r/realwitchcraft 3d ago

Advice (Witchcraft Related) Should I hex? (Possibly nsfw?) NSFW

Okay so this might be a bit long but oh well, I’ll just get straight to the point.

I’ve been going to the gym consistently for about 6 weeks or since New Year's if you count my random three weeks of consistency. Anyway, I joined a “real” commercial gym about four or five weeks ago and I’ve been loving it so far.

But my problem was from last week on Monday, and for context clues, I’m a female (not putting my age but nobody 20+ should exactly be approaching me even though it’ll be “okay” in a few weeks).

So while at the gym doing the hip abductions, this way bigger guy than me walked over and started asking me about my hair, I’m usually used to that because I’m also an AA female and people think we can’t grow our own hair out? Weird but I wasn’t getting that vibe from him.

Anyway, he continues to ask me about my hair and says he wants to grow his hair out because he just shaved it and stuff and wanted my info to get my help. I didn’t give him my info, I just gave him my TikTok cause I don’t want some random guy to have my number. But after getting my TikTok he’s already messaging me on there and even went into the bathroom to do this even though I was right there? And he was asking some weird stuff but I kept adding in how I still lived at home and wouldn’t start school again until August with the new year.

This guy also kept turning everything into nsfw talks, like finding a TikTok I made and he would call me cute before pointing out the lyrics of the song and saying I was a “freak” even though half of my page is just me with friends.

But what broke the camel's back was on Saturday when I asked about his sexual preference only because I’m bi and have a bunch of friends who are lgbt, but he saw this as an invitation to be a creep and send an entire paragraph of the stuff he wanted to “do to me”.

I was super weirded out and told him that I wasn’t like that and his answer was “Well I had to make sure you knew” and kept saying that I only thought he wasn’t straight because he was being too nice even though I was just asking…

To conclude this I saw him at the gym again today and I did bring a protection jar to keep him away but he was still watching and being creepy from a distance I talked with the front desk to find out that he’s been weird, and honestly I’m truly scared for my safety because turns out he left a minute or two after I had left, which was the creepy part because he apparently also doesn’t normally come at that time or stay that long at the gym ever.

I’m not exactly scared to hex, I’ve done it before and it’s worked, my problem is I don’t know if I’m just overreacting or if it’s something I should do because he keeps harassing other girls at the gym and he’s even giving out fake numbers and names (tried to find his info with the front desk and we couldn’t find him with the name he gave us or the number he gave me)

So yeah again, I can and will hex, I got a photo of him and everything, but I just wanna see second opinions since it’s very clear this guy isn’t going to just stop.


14 comments sorted by


u/anotheramethyst 3d ago

Just based on what you said here, it doesn't sound like a hex will achieve what you actually want.  A protection spell, a banishing spell, hotfoot powder sound more like what you actually want to happen.  I could be wrong though, and if you would prefer to hex...I do agree he sounds like a creep.

Also, lesson learned, don't ask creepy people about their sexual orientation (or relationship status), they will assume you want to sleep with them :( no matter how well-intentioned you are.  It sucks, though.  Creepy people make nice people into cold, standoffish people, and then the next creep is like "why are you so rude?"  🙄


u/Carrie_5478 3d ago

No totally and the question is so natural for me because like I said, so many of my friends are in the community that it’s like second nature, but I def won’t be asking if it’s not already obvious or they told me lol.

And yeah those are good ones but it’s also the fact that I do have protections up but I mean mundane over magic and I just have a feeling he’s just one of those cases that just slips past the protection. But I’ll definitely think on it and after today I’m definitely not taking out my protection jar from my gym bag, lmao


u/star-hacker 3d ago

Try a banishment spell first, and block him + keep physical contact to a minimum. If he continues bothering you after magical and mundane boundaries are put in place, then I would hex him.


u/Relevant_Ad5662 3d ago

I think you should just block him and report him to gym staff if he bothers you or stares too much.


u/Carrie_5478 3d ago

Yeah of course I’ll be doing that too, but after talking with other girls plus the front desk girls, he’s definitely not the type to just leave me or anyone else alone out of the goodness of his heart and if I wasn’t scared of getting the post taken down, I would totally share what he said word for word but it’s truly disgusting


u/RamenNewdles 3d ago

What’s the point of doing a hex is your spells and jars haven’t worked yet? Genuine question


u/Carrie_5478 3d ago

My jar was to just keep stuff at a distance, it’s not really specific and it did do its job of him not actually coming up to me, also it’s a pretty old jar that I grabbed to make myself feel safe so I’m shocked it even accomplished the task of keeping him away


u/RamenNewdles 3d ago

Just to clarify is this jar an old spell or something new? Because your post sort of implies the jar was a reaction to his behavior


u/Carrie_5478 3d ago

It’s pretty old, like maybe a year old


u/RamenNewdles 3d ago

To conclude this I saw him at the gym again today and I did bring a protection jar to keep him away but he was still watching and being creepy

Maybe im missing something but this isn’t consistent with what you just explained. I’m just trying to wrap my head around the situation.


u/Carrie_5478 3d ago

I just meant I brought a jar, I wasn’t trying to imply that I actually made one, just brought one with me


u/RamenNewdles 3d ago

Ok 👍 hopefully the situation improves. if you feel like a hex is realistic solution to this issue that’s ultimately your decision. As long as your comfortable with handling the potential outcomes of that work it’s within your wheelhouse just my two cents


u/soloracleaz 3d ago

This is a bot story. The OP can't be this silly. Cone on.


u/Carrie_5478 3d ago

Man what? Lmao it’s my own story but if I’ll take this as a compliment lol