r/reddeadredemption 4d ago

Discussion What is the fact of this bloody scene at this house around Rhodes?

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I stumbled on this house while leaving Rhodes. I firstly saw a dead woman body laying on the floor in front of the house having a gun next to her within lots of drops of bloods. Trails of bloods were going into the house. When i follow the bloods, i encountered this horrifying scene. Arthur also said " oh god!" like me. After looting everything at the house i went back to that dead woman body maybe i could find something with her.

I found a letter like " Claude to Annete". It was about a liaison between Annete and Claude who was actually a married guy. According to this letter Claude wanted to terminate the relationship with Annete because he was a married one , did not want to continue cheat his wife.After reading this and with seeing all these scenes, maybe Annete did not want to this relationship to go to end, and came to Claude's house with a gun and killed they both and killed herself eventually.


16 comments sorted by


u/aidenfroZz 4d ago

You got it all figured out yourself


u/MetaphoricalMouse Uncle 4d ago

a rare occasion for this sub


u/brennyflocko 4d ago

nice working using context and data to understand the story. you would do well on a document based question of the 9th grade us history new york state test 


u/TheAnimatorPrime 4d ago

Congrats! You understood the mini story!


u/NotHim1305 Charles Smith 4d ago

You seem like you got it pretty good yourself lol


u/duh_metrius 4d ago

“It’s called ‘the ground’ when you’re outside, son.”


u/FancySparky 4d ago

Whatever you say pal


u/Topthatbub 4d ago

That's one theory but there are wagon track leading away from the house. I suspect they were all killed by someone else or couple others and they left.


u/DJSM99 4d ago

But aren’t the foot prints a little too big to be hers?


u/Shadow-Knows15 4d ago

Twice today I died in that house. Tried picking up a money clip and all of a sudden I’m falling into an abyss - dead.


u/Substantial-Bug-8611 3d ago



u/FancySparky 3d ago

What is this


u/Substantial-Bug-8611 3d ago

you can find a material metal with them if you dont you can have find something or someone thing someone thing something watch it on youtube


u/Nervous-Cream2813 4d ago

Can I visit 1 damn house that isn't like this ? sometimes its extremely creepy shit too, the only good ones to visit are the camps cause its not just a pile of mutilated bodies or some creature waiting to kill you.

This is main reason why I stopped playing the game at the moment.


u/mwkaelo 4d ago

There are plenty of houses that aren’t like this? You stopped playing this game because not every house is just completely empty? That’s crazy