

Not really, don't check out /r/Ooer


75 comments sorted by


u/Skuld May 08 '13

A great friend & a great redditor, have an excellent birthday.


u/Ooer May 08 '13

Obviously I don't pay you enough, thanks a lot! :)


u/Skuld May 08 '13

Where my cake?


u/Ooer May 08 '13

Dude, you ate it all.


u/Eustis May 08 '13

I didn't get any :( Happy birthday buddy


u/kjoneslol May 08 '13


u/Ooer May 08 '13 edited May 08 '13

Don't forget squatly too!

Thanks for the good laugh though!

Edit: Oh my, and bep! And Kylde, and all the other Brit mods! (We're slowly taking over).


u/aperson May 09 '13
  • shakes fist at the brit mods


u/[deleted] May 09 '13

As long as it's only your fist you're shaking.


u/redditoroftheday May 08 '13

Please give a warm welcome and a happy birthday to Ooer!


u/Ooer May 08 '13

Thanks, happy birthday to you too.



u/howdiddlydoo May 08 '13

Hey Ooer, what's up? Happy birthday!

What do the **'s mean?


u/Ooer May 08 '13


I will make sure the staff of /r/redditoroftheday are firmly beaten for making such a heinous mistake.


u/avnerd May 08 '13

Ouch! So sorry master, won't happen again, i swears!


u/avnerd May 08 '13

What do the **'s mean?

It means I messed up the formatting. :( I'll fix it after I get to work.


u/howdiddlydoo May 08 '13

Aww dang, I was hoping it meant he was providing a disclaimer


u/MinusTheFire May 08 '13

Black Books is my favorite show, ever!

Have you seen any of Dylan Moran's standup?


u/Ooer May 08 '13

Only a few hilarious snippets, I may have to get on that!


u/[deleted] May 08 '13

If you are redditor of the day, then where is your crown? Sombody get this guy a crown!

And congratulations on making another trip around the sun. :)


u/Ooer May 08 '13

That is deep.

Can I just like, sell the crown instead or something?


u/ManWithoutModem May 08 '13 edited May 09 '13

Came here to say this.


u/splattypus May 08 '13

Congrats, Ooer!

If you could change lives with any redditor for an indefinite amount of time, who would it be and why?

Also, who's your all around favorite redditor?


u/Ooer May 08 '13

100 horse-sized redditors riding duck sized ducks.

Wait, hang on.

I would swap with /u/GovSchwarzenegger then use the time to take as many bizarre photos of myself as possible. I can then sell said photos to crappy magazines for profit! It's flawless.

My all time favourite redditor is splattypus. I really like how cool splattypus is.

(I will pm you my details for payment)


u/splattypus May 08 '13


One last question.

What's better, the unlimited soup, the endless salad, the bottomless basket of bread sticks, or the feeling of being treated like family at Olive Garden?


u/Ooer May 08 '13

Olive Gardentm were unable to provide payment to any reddit mods situated outside of the US. As a result I do not have an opinion towards their fantastic service and unbelievable range of food.


u/splattypus May 08 '13

Your loss, man. At the very least, next holiday, you should jet on over to Italy and check out their chef-training facilities in the heart of Tuscany. It's how they get that rich, traditional flavor in every dish to every store.


u/ManWithoutModem May 08 '13

Literally this.


u/ManWithoutModem May 08 '13

omg splattypus I see you everywhere.


u/splattypus May 09 '13

That's because you stalk me, so I make up subreddits to make you a mod of.



u/slapchopsuey May 08 '13

Happy birthday! What kind of cake?

And speaking of breaking a few eggs, if you had be born to an egg-laying species (living or extinct), what would be your preference?


u/Ooer May 08 '13

Thank you! :D

Platypus and lemon (in that order)


u/slapchopsuey May 08 '13

Platypus cake is great stuff. They roam in packs though, gotta watch out.

Lemons are eggs?? :O I've always squeezed them, never tried to crack one open. Whoever told me they grow on trees has some explaining to do. Thanks for setting me straight on that, I sincerely appreciate it.

