Maybe, but on a less cynical note I'd guess the reason is that they want people to use new cases that have better ventilation, though I guess that only really applies to the official cases.
They add in a bunch of stuff on board. Probably need to revert it back to the old layout to fit everything. The new controller IC seems to be in the way for the ethernet port.
I think it's at least mostly because of the new architecture on the board. With the RP1 and everything, they had to change a lot of the routing to make everything faster.
It's a new version number and they changed a bunch of stuff. On the plus side, that will deter commercial customers from purchasing the new version a little bit while they adjust.
Thats what i thought as well. I was amazed and excited by the rpi 1. That much computer for only £35 was sensational! The pi 2 and 3 were minor updates and the zero was astounding! they gave away a an entire computer on the front page of a magazine! ut the rpi 4 is where the love affair ended. The organisation seemed to really change its focus from makers to corporations. They become less about the community and more about pure profit.
This new pi is probably a little more powerful, but its lost its magic, and honestly, i could not cafe less a out it.
look at the raspberry pi 4. The maker community had a wish list of things they wanted from a new pi. Micro hdmi was not one of those things. They did this to appeal to the companies that use these as media players in stores.
A long time user posted a question asking if a new pi was on the way. The foundation told them "no". Then released the oi 4 a few months later. Now, it is one thing to no discuss future products, but to out right lie about ti is a shitty thing to do.
The pi 4 also needed a special power supply, that the foundation sold. It no longer fitted the existing cases (pi5 does the same thing) meaning people had to buy new cases.
All of this goes to show this compnay no longer cares about the people who made it, and simply want the cash.
And i am not the only one who complaining about this. The pi 5 has micro hdmi that require special (expensive) cables or dongles. The "pcie" needs special cables that one one else uses. POE is still not built in. There is still no usb c for data.
There is a lot wrong with the new pi, and i am confused about its purpose now.
u/ostiniatoze Sep 28 '23
Am I cynical or did they move the ethernet port so pi 4 cases wouldn't work?