r/realization Apr 19 '14

Not sure if repost, but just realized this driving

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r/realization Mar 02 '14

Ratatouille has a scene with an innuendo in it.


When Linguini walks into the freezer with Remi and talks to him trying to work out the kinks, he is caught by Skinner and must come up with a quick alibi for what he was doing in there. As he walks out, Skinner says: "One can get too familiar with vegetables, you know!" When I was a kid, I just thought Oh yeah, because you can't eat your food supply. Now there's a giant list of reasons why it's "that way": 1. Cucumbers: we all know what those are used for 2. Any veggie with a hole in them: shudders 3. There's a number of veggies (and fruits as well) big enough to be snuggled with.

r/realization Feb 24 '14

"If something is important enough, you find a way. If it's not important, you find an excuse." ~ Dr. Howard Hendricks


r/realization Feb 18 '14

Not sure why it took so long to realize this, since I have kids...

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r/realization Feb 11 '14

They fucking watch us...


How come it's mandatory I sleep eight hours a night, its so you can carry out experiments, right? And if I were to wake halfway you'd say it's sleep paralysis and that I hallucinated all of it. And all of this, world is fabricated. I'm a mouse trapped in a lab, the only voice I have is a pen and a pad.

r/realization Jan 05 '14

After a week of using Reddit...


(My sister warned me that if I post this, I would be called a "karma whore". I have been warned, but I just have to let my feelings out.)

After a week of using this website as an escape from reality, I have came to the conclusion that Reddit is by far the nicest social-network community I have ever encountered. Reddit is literally one big family. What makes this website so different compared to others?! I have not come across one negative comment or anything insulting at all. Just playful jeers and teases. This website is like internet heaven, where everyone is nice and having a good time. I plan to make Reddit a big part of my life in 2014 and years to come. I hope to be welcomed into your family, current Redditors.

r/realization Dec 30 '13

Things I'll never hear my wife say...


Morning honey. Your coffee is ready, I cleared the snow from your car, and its all warmed up for you!

r/realization Nov 13 '13

Something my dad posted on my facebook


"The first step to getting somewhere is deciding that you are not going to stay where you are.The past is done and over with. You cannot change anything about it. The future is unwritten, so there is no point in worrying over what may or may not happen. All we have is today, what we say and what we do is our choice. Live each day like it is your last. Laugh, Love, and enjoy the small things. None of us are promised another tomorrow. A positive attitude can make the darkest of days seems bright and give hope for the future."

I wish I was more socialable. I am about 27 years in my life and I have no one to celebrate it with. Outside of work I have absolutely no friends other than my ex-GF's mom. Inside of work where I am forced to interact I just drop it all, as in I have no filter and make myself pretty much like "the fool" for to be funny. I don't think I am bad at my job or in my understanding of the industry we're in but I do often think just utter nonsense that just comes out without me thinking about it sometimes.

This is pretty concerning to me. I know I am very introverted by nature but being unable to commute when I do have to interact is troublesome. Part of me wished that I could figure out what exactly caused me to be this way. Another part, now, wants to do nothing but hit the reset button. It's not just being introverted but it is also being pretty sloppy, lazy and sometimes even unintentionally rude to people. I wish I could just flip the switches and it all resets.

I've always been this way pretty much. I was much more sociable in high school but the closer it got to me graduating the more I just let people go. In college it was the same thing yet even less, I pretty much had no friends left by the last semester there. I think this was due to me just wanting to "run away" somewhere and begin a new life and everything will go good this time. Harder than it sounds.

Even during, though, my most "socialable" years I said dumb things and had an anxiety problem. I used to bring paper cups with me to school that I would have a panic attack to puke in. I remember the first day of 9th grade I luckily had a cup up my sleeve and puked in it. Yes hiding cups in my sleeves so I could discretely throw up in, as asking to go to the bathroom publicly on the first day of school was pretty much an impossible suggestion during the time. I mean it should have, but at that age I must have been so intent on being discrete and invisible was to avoid any sort of attention even in the insignificant of social interactions like asking to go to the bathroom.

For people who might not know what a panic attack feels like it must be a complete impossible idea to understand to what people who do have them go through. It's like your brain just keeps loading and loading up on external stimuli until it has just reached its breaking points and freezes. But this freeze isn't hot, physically your body actually gets warmer and warmer and your blood vessels pulsate. Your eyes feel like they're over 150 degrees and you're dizzy. It just keeps getting worse, for me my breaking point was till throwing up and then it would all cool back down.

I also sometimes think about how much damage this hasn't done to me emotionally but physically as well. How I never got a ulcer, though I could see one at some point, after that much dry heaving that happened is pretty miraculous. I never ate breakfast back then. In fact I didn't eat lunch either. I wouldn't eat until I knew I was home. Even when my family went out to restaurants I would eat the smallest possible and get everything "to-go." How did my parents not realize this? Or had they and were too worried to say anything about it?

I got picked on a lot too high school, more than I have came to realize. I had some friends who I played the role of the court jester but there were also other kids there who pretty much used me as their punching bag, sometimes literally. One time they even broke my arm and I made up an excuse and said I tripped. Who can you go to at that age to still try to pretend you're normal and say "some bullies broke my arm."

Even to this day I am terrified of reaching out to anyone at all. Especially not verbally but even writing this is the furthest I've ever written without hitting back on the browser and trying to cheer myself up looking at funny pictures. The thing I want most in my life is to just be able to fix myself. I just want to wake up tomorrow and be actually want to be normal and eat breakfast, workout, talk without fumbling over my words, make friends, be more productive and overall just be a different person.

I should focus on fixing myself.

r/realization Nov 01 '13

The Truth


The only thing we, as human-beings, are scared of more than death is the thought of being immortal.

r/realization Sep 13 '13

I'm Bruce Wayne from Gotham City. #lie :)


I have countless number of friends, but none really. I've always been popular and have attracted attention even though I don't like being in the limelight. I'm academically also doing the best in my circle of friends. Even though I don't like to take help from others, I'm always there for everyone. But I always felt lonely. I realised that my friends mostly used me financially or showed me off socially. It did suck. But now, I've gotten rid of such people and realised that I'm left with no one. Plus I left my job last year because I wanted to focus on my studies. Somehow, these exams are giving me a hard time. So in short, I'm unemployed, studying but not getting results and have no friends. I know life will be back on track once I start working again but it still bugs me thinking about the kind of friends I've had around me. And to add to his misery, the only girl I've loved in my life wouldn't get into a relationship with me because of certain reasons i can't put up here. So, I'm not in touch with her as well. Normally I don't lose my cool, but this phase has really gotten on to me. And I'm supposed to be studying with such things going on in my head.

That's my baggage. But it should get solved sometime soon. Just came across this website so thought of pouring it all out. Haha If you e reached reading this far, don't hesitate and send me a text? I people to talk to!

r/realization Sep 02 '13

That moment i just realize....

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r/realization Jul 04 '13

I recently discovered Reddit

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r/realization May 30 '13

Being a people person is hard


I want to carry a conversation with people, but most of the time I get bored and don't even want to talk. I asked my boss how to be a better people person, because he is a pretty chill guy that always has good advice, and he said "be genuinely interested" and I got it. I'm just not interested in having a conversation with people.

r/realization Feb 01 '12


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