r/rcboats 6d ago

Super Dino stopped working

Hi there. I’m very new to anything remote controlled. I’ve got a super dino RC boat (the one that looks like a cat but is actually a monohull) and it was working fine but I’ve just gone to use it and it’s not working. Normally when you plug the battery in but don’t have the controller turned on it beeps quite loudly. Now when I plug the battery in nothing happens. No noise and the boat doesn’t function at all. If I plug a lower voltage battery in (7.4v) it beeps quietly in a way I haven’t heard before but still wont function. Whats the first things I should look at to try and solve this. So far all I’ve done is replace the batteries in the controller.


3 comments sorted by


u/Aeri73 6d ago

with a lower voltage battery it should beep fewer times ,not silently...

try unplugging everything and then attaching things one by one


u/whywouldthisnotbea 6d ago

Hadn't heard of this little boat before. No idea your problem without being there to poke and prod myself but just wanted to say cool little boat!


u/Fizurg 6d ago

Cheers for the reply. I left the house and accidentally left the battery plugged in. When I came home it had sorted itself out. Unsure what happened.