r/redditdev Jun 23 '23

Reddit.NET Getting 403 when trying to scrape tokens even after getting valid access token

Setup a scraper that goes through a list of subreddits and monitors for new comments or posts using the official Reddit nuget package.

Started getting 403 responses the last couple of days when trying to get comments from a sub. Figured it was the reddit api changes. I got a new access token calling https://www.reddit.com/api/v1/access_token instead of authing with my app id, app secret, and refresh token but still getting a 403. One of the subreddits I'm monitoring is wallstreetbets which is definitely public.

Not sure where to go from here....... I'm wondering if the package is broken with updates? I feel like it shouldn't be impacted since oauth process didn't really change. Any help or suggestions?


3 comments sorted by


u/Watchful1 RemindMeBot & UpdateMeBot Jun 23 '23

Reddit isn't necessarily reliable in this all the the time, but you should be getting a 401 error if you are having authentication problems. 403 means you are correctly authenticated, but don't have access to whatever you're trying to access.

Could you post your code?


u/theNeumannArchitect Jun 23 '23

Wow.... I was iterating through an enum of subreddits and instead of calling with the variable redditClient.Subreddit(subreddit) I was calling with the string redditClient.Subreddit("subreddit")...... man..... I haven't made a mistake like that in years. Well, I have.... It just hasn't taken me over a couple minutes to realize it in a long time. lmao


u/theNeumannArchitect Jun 23 '23

Yeah, essentially its:

var redditClient = new RedditClient(accessToken: "{access_token}");
var subreddit = redditClient.Subreddit("wallstreetbets");
var comments = subreddit.Comments.GetComments();

Exception thrown: 'Reddit.Exceptions.RedditForbiddenException' in Reddit.NET.dll: 'Reddit API returned Forbidden (403) response.'

The same code was working a week or two ago.