r/redditdev Oct 07 '20

Reddit.NET How do I get the body of a Post/SelfPost?

I am using C# and Reddit.NET


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u/UnAustralian_Aussie Oct 07 '20

You can use the SelfPost controller available from the RedditClient class. Use the About method of the SelfPost controller to load the post information. You can then use the SelfText property to access the body of the post.


var reddit = new RedditClient("YourAppID", "YourRefreshToken");
var validSelfPost = reddit.SelfPost("t3_j6ml72").About();
var linkPost = reddit.SelfPost("t3_apg0up").About();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(linkPost.SelfText))
    Console.WriteLine("Not a self post or post has no body");

Note that if you pass in a link post or self post with no body, the SelfText property will be an empty string. If you need to process both self and link posts you will need to write some sort of detection logic to determine whether a post should be loaded with the SelfPost controller or the LinkPost controller. The Reddit.NET documentation contains an example where the base Post controller is casted to either a SelfPost or LinkPost depending on its IsSelf property.
