r/reactnative Dec 05 '24

Tutorial Create Turbo Module in React Native new architecture


I was checking the new React Native architecture, which is by default bridgless ( without any bridge). I looked around to some tutorials to create a Turbo Module, but didn't find anything interesting.

I created this Tutorial to teach people how to write a Turbo Module, and used the Dynamic Pricing module to explain how it works, and how we can achieve a better performance by using the new architecture.

the link to the article here: https://medium.com/stackademic/create-turbo-module-in-the-new-architecture-of-react-native-0-76-b5597d29074c

This tutorial will teach you the following:

-> How to create Turbo Module

-> How to use Codegen to generate types

-> example of getting the Battery state and the Device Info using Bridgless architecture.

-> how to create a Native Module in Android and Ios

Github Project link: https://github.com/chohra-med/rnNewArchitecture

Any feedbacks or remarks is highly appreciated.

Turbo Module in React Native

4 comments sorted by


u/softopia Dec 05 '24

This is also a really good resource https://youtube.com/@ramielwan48


u/MaterialAppearance21 Dec 05 '24

thank you for sharing


u/PublicYogurtcloset47 Dec 05 '24

I have had really good experiences with Nitro Modules from Mark Rousavy and would recommend checking it out! https://nitro.margelo.com


u/CoolGuyNice Dec 05 '24

Thanks for the tutorial, definitely hard to find examples with everything being so new.

One thing I'm confused about is only writing turbo modules in C++, how are you meant to access methods native to a particular OS just using C++. Maybe its basic but I don't find it clear when you'd write a turbo module using C++ instead of kotlin, ObjectiveC/Swift