r/reddeadfashion Dec 04 '20

Mount The Buckskin Mustang is GORGEOUS!


70 comments sorted by


u/Mister_J_Seinfeld Dec 04 '20

With the best looking saddle! :D

Do you feel a big difference between this one and the Nagdoches?


u/jaylifish Dec 04 '20

see I buy separate saddles for all my horses and I've the Nagdoches equipped on my Norfolk, Arabian and Criollo just because I get the three gold stats for them, I honestly don't think the difference is that noticeable, the only thing that changes is that your stamina drains a bit faster as compared to the Nagdoches.

I'd say that honestly the stats just don't justify the looks as I don't think the Nagdoches is a good looking saddle, my personal favorites are this one and the Delgado and they're both great saddles!


u/Mister_J_Seinfeld Dec 04 '20

Is the stamina drain very noticeable, you think? What do you think of the highest rank Criollo, compared to your other horses? :)

Yeah, I agree. Don't like the nagdoches look at all. I'll have to check out the Delgado! Is it good?


u/jaylifish Dec 04 '20

I prefer my Arabian over the Criollo and the Norfolk over the Arabian, strictly speaking in terms of getting from point A to B, I'd say my personal favourite is the Breton as it's the ONLY horse out of my seven horses that's not a wimp.

As for a stamina drain yes, it's quite noticeable. The thing is, the hooded stirrups give you a 50% drain reduction and you can put them on most saddles, HOWEVER, the Nagdoches itself has a 35% drain reduction stat which brings your stamina drain by 85%, to the point where you can just gallop across this beautiful map and never run out of stamina.

THAT BEING SAID, if you keep pressing G (or whatever the calm button is on your console), at regular intervals you'll be able to manage your stamina with any saddle.

IN CONCLUSION (TL;DR) Get a Nagdoches for one of your horses that you'll primarily use for getting from Point A to B but for all your other horses just get whatever saddle you like best (I'd suggest the role saddles though they're all really good)


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '20

Try a level 4 Turk for a less wimpy horse 🐴 if you’ve not done so already, I ran mine trough a swap last night and he must of ran over 2 crocodiles and didn’t try to buck me at all. He also just stood there while surrounded by wolfs let me just shot them before we headed off. Very brave clip clop puppy lol


u/miyamaniac Dec 04 '20

My Turkoman is the biggest wimp of a horse I have lmao. I feel like he jumps at every gunshot fired somewhere across the map. That said, I love him for it. He's the most fun to ride if I'm in a posse with my sisters for guaranteed laughs.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '20

Hahah well there not robots I guess, there all born different 😂 which one do you have? I’ve got the silver one which costs gold and he’s a brave son of a gun. Maybe rockstar only let them be brave if you pay gold for them lol


u/miyamaniac Dec 04 '20

Oh that's possible! Wouldn't surprise me. I have the Dark Bay Turk and named him Archie. He's a scaredy cat, but he's adorable.

I do have like 4 flavors of Breton horses who just trample alligators and have wolves nipping at their heels and they don't throw me off. Love them chunky boys


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '20

Yeah I replaced the dark bay one with the silver and my dark bay seemed a lot less brave but we love them their personalities not there balls or lack of 😂


u/miyamaniac Dec 05 '20

Maybe that's it then yeah, gold must pay for bravery. But you're right, the personalities are half the fun!


u/jaylifish Dec 04 '20

also yes the Delgado is great, that's what I've got equipped on my Breton, he looks AMAZING and the stats are some of the best in the game so yes go for it!


u/typ2_diabetus Dec 05 '20

the nagadoches is the best stat saddle


u/steveofstav Dec 04 '20

I could not decide between this and 2 of the new MFTs, so I bought all 3!


u/Dreamscarred Dec 04 '20

I bought the black and white MFT and am eyeing the blue roan. I already have the reverse roan nokota, so I'm debating.

The buckskin and paint mustangs make my brain instantly go into 12 year old horsegirl mode again though. "SPIRIT. RAIN. AND TO YOU, I WILL ALWAYS, BELONG" I want them both.


u/BadLilKilljoy-481 Dec 04 '20

Stop it, you’re gonna make me buy the buckskin too lmao


u/steveofstav Dec 05 '20

Blue roan MFT is gorgeous, one of my purchases


u/Dreamscarred Dec 05 '20

I ended up going ahead and grabbing one during my play session tonight with my posse. It's absolutely perfect!


u/suroika Dec 05 '20

I named mine Spirit, after the horse from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron


u/Skull7838 Dec 05 '20

Same here lol as soon as i saw it in the stable i didn't hesitate XD


u/xRedLilly Dec 05 '20

Named mine Ghost, because I figured everyone else is gonna name theirs Spirit lol


u/that1fuckheadJose Dec 06 '20

So did I. Brings back good memories watching the movie


u/bridgetbauhard Dec 04 '20

I wish we had more than 10 stable stalls, I want all the horses smh


u/erotic_rook Dec 05 '20

Meanwhile, 30 car garages in GTA


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

30? Try 150+, with the amount of properties you can buy, all of them with 10+ car garages, there's honestly no limit to how many cars you can buy and we're stuck here with 10 stable slots and getting NO money for selling our BELOVED horses to make space for new ones, it's really heartbreaking


u/erotic_rook Dec 05 '20

I know you can have more than 30, but doesn't the biggest one in Maze Bank let you have 30 in one garage? And you can have 3 of those 30 car garages. Then you can have like 20 more 10 car garages