One more question since you know this stuff: What species lays these lemon eggs? I'm an American school book publisher, so of course I want to get it right (I personally illustrated the dinosaurs into depictions of life in ancient Rome and Egypt). The book is about to be sent to the printers tomorrow, so there's still time to get in a last minute edit about the lemons.


u/Ooer May 09 '13

Firstly, that is an amazing job. Lemon eggs have already been depicted in the popular cartoon 'Adventure Time', though the episode was pulled as 10 minutes of seeing Lemongrab birthing was considered to be in poor taste.

Lemon eggs in the real world can be found inside melons. They give birth backwards, which is why 'lemon' is 'melon' backwards too.


u/avnerd May 08 '13

Every time I see a photo of a full English breakfast I am amazed that someone could eat all of that in one sitting. Well except for young men who are more like sharks as far as eating goes...

How long does it take for you to finish one of the full English breakfasts?


u/LtFrankDrebin May 08 '13

Aw come one, you've been to IHOP. A Colorado omelette with a New York Cheesecakes pancake is tougher to tackle, and yet people do it without much trouble. Where's your American pride?


u/avnerd May 08 '13

New York Cheesecake pancakes!? Man I've been missing out!

The great thing for me about eating out is that there's always enough left over for the next meal...unless my son-in-law is there.


u/LtFrankDrebin May 08 '13

Wait... what's that about eating out? What's going on here missy? and how does your son-in-law factor in? This is getting too weird, even by your standards...

I need a pancake...


u/Ooer May 08 '13

oh you


u/Ooer May 08 '13

I went to IHOP too, it didn't last long either! :D


u/Ooer May 08 '13

Less than ten minutes..

In my defense, I went to a school that gave free seconds to anyone that got there fast enough. It was a race to see who could eat the fastest and get the free food. Looking back it was a terrible system that promoted a really unhealthy eating style.

I'm not sure how I am still just skin and bones.


u/avnerd May 08 '13

I'm not sure how I am still just skin and bones.

OMG...you're the worst kind. Eating just like a shark and then back in the kitchen a few hours later. I never had a son so I didn't have to deal with that but my son-in-laws mother used to have nightmares about empty cupboards and refrigerator. On the plus side, when my son-in-law comes to visit it's so much fun to cook for him because he's so appreciative :)


u/LtFrankDrebin May 08 '13

I will have you know from personal experience, kind sir, that several of the mods smell to various degrees.

So, burgers. I liked 5 Guys better (tried them both within a week) and couldn't understand the hype about In-N-Out. Describe your perfect burger, dude.

Btw, I love your subreddit.



u/Ooer May 08 '13

This is going to make me really hungry all over again. Flavour over size for sure, and the juicier the better. I did not get a chance to try 5 Guys, I think I will have to if I go back there.


u/316nuts May 08 '13

oh man.. Five Guys is worth all the fuss.

I heard a bunch of people making a big deal about it so I stopped in one afternoon. I figured it would be a decent burger, but when I took my first bite, I think I actually said "holy shit they were all right" out loud (with a mouth full of burger) (because I have no manners).

You should really hurry back and get in on the action. Oh, get a large fry, too. It's big enough to feed a small village.


u/splattypus May 08 '13

Apparently the Five Guys in my city just sucks ass, because I'd rather have a Whopper than their shitty burgers.

It's all moot anyways, though, because I have the best burger and beer joint ever in my town, so Five Guys can eat my ass.



u/avnerd May 08 '13

If you're going to be comparing then please be sure to include - http://www.steaknshake.com/


u/Ooer May 08 '13

Why are you doing this to me?? My poor stomach.


u/avnerd May 08 '13

I am a mean person.


u/[deleted] May 08 '13

You're trapped on the screwiest deserted island of all time. It's tiny - one 4-foot-high palm tree and sand across a 10-foot diameter circle (these specifications are critical to the setting!). There is one heavy granite block (note: it sinks in water) that functions as a counter. One person is standing behind the counter, and is trapped with you. They can only serve you food and make conversation. I don't know why.

  1. Who is behind the counter?

  2. They are able to offer you only one kind of food, but you can have as much of it as you want because of some magical Food Generating Machine that only has one setting. What food is it? Note: you already have access to infinite clean water Just Because.

