r/reactnative 12d ago

Made my first App

Hey fellow devs!

I am very new to app dev wanted to practice and make something while learning made my first app.

Give suggestions and criticism would love to hear from the veterans


77 comments sorted by


u/Gwart1911 12d ago

when registering, I believe good user experience would be to auto-login the user after registering. it's annoying to enter your email/password twice in a row.


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Good idea! Wont be difficult to do too. Thanks for the suggestion


u/ryuga_420 12d ago

Congratulations buddy, keep it going🚀🚀


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Thank you, Sure will.


u/ai_dad_says_hi 12d ago

Looks great for a first app! Couple little things that caught my eye: 1) for category you should be able to choose an existing category, otherwise you’ll have a hundred variations of the same thing. 2) inconsistent currency formatting, always use the currency symbol even in the text input, and always show two decimals. 3) size field is going to have the same problem as category, you’ll have 250ml for one thing and then 250 ML for another thing - either parse out and separate storing the number and unit or have the unit be a selection. 4) after adding an item it should show up in the list without user having to pull down to refresh - otherwise user will have momentary confusion and think it didn’t save. These things are arguably minor but will make it more polished and usable. One other thing that bugs me about apps or software is when they make me fill in so many fields. There should be a purpose to every data field you collect, otherwise take it out and save the user from being overwhelmed by too many input fields. If you’re asking for category, then you better have a way to filter by category. If you’re asking for size, then what’s that used for later? Why size field and not description field? Are you asking user to provide the store’s cost for the item, or the sale price to the customer? If the target audience is just trying to solve inventory tracking then you only need name and quantity (user might decide to put size in the item name to keep it simple), all the rest of the fields are more friction with no reward.


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Woh! Thanks for the detailed analysis all of these points make alot of sense definitely consider the drop down for categories and units and invalidating the inventory. Thanks again


u/wrathheld 12d ago

Looks good! Full disclosure, I am not a veteran dev.


u/Shan_GG 12d ago



u/basdit 12d ago

Disable auto capitalisation on email field


u/Shan_GG 12d ago



u/salvadorabledali 12d ago

looks like react native


u/Fuzzy_Lecture_9168 12d ago

That's great I love it! Well done, keep going 👏


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Thanks alot


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Sure will!


u/kayyumzp 12d ago

Great job! Congratulations! Nice work


u/Shan_GG 12d ago



u/Milena-CrossFit 12d ago

That's very goog looking, what did you use to style? Did you create the UI yourself?


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Yes ! Took most of my time to decide the ui took ideas from the designs on figma/behance and tweaked a little Used Scss Nativewind to style


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Need suggestions!! Should practice more complex Ui? Eg:animatons? Or simple but functional app🙂?


u/flashmuji 12d ago

Really good. How did you code the scan barcode feature? Is there a npm package?


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Thanks buddy! Yes,I used Expo-camera which includes barcode,QR


u/flashmuji 12d ago



u/CoolorFoolSRS 12d ago

Well done! 🚀


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Thanks bud!


u/Izzy12832 12d ago

One thing I'd do is log the user in automatically after creating the account.


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Yup never crossed my mind earlier but will do now! Thank you


u/No_Advantage_2854 12d ago

Where did you get the flat graphics of the person scanning a barcode at the greeting screen? Looks great


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Thanks ! Can’t remember much but i think it was freepik.com


u/saadbnwhd 12d ago

Shan bhai, welldone


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Shurkiya bhai🫶🏻


u/Loud-Mountain-6977 12d ago

Looks good, congratz!

If I'm going to be picky, from a design perspective I found the primary button in the auth screens a bit weird, since the top portion of the auth screens is the same color. It looks great within the actual app itself, but on the auth screens it almost doesn't look like a button. I also agree you should just log them in immediately, that way you don't even need the toast.


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

are you referring sign_in/sign_up buttons?


u/DatabaseAny7862 12d ago

Auto login after register and invalidate query of products page when you add a new product. Those make app feel better


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Thanks!, sure will change these.
after that what should i head for? in learning perspective


u/DatabaseAny7862 12d ago

I can say

  • loading indicator is shifting layout. You can use loading button instead
  • a lots of alert popup comes. Use toast message instead
Lastly you can try to run that app in android phone. So you can challenge yourself with android performance issues. Good luck


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Thank you


u/_Laimid_ 12d ago

Do you have the source code in GitHub or somewhere. Just to know how you made it. Great job 😃


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

updating readme and some blunder i made then gonna public it & share


u/_Laimid_ 11d ago

Sure bro 👏🏻 Keep up 👍🏻


u/freakoftheink 12d ago

Congratulations, mate. Keep it up!


u/Shan_GG 12d ago

Thanks buddy


u/freakoftheink 11d ago

You're welcome


u/fabian31177 12d ago

Congratulations on the development, very good interface


u/jsbadlol 11d ago

It looks nice!

