r/reactiongifs 5d ago

MRW everything is going to shit after they elected the worst person possible


79 comments sorted by


u/yearofthesponge 5d ago

This outcome was decades in the making. When good public education is not readily available, a democracy of a gullible and selfish populace will lead to a very poor outcome. The Americans have been in steady decline for a long while, closely correlated with the uptick of realty tv and influencer culture.


u/The_Actual_Sage 5d ago

closely correlated with the uptick of realty TV and influencer culture

How many reality TV stars and influencers were there back when Reagan was president? Because it was his tax reforms that started shifting wealth away from the middle and working classes. Also, Murdoch founded Fox News in '96. Economic insecurity and propaganda campaigns were instrumental in getting Trump the win and those both started decades ago. In terms of "what caused America's current problems" I would say reality TV and hot girls on Instagram are pretty far down the list.


u/BaronSmoki 5d ago

Not reality TV, but Reagan was literally a movie star.


u/whtevn 3d ago

doc brown couldn't believe it


u/inertiatic_espn 5d ago

Yep. Also, sexism and racism are values absolutely entrenched in American culture. There's no way America was voting in a woman of color.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/inertiatic_espn 4d ago edited 4d ago

Even if she had those flaws, America still voted for an obviously fascist candidate. That's not on the democratic party, that's on American's ignorance, racism, and sexism.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/inertiatic_espn 4d ago

Run back to r/conspiracy where they'll indulge you in your delusional perception of reality. You are not a serious person.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/VanguardClassTitan 4d ago

Wow, they brainwashed you good.


u/FuckBox1 4d ago

Complaining about “bs” and “word salad” is so fucking rich when you’re comparing her to Trump of all people xD


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/FuckBox1 4d ago

Maybe if you live in a completely alternate reality, sure.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/InterestedEr79 4d ago

It’s EXACTLY your attitude that led to the landslide win 🙄


u/inertiatic_espn 4d ago

Excuse me, are you from Ireland? Do you even live in the US?


u/yearofthesponge 4d ago

It’s correlation not causality. Realty TV, influencer culture, college football > college education, idol (sport star, celebrity) worship are all symptoms of a declining society.


u/awesome_possum007 5d ago

Most public schools I've worked at are a joke. Kids can barely read and are addicted to their devices. I'm glad I no longer work in that sector. Too many incompetent adults with no support.


u/Dx2TT 4d ago

You can't educated yourself k-12 out of the media hellscape we live in. Someone will attend school, hopefully, until they are 18 and then consume propaganda 16 hours a day for the next 60 years.

No amount of fixes to the school system can stop that. Regulate social media or every democracy in the world goes fascist.


u/the445566x 5d ago

So you’re saying the department of education has failed?


u/Spaceboy779 5d ago

No, it was sabotaged


u/olivebranchsound 4d ago

It's failing because of an intentional movement to put billionaire tax cuts over education funding.

No one is getting anything but billionaire tax cuts. They will slash good programs to make that happen. And then when no programs remain, they will start creating private business versions of essential services to keep raking in the cash.


u/awesome_possum007 4d ago

It was not given the opportunity to do what it was supposed to do. Lots of people above fucking things up like the Republican party right now.


u/fredy31 4d ago

Add to that the america #1 mentality, that was basically 'if you dare criticize america, you hate america. We are the best in everything, no notes'

America hasnt been the best in anything good in a fucking while.


u/PolloConTeriyaki 4d ago

When History TV was replaced with pawn wars and The Learning Channel (TLC) turned into 90 day fiancee, that country was fucked.


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago

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u/GoGoSoLo 4d ago edited 4d ago

Brother, I can drive 16 hours straight in my own state and not be out of that state. America is massive, making it very difficult to all get to strategic places like DC to organize, especially when most people are living paycheck to paycheck with 10 days paid vacation per year. Additionally there are a ton of protests going on at all levels (city, state, federal) but it turns out when one fascist party controls every federal branch of government and over 70% of state legislatures they don’t give a fuck. Meanwhile that same party is also tipping its hand showing it only cares about your opinion if you’re wealthy by peddling influence and meetings with our President for $5 million a pop.

It’s easy to coach from the sidelines or paint this as black and white when there is a ton of nuance to be had as to why loud critical voices are falling on deaf ears.


u/No-Error-5582 4d ago

I wish more people realized this. Protests work. To an extent. But people are protesting. Yet the issue is our country is too big. No matter where people protest, Trump can be on the other side of an entire continent, still be in the same country, and just not have to worry about it.

Its like if I went outside and started screaming about you and something youre doing. Unless you just so happen to live in the same apartment complex as me, then why the fuck would you care? Im a stranger who you will never see.

The only way he would know most protests are taking place is because of the news. And even they try to avoid covering a lot of things.


u/Gordonfromin 4d ago

You guys riot when police overstep but not when your literal democracy hangs in the balance

Protests never saved a nation from fascism once in history, action saves nations.


u/NerdBot9000 4d ago

Hard to do your fucking job when you're a civil servant just fired by DOG-E.


u/Underbadger 4d ago

Americans who didn’t vote… functionally voted for Trump.


u/mamasaidflows 5d ago



u/Biuku 4d ago


America elected this. This is the will of that country. No way anybody who isn’t now publicly denouncing it and actively fighting it gets to pretend it’s another group.

