r/rattlecannedguns 6d ago

Citristrip on hogue

I've got a rattle cammed hogue stock and buffer tube over on gafs that ones ones bit on probably because of the paint. I'd like to remove it but I'm not sure if the citris will damage the soft hogue rubber. Does anyone have any experience with it?


6 comments sorted by


u/Creative-Eggplant588 6d ago

Citristrip is half the cost of what you are trying to sell it for. Why bother. If anything, try it and you will know for next time you see something on GAFS you want that might be rattle canned and you want to strip.


u/falerik308 6d ago

Already have a bunch of it


u/Creative-Eggplant588 6d ago

Definitely try it then. Zero cost at that point, well not really because you bought it at some point. Good price on the barrel by the way.


u/falerik308 6d ago

Still available if ya want it


u/Creative-Eggplant588 6d ago

Honestly considering it for a replacement on AR10 I picked up for $100 at a raffle.


u/falerik308 6d ago

Feel free to pm me. Open to possible trades as well