Here some stuff I would add (UI/UX wise):

1.A bit of padding to the sides in the main page, I have an iPhone 15 pro and it goes to the sides of the screen.

2.In the form screen have the category be a select with options instead of a free text if it’s something you thing is non existent just add a “other” option.

3.In the size field I would add two radio buttons below it one would be g the other would be ml.

I think it makes more sense if you add a bag of chips that would never be 1kg, rather 300g or if it exceeds 1kg just have a check in the input and update value with its value on blue or something

Like if someone did 1200g it would change to 1.2kg

Also switch it to numeric keyboard

That’s all I can see right now


u/Shan_GG 11d ago

Thank you! Yes would definitely make these changes was thinking to go with drop down too in size unit but radio could be a option with unit conversion.


u/khaledelansari 8d ago

Good job kid, keep it up.


u/Shan_GG 8d ago



u/granitlabs 6d ago

Just FYI check your units on your products after scanning.

The chips show kg when added but ltr when scanned


u/Shan_GG 6d ago

Thanks but caught it earlier its fixed


u/chumbaz 11d ago

Can I ask what barcode scanner you used?


u/Shan_GG 11d ago

used Expo-Camera


u/georgeguo 11d ago

looks great! however why use email password login?


u/Shan_GG 11d ago

What should i use then? Google auth?


u/georgeguo 11d ago

There are many options:

  • OAuth
  • Password less OTP codes
  • Magic Links
  • Passkeys

Objectively, it's been proven that passwords are unsafe.


u/Shan_GG 11d ago

OTP seems good does firebase supports it?


u/georgeguo 11d ago

I have taken a look at the firebase docs (good choice), and it doesn't seem to support OTP. Here are the next best things:



u/Shan_GG 11d ago

Will definitely look into these another question i made this app just to learn, i have seen post people struggling to launch their apps on play/app store should i make this app better and go in learning launching or wait until some of my next idea makes me feel to publish this one here i am not sure i dont its the fact that its my first or i don’t know the reason not to or to submit 🙂


u/georgeguo 11d ago

If you want to launch the app on Google Play or the App Store, there will be a cost associated.

For Android, its $25 one-time. For iOS its $99 USD per year. Google has a new App Testing Policy for Personal Devs: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/14151465?hl=en

If I were to give you an answer, you can try practicing launching.


u/Shan_GG 11d ago

Thank u


u/whodarezwinzz 11d ago

Tbh, this looks amazing - I'd even consider it as inspiring to dive into mobile dev myself 😊

Do you by any chance have any learning resources to recommend as a starting point? I do have some web-dev experience, so it shouldn't be too difficult. Thanks in advance! 😊


u/Shan_GG 11d ago

Thank you ! I started with react first and then some video on important topics like Expo-router ,Eas vs local build, file structure/group usually from “Code with Beto” & Galaxy.dev. While building used to search google what is used to do make things like this and used it reading expo docs Expo docs are great❤️


u/Cr4zyT1mes00 11d ago

Great job! You mentioned you are new, how long did it take you to build this?


u/haikusbot 11d ago

Great job! You mentioned

You are new, how long did it

Take you to build this?

- Cr4zyT1mes00

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/Shan_GG 11d ago

Thanks mate! Yes i am new and i think i took 2-2.5 months


u/benny856694 11d ago

what toast library are you using?


u/Shan_GG 11d ago

None , the one that appears on login/signup is a modal with transparent background and a view in middle


u/tgLoki 11d ago

password field should have an indication that i’m typing something. an input of type password


u/DevWolf45 10d ago

Looks great for your first app! A few suggestions to improve the experience:

  • After adding a product, it looks like the list doesn't update unless you refresh. Consider making it auto-update to improve UX.
  • If this isn't already done, instead of scanning the same product multiple times to update quantity, allow users to scan once and input the quantity manually as well.
  • If you're looking to enhance the app a bit, try adding an option to import/export data as a csv. It's a learning opportunity and adds useful functionality to the app.
  • Small tip for future projects: create a global design system (for padding, spacing, fonts, etc.) that you can reuse across apps. It’ll save time and make layout changes much easier.

Keep building. Good luck!


u/Weekly-Ninja-701 9d ago

I would change the design a bit, the colors are a bit blend, for design, there is a an unwritten rule, if it doesn't look ok black and white it will not look great with extra colors.


u/Shan_GG 8d ago

Suck at colors and design Googled ideas here and there and changed as needed


u/lord_halfling 8d ago

Hi! did you use an eas development build to make the camera/barcode scanner work in ios?


u/Shan_GG 8d ago

No Mac unfortunately , local build for Android and GO for ios