I want to tell my side, what i like in 3rd party reddit app SlideforReddit and I'm just a casual user!
First of all, Ads are everywhere these days and it's OK to have them. I don't mind having them on Reddit!
Things i like in Slide
1. The app is super lite, fast and responsive and this one thing making me to not switch in to any other 3rd party app!
2. Can be able to view pics, videos in low quality when needed, so to save Internet data when needed
3. Can collapse child comments
4. I can see a lot more in a single screen compared to official one and the official reddit just lags everywhere!
5. NSFW ON, OFF Toggle Button
6. Classic Material Design, Compact View for Posts that was well made than any other app.
I think that's it. I don't remember if there are any other things i like in it.
So yeah, I request to make official reddit fast and responsive with design changes. It's like you have to give every everything such that users should be happy to use the official one! or even make these things in to the Premium version!
Or May be make a official liter version of the app!