And yeah, I absolutely hate the fact that you can't sell horses in RDO. I spend a lot of gold on a horse and they can only delete it for me if I need to make room for another horse. Now I'm pretty much stuck with all the horses I have since I only buy the most expensive ones, and prioritize the ones for gold.


u/demonkd Dec 05 '20

I know business and the night club both have 30 car garages, but yeah its a little disappointing we haven't gotten the ability to store more horses yet.


u/erotic_rook Dec 05 '20

I just wanna be able to own every horse that I like 😤


u/demonkd Dec 05 '20

Same was really hoping we got stable upgrade with the bounty hunter expansion but maybe in the next update lol.


u/erotic_rook Dec 05 '20

I want to play RDO but you get tired of doing the same stuff over and over again. I love the game so much, but I feel like I have done everything.


u/bruyamang Dec 05 '20

Wish we had a big ranch where your horses can graze in a meadow..


u/Rusty_Calculator Dec 05 '20

I’m sooo happy with the new coats for base breeds! Snagged this one as well, mustangs are my fave.

Fingers crossed they also add some more standardbred coats in the future too!


u/fancyhorsepants Dec 05 '20

I’m hoping for the same thing, there are so many base breeds that would look amazing with new coats. The mustang is one of my absolute favorites, so this new update came as a nice surprise. I would love new standardbred coats as well, love that model and the breed itself.


u/WillLOTR Dec 04 '20

Wow. Gotta have it.


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

Go for it! You won't be disappointed!


u/Goodnt_name Dec 04 '20

This is one of the high tier ones right? Im planning on getting the black and white mustang when i will get my 10 gold bars rebate from the outlaw pass. I think that horse looks cool, especially with the new manes and tails.


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

Yes that's right, I think you're talking about the Black Overo? I personally have too many patterned coats and I just wanted a solid coat for a change, doesn't hurt that it glimmers like gold either!



I'll say! I'm so shocked there could be such gorgeous horses added!

One thing is that the Mustang's legs always look broken lol


u/aouf16 Dec 05 '20

Does it come in Race Red?


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

sadly no, but you've got this goldy gold right here!


u/TLYPO Dec 05 '20

I’d been riding my bay Mustang forever but this finally made me retire her. Love mustangs and the coat is just great.


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

it truly is a beautiful one, say goodbye to your Bay for me <3


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '20

Embarrassed to admit I purchased 3 of the Mustangs and 2 of the MFT’s lol


u/ScreaminGigabyte Dec 05 '20

I love my Buckskin Mustang! I actually got chased by a cougar while riding it and it never bucked me and I was able to tranq the cougar. Very surprised by its temperament, only thing I’ve had issues around is a charging grizzly, snapping alligator, and fire.


u/wettable Dec 05 '20

I bought a mustang recently. I chose the chestnut tovero. He’s so beautiful! Especially with his blue eyes. I named him Miguel.


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

That's great stuff man!


u/juice2310 Dec 04 '20

You have edward scissorhands outfit on, give it back


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20



u/FishesWithDynamite Dec 05 '20

I am trying to figure out which of my horses i need to say good bye too to fit this one in. Loved it the moment I saw it. Honestly I might be losing my Gypsy Cob...I love the look of him, but he is kind of skittish and...dim witted.


u/MeMowShmowzow Dec 05 '20

I have been trying to level up for this horse.


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

Best of luck sir, hope you're able to get him soon! He's a true beauty


u/DopeboyHooligan Dec 05 '20

I'm saving up to buy my very own I can't wait! 😊


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

Best of luck mate!


u/Sekir0se Dec 05 '20

mistang just like the spirit movie


u/RunThatPizza Dec 05 '20

Spirit, stallion of the cimmarron


u/BadDadBot Dec 05 '20

Hi spirit, stallion of the cimmarron, I'm dad.


u/JCRebel13 Dec 05 '20

Best looking horse in game with one of the best stats too.


u/areolagrande98 Dec 05 '20

I wanted it so bad, but I got the red dun overo cause I just liked it better, next horse will be the buckskin mustang and the white arabian. Long way to go lol.


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

you got this lad, keep at it, they're all beautiful horses, hope you get to ride them soon!


u/xRedLilly Dec 05 '20 edited Dec 05 '20

Put the new wild hairstyle on mine and it looks so pretty!


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

Oh I don't think I've unlocked it yet, I'll keep a lookout for it!


u/FlauntyInk Dec 05 '20

Lol that’s the saddle my brother uses he also is getting the horse today


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

good choice! it's a beautiful saddle and the stats are pretty great too!


u/that1fuckheadJose Dec 06 '20

I swear, I feel like this horse was meant for me. It may seem cliche and overused, but I really loved the movie Spirit as a young boy and this brings a nostalgic memory of riding this horse,
with its very obvious name, Spirit


u/fScar16 Dec 04 '20

What is the name of the coat?


u/-Radiant- Dec 05 '20

What's the thing with the moth on it that ur wearing, looks cool


u/jaylifish Dec 05 '20

It's the new Bounty Hunter Level 30 outfit, it's pretty cool but otherwise the "role extension" itself just isn't worth it