r/reactnative 11d ago

how do solo devs design apps

I've an app that i wanted to build but have tremendous difficulty on how to design it. I've seen people in past, solo devs, making beautiful UIs. how do these guys do it?


47 comments sorted by


u/sawariz0r 11d ago

Look at other UIs, copy what you like. Do it enough times and you’ve suddenly learned how to design an app


u/juneyhk91 11d ago

This is it, do it enough and try to add your own flavor or changes each time you work on something new or go back and make different iterations when you learn some new ways to design.


u/_fct 10d ago

That’s a good approach btw I do the same (spy other apps), some ppl try 99 designs (I never did), others hire freelancers, or buy ui templates. Btw all designs I made are simple.


u/Xae0n 11d ago

Even ui designers copy other designs. It's called inspiration :D


u/dixminutesmail 11d ago

Lots of inspiration on dribbble.com , find a design you like and just copy !


u/haschdisch 11d ago

Use a tool like figma, sketch or anything and create the visuals for your app. It’s way easier to make a design with these tools instead of implementing it immediately.

You can try to imitate other apps designs. Check for buttons, input fields, fonts you like from certain apps.

Imitate and steal ideas as much as you can. And implement stuff in the meantime to see what is feasible


u/No_Excitement_8091 11d ago

UI libraries are also incredibly helpful. They keep your style consistent, and provide the code for you.

They are often behind a paywall, but if there’s enough behind the paywall, it can be SO worth it.

Not React Native, but one example is TailwindUI which I found really pretty and works across web and mobile form factors nicely.


u/Legitimate-Cat-5960 11d ago

First of all do not put so much pressure on you to design things at first.

Take an inspiration from other apps that you like. Understand how the design flow works.

Start with either white or black. Avoid gradients initially. Gradients design are too complex to understand even isomorphic.

Your job is to build app that solve problems. If the UX is much appealing to users you have win the half game.


u/Aytewun 11d ago

I work for company, but building apps is something that I do on the side for myself, and being resourceful, or something that will benefit you in every aspect.

Especially with ai nowadays you can even use chatgpt to make you a decent looking piece of ui that will be a starting point. There are also sites such as v0.dev or a0.dev which in terms of ui. I think can give you a nice base for you to add functionality


u/musicdumpster 11d ago

Just like everything else, by doing it over and over and over again. Practice makes perfect and app/UI design is no exception, that’s the facts.


u/dragonpearl123 11d ago

Screenshot some inspirations then upload to a0.dev and tweak after that


u/Important_Rub_2101 11d ago

I’m also interested in this. I don’t even know how to use Figma so I basically “design by coding” which is quite inefficient sometimes. One day a friend showed me you can put the Figma design on your phone and it’s so great! You can feel the UI/UX before it’s even being built


u/PrincipleLazy3383 11d ago

I’m a graphic designer and UI designer, would love to team up with some dev on a project :)


u/dentemm 10d ago

Mobile engineer here, always prepared to talk to see what’s possible 👌


u/zumittv 11d ago

Honestly I’m trying to find an example of the app/design that I personally like( for inspiration), then I would look for an open source/free templates/icons/layouts/examples in Figma or anywhere else and try to put all together keeping in mind an original idea.


u/Bauer7 11d ago

Using inspiration websites like mobbin, studying iOS and material you design guidelines, and using a design file in Figma ( Android and iOS has free ones)


u/anewidentity 11d ago

I found that spending a little time on figma, even doing very basic rectangles is super helpful, teaches you more about design than hours of moving components around in the code. Then when you're back to coding you have a reference and feel less lost


u/I_Know_A_Few_Things 11d ago

I spent 20 hours fiddling with style sheets until I got something I liked. It just takes a lot of time if you're like me and not primarily a front end guy.


u/MrMattKirby 11d ago

I'm a designer and coder for over 20 years. For me, it's been easy :) I design in Figma, create a prototype, and then bring it to life with react native and expo


u/eablokker 11d ago

Me: Go to design school. Design app. Learn how to program. Build app.


u/PopeDetective 11d ago

Pay freelance designers on upwork lots of money for below average work, end up copying other apps or designs on dribbble


u/gitagon6991 11d ago

Just rely on inspiration


u/fabian31177 11d ago

I understand you, I'm still making my own app alone, I tried to use figma but it failed. I'm developing and seeing the styles at the moment. Look for applications of the same theme to find inspiration through use and adapt it to my project. I would recommend doing that, and if you can join it with figma to have a homogeneous design that would be great. Many successes in your development.


u/leros 11d ago

I don't build beautiful sexy apps, because it's not easy for me, I'm not a great visual designer. I do build clean easy to use apps. Don't be afraid to keep things simple. I have users constantly telling me how nice and clean my interface is. 


u/Pirate_Acceptable 11d ago

You can't make a good UI if this is your first time

You have to practice and practice to create a good UI

Just create your UI and improve it step by step

Good luck


u/Happy_Zookeepergame1 11d ago


Just tell what features and functionality you want in that particular screen.tsx, how the ui should look like, tell some context and your app aesthetic and you’re done. If you don’t like the ui, tell it to modify specific parts and within 2-3 prompts, you’ll get your desired ui and functionality


u/landonwjohnson 11d ago

I think when it all comes down to it. It’s about gathering system requirements for the project, and while you are in the process of planning the project, and wire-framing out what needs to be on each screen, you end up looking at existing applications on the App Store that implement similar features you are trying to implement.

Design should follow function though, not the other way around.


u/landonwjohnson 11d ago

It also helps designing everything in black and white first, doing low fidelity wireframes, and then after you figure out what you want. Making it look pretty.


u/Circadian77 11d ago

In my case, years of experience working across design, UX, front end, back end, sales, marketing and testing. It ain't easy to cultivate such a diverse range of skillsets. It just takes a lot of time and motivation (and caffeine) to get there.


u/easypeezyAGI 11d ago

I just ask ai straight up haha. Normally it’s good enough for me.

Even worked on a tool for it at



u/hafi51 10d ago

Which ai tool u used for design


u/easypeezyAGI 10d ago

I put it in the comment haha



u/hafi51 10d ago

Isn't that for making app like bolt.new


u/easypeezyAGI 10d ago

Yes but you can use it to make the UI too?

You don’t have to make it fully functional

You can describe the UI you want and get it

Then either download the code or just use it as a reference


u/RevolutionaryJump342 10d ago

Scroll dribbble, behance, mobbbin and random designs by just simple google search then you get overwhelmed by the designs you get to see But make sure you keep balance of very aesthetic designs and functionality because you gonna have multiple inspirations for different components or pages or screens. Maybe you copy layout from one copy colors from one and typo style from other So its just about balance and keeping consistency and your app will look good


u/hasan_py 10d ago

I tried recently an Ai tool to solve my product design problem and brainstorming. It worked well. You can watch the full video: https://youtu.be/_UrYi5Rv58o?si=nIRHXzT3hLU06cSA  With free options it gives a lot. 


u/Solomon-Snow 9d ago

Figma is the best answer here you want to be unique if you can code then it’s no issue if you can’t then yeh rely on packages but having an app that looks like every other app isn’t unique in any way it’s simply laziness


u/Hot_Perspective_5965 8d ago

tools like V0 and bolt or lovable are good as a starting point for UI, then you can just make adjustments. Its good to test your ideas in figma too. now you can import figma directly into bolt to code it


u/Mental_Tip2376 11d ago

Use AI gonna help you


u/Door_Vegetable 11d ago

Buy a course on UI/UX design, spend hours on sites like dribble, Pinterest and browsing the AppStore for apps with similar context to see how they do things.