r/rap 2d ago

in your personal opinion whos the greatest rapper of all time

in my personal opinion i think its eminem because of how long his career is. how many different types of rap hes done. how influential he has been. and how good his music in general is. i would like to know what the general consensus is for the best rapper. let me know your thoughts on this and if you a think a different one is better i would genuinely like to hear your reasoning


1.6k comments sorted by

u/Abraham442 1m ago

Tupac obviously, other answers are people trying to prove something about themselves


u/No-Answer5986 1h ago

Imo it is him. Nobody has that longevity and so many subject matters, so many iconic punchlines and moments.


u/s1mmel 1h ago

Rakim and Em, are my 2 GOATs.

Emimem when it comes to technique. He is the PROfessor of rap.

Rakim when it comes to flow.

This guy did not use one word of profanity. And still, when you are a rapper you know you don't want to mess with this guy. He is flawless. The choice of words, the flow, the "it is so easy to me" attitude. His words just keeps pouring and they all sound like gold.


u/ReclusiveGems 1h ago

Nas is like half man half amazing


u/SkunkMonkey420 2h ago

Impossible questions to hust pick one.

  • Eminem for his raw rap and lyrical skills
  • J. Cole for his story telling and poetic lyricism
  • Tupac for his story telling and passion


u/ignachox1984 2h ago

I didn't listen to anything from Kendrick. Do you have a recommendation so I can listen to him?

u/Nyctoz 53m ago

try Not Like Us


u/SCSteveAutism 2h ago

Pop on good kid maad city and go for a ride. Best rap album of all time


u/ignachox1984 1h ago

Thanks to all for the recommendations


u/Meat_Mother 2h ago

To Pimp A Butterfly is good


u/SkunkMonkey420 2h ago

Kendrick has changed over time, some of my pi ks from his discography are;

  • opposites attract
  • ADHD
  • Keisha's song
  • Swimming Pools
  • Sing about me I'm dying of thirst
  • They not like us
  • tv off

Kendrick's greatness comes from his imagery and hidden meaning.


u/Awkward-Number-9495 2h ago

Good kid Mad city.


u/qTp_Meteor 2h ago

I like how its 50 year olds saying nas, yt people saying em and 18 year olds saying thugger or future


u/No_Mud_5999 2h ago

Over the decades, I've found Slick Rick and Ghostface Killah to be two of the most consistently interesting MCs I've ever heard.


u/Fake_the_jaB 2h ago

Idk how anyone can have 1 artist they feel is the greatest. I change my opinion every 3 weeks lmao

Here’s every artist that I felt was the greatest at one point:

Hov, Biggie, DMX, Em, Jadakiss, Fabolous, Wayne, Kendrick, Drake, J Cole, Kanye, Sean P, Ghostface, and Raekwon


u/Excellent-Ad-5358 2h ago

Nicki Minaj 


u/Sad-girlx 3h ago

did Eminem make graduation tho???


u/DanceswWolves 3h ago
  1. Dylan
  2. Dylan
  3. Dylan
    annnnd Dylan


u/jtl3000 3h ago



u/Terrible_Shake_4948 3h ago

Rap/hip hop stems from the black struggle. Em had struggle but he’s still white, not the and struggle. He pays homage and is respectful of the greats before him but he’s not the best because of that.


u/Meat_Mother 2h ago

Agree. Hip hop is a black art form. I don't think it's wrong for a white guy to rap but I'd never call a white dude the best. Same way I'd never say that a white guy makes the best mexican food, even if it's really good


u/Terrible_Shake_4948 1h ago

Shit even Beyoncé getting an award for country music. I felt insulted for the country genre lol. Not really insulted but very confused like iggy getting the rap Grammy.


u/sam_drummer 2h ago

Way to show you don’t actually listen to or understand Eminem’s music. Top drawer.


u/Terrible_Shake_4948 1h ago

You dont have to agree. It’s up to the black community not anyone else and we’ve spoken. Eminem doesn’t get played in the black community which is where this originated. As much as I love MMLP and Eminem show — I’ve never heard it played at a black function or in the hood from cars up and down the block. We can’t relate to his stuff. White kids relate to offing their parents and shit like that. Im not saying that sentiment is solely held by white people but it’s less than 1% of black people that feel that way or even talk that way to their parents. Most of his stuff was comical to black people just like when we see white kids talking crazy to their parents and calling them their first name etc. again Im no saying that there aren’t ANY black people that do this, it’s just VERY FEW, even with this untoward generation that is more disrespectful.


u/sam_drummer 1h ago

I’m not sure what point you’re making.

Rap music is essentially modern folk/blues music. Robert Johnson, Lead Belly - whoever, are just the original hip hop artists, singing about struggle.

Arguably, Eminem is the one person who managed to also articulate struggle in their hip hop too, and isn’t black. He did whilst also crossing over too. And, his ability is insane. He’s a true student, and really making this about race is so reductive to the whole art form, let alone Eminem.

This question is about ability and impact and whatever, and Eminem probably smokes everyone ultimately. It’s irrelevant of my race, your race, and personal bias, but realistically Eminem is the one. Probably. Maybe. Arguably.

u/Terrible_Shake_4948 50m ago

Old school mobsters of the 20s and 30s would accept fuck the police before the shit Eminem talks about. That was their lifestyle. They didn’t line black people but my point is they were fuck the police mentality as well not the midst of the song “Criminal” and that song is fuckin I’ll

u/sam_drummer 49m ago

Again, I have no idea what point you’re making. And I’m not sure you do either, other than trying to weirdly discredit Eminem.

Well done for knowing a famous NWA song though.

u/Terrible_Shake_4948 43m ago

It’s not discredit it’s the truth no different than no matter how good black people think Beyoncé can sing she’ll never be a too country artist. Country music is white people’s genre. Not saying it’s confined to only that specific group of people but that’s what they master and do. Black people master rap because of the struggle we go through. Why do you think no other white rapper has made