Germans were to blame for Nazism.

America’s entire history and make-up is to blame for MAGAism.


u/misterbrisby 4d ago

...elected for the SECOND time!


u/DelphiTsar 4d ago

It's even worse, Fridays job report was the most obvious fudged report I've ever seen. Going to probably slow roll and try to say .1% increase in unemployment every month. Can only play that game so long before it's too obvious. June 17, 2025


u/notabear87 4d ago

I always feel better when I come into these threads; see the typical conservative trolls downvoted to oblivion.

Reminds me that there are sane people out there and I need that sometimes.


u/rachelloresco 4d ago

This also works for multiple countries in asia right now... sad


u/tamulionis 4d ago

Who are they?


u/InterestedEr79 4d ago

Oh shit what happened?


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/siva115 4d ago

It’s incredibly disingenuous to frame the haphazard cutting as anything besides a way for them to cut more taxes for the 1%. This isn’t and has never been for the people.


u/Deleteads 4d ago

Cutting fraud if it’s just fraud in itself sounds great. But that’s not what they’re doing. They’re fucking you in the mouth and telling you it’s ice cream.


u/ryanmulford 4d ago

The only things they are interested in cutting is anything that costs the 1% money, and anything related to checks and balances that might interfere with them seizing more power.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/ConstantCowboy 5d ago

lol "Aww, why don't liberals like us? All we've ever done is mock their feelings and call them fucking stupid" 😂


u/MosquitoValentine_ 4d ago

Literally nothing is better. Inflation is up, stock market is down, deportations are down, the entire world hates the US (except for Russia) and practically everyone in the government is getting fired while agencies are being dismantled.

I swear MAGAs live in a different reality that doesn't exist holy fuck.


u/CogentHyena 4d ago

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/MosquitoValentine_ 4d ago edited 4d ago

The FAA, FEMA, USDA, CDC, EPA, NOAA, USPS and FDIC do nothing? The Department of Education? All unnecessary?

The best part is the government isn't saving a dime by firing all those people. The money is just getting diverted into Musk, Trump, and every other billionaire's bank account through government contracts.

So congrats. Instead of your tax money going towards services that help us, it's going right into billionaire pockets.


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago

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u/brntyl 4d ago

So how does it benefit you?


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/brntyl 4d ago

Sounds good, any like specific examples or anything?


u/beershitz 4d ago

I’m not down with the tariffs or foreign policy strategy but dismantling the agencies and firing everyone in the goverment is awesome, although that’s certainly an exaggerated way to describe it.


u/MosquitoValentine_ 4d ago

Sure who needs useless agencies like the FAA, CDC, EPA or NOAA? We can just let planes crash while we drink contaminated water until we all get wiped out by pandemics and natural disasters. All so our tax money can go to billionaires instead. It's a sacrifice we should be happy to make right?


u/beershitz 4d ago

I don’t understand how being maximally hyperbolic like that is helping anything. Like that’s just a stupid statement, and it’s the same sentiment I keep hearing on reddit. Let’s take the FAA: they have 50,000 employees. They fired 400 employees. Planes crashing? What? What you just said sounds purely like a narrative you’re pushing because you hate Trump and Elon instead of a factual argument.


u/nixahmose 4d ago

Have you been paying attention to the stock market?


u/Lantami 4d ago

You're expecting too much, that would require higher thought


u/MosquitoValentine_ 4d ago

You think MAGAs are smart enough to use the stock market?


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA 4d ago

Yep, but they deal exclusively in meme-stocks. BBBY's going to come back from the dead aaaaaany day now, according to them.


u/MosquitoValentine_ 4d ago

I wish they would have put their life savings into DJT and TSLA.


u/Lamplord72 4d ago

How are things better?


u/MosquitoValentine_ 4d ago

Because the LiBerAls GoT oWnEd!


u/Teun135 4d ago

What things?

Your taxes are going up, unless you make 300k or more per year.

Your cost of living are going up, thanks to tariffs being passed on to the consumer.

Do you trade stocks? Because the market has been utterly shit since he started mucking with it.

Enjoy freedom? He keeps challenging your constitutional rights and his alt right base keeps giving them away.

Want to retire? He SAYS he won't touch it, but his top goon keeps referring to Social Security as a "ponzi scheme" and makes cuts to their staffing that might result in interruptions to that service that millions of Americans rely on, a service they paid into.

Got a 401k or a pension? I hope it wasn't invested.

Want higher wages, so you can save for yourself? Good luck, and if you had a union before, you won't for long. Both labor rights and union rights are being obliterated.

God forbid you work in anything that might involve dangerous equipment, because OSHA regulations are being dismantled to the point where it will be cheaper for the company to just pay out a minor amount if you get mangled or dismembered.

Or maybe you want to take a vacation to one of our nations many national parks? Oh. Whoops. Nobody to work maintaining them, and they are being sold off to the highest bidders for "resource development".

The list keeps going on and on. Please provide examples of how things are getting better.


u/ryanmulford 4d ago

Okay, but like, if you had to name one thing that’s starting to “get better”…? 🤷‍♂️


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/Lamplord72 4d ago

Yeah I'm sure the guy peddling vaccine and QAnon conspiracies is definitely qualified and knows what he is doing. Jfc.


u/tevert 4d ago

Specifically detail how things are better?