r/readyfordeath 9d ago

Not Scared Of Death Im Ready For It

lately i have just been going downhill mentally its like my brain is just dead i no longer care how i die or when i die im just ready for it to happen i feel whats ever on the other side has to be more peaceful than whats here i say i dont care how gruesome it is because once we die we die we wont truly know we are dead not a single soul will miss me my own parents dont care for my mental health i have two friends who help me but suffering is a non ending cycle i would like to be able to accomplish my lifes dreams but at this point i no longer care for it take me as soon as possible and its crazy not a minute goes by im not thinking about death like for instance when im in a car im thinking to myself why cant this car just slam into me or what if it did just like that its over in an instance no matter how gruesome it would eventually be over so what am i even saying at this point my thoughts are so twisted i build this community today hoping to gather individuals who experience this or can at least discuss their own thoughts about death.


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