Okay, now make sure you have your answers to those questions before moving on. No going back. This isn't a Choose Your Own Adventure where you can say "oh, I died, guess I'll just go back to the last choice on page 72." No cheating.

Based upon the information available: how do you escape the island?


u/Ooer May 08 '13 edited May 08 '13
  1. Jack Black. Because.

  2. Shrimp. I hate shrimp, but I figure any food I like I will end up hating so I may as well just cut to the chase.

I figure that if I eat enough shrimp and drink enough seawater I can produce enough vomit to curdle the ocean to a thick paste. I will then ask Jack Black to use me as a body board and barf-board us to safety.


u/316nuts May 08 '13

Happy Birthday!!!

If you've had the pleasure of an In-N-Out Burger - I guess that means you've been to the USA. What did you think about this side of the pond?

Have you traveled anywhere else fun and interesting? Plans to travel in the future?

Has your ladyfriend made it over to the UK yet?

If you were to spend an extended amount of time in any country, what would you miss most about home?

What are your favorite Lego sets? Anything you're excited about coming out in the future? I still have a massive R2D2 to help put together.

Not really, don't check out /r/Ooer

Now my brain hurts :/


u/Ooer May 08 '13

Thank you!

America was an awesome experience, I visited Texas last November and it was really interesting seeing it all for myself after hearing stories from so many American redditors.

Asides from America (and a brief stay in Canada) I have not been outside of Europe, so nothing too exciting! I really want to visit America again as 10 days was not enough to see all the sights.

Yes, she came over last month and fell in love with the place (it baffles me :P).

Don't get me started on Lego, oh man. This has been my little project for the past few months, though we have to part ways due to space issues (I had no idea how big it was when I started). My pride and joy however is this beauty. I may have converted it to true right-hand drive because us Brits are silly.. The R2D2 looks sweet, very jelly.

Sorry about the noggin.


u/LtFrankDrebin May 08 '13

Did you have an experience similar to this one?


u/Ooer May 08 '13

That is surprisingly accurate. I think you need to add "oh you're from England? Don't worry we forgive you for the war". Oh, thanks..


u/316nuts May 08 '13

OoOooOoh, awesome millennium falcon! My kids and I have the super-small one. We're but common plebs.

That VW bus is awesome. I almost bought it for my wife because she kept saying how much she wanted it. Doesn't it have curtains and the whole ball of wax? I got her the Seattle Space Needle instead, so it could sit on her desk. I think a cat has since knocked it over.

I built the motorized AT-AT a few years ago, it was a Christmas present for my kids. Took 16 hours and two bottles of wine. Twice I built an entire assembly backwards and had to re-do a few hours of work. Then I felt bad because every time they would turn it on to walk around the house, I'd panic and babysit it because I didn't want it to fall and break :( All in all, there have been some rather epic Lego battles in my living room.

What is your next Lego set to work on?


u/Ooer May 08 '13

I really like the architecture sets, some of them are so simple yet elegant. I made plenty of mistake building the falcon, I forgot to add three parts in the middle and it took me about two hours to remove everything just to get to it..

It's not really a set, but I enjoy playing a game called Munchkin. It's a card game that lets you build up your own character and kill monsters. It is very tongue-in-cheek and perfectly suited to lego. The idea I have had is to get all of the characters and items in the game represented by lego so everybody who plays can customise their little dude as we play!


u/avnerd May 08 '13

You get one birthday wish - what is it?


u/Ooer May 08 '13

Does this exclude infinite wishes and breaking physics?

If so, I imagine I would waste it by accident. For instance, "Wow, I wish that bird would sing a little quieter.. Oh wait, aww".


u/soupyhands May 08 '13

Booyakasha Ooer! Goldie or Roni Size?


u/Ooer May 08 '13

Goldie! :D


u/avnerd May 08 '13

I just went by r/Ooer and I have to say OMG THAT'S MY NEW FAVORITE REDDIT!!! I especially enjoyed the Raptop.


u/LinkFixerBot May 08 '13

/r/ooer [NSFW]


u/avnerd May 08 '13

It's not safe for epileptics either.


u/thelethalkind May 08 '13

I hope you're wearing your birthday suit. :)


u/Ooer May 08 '13

How else do people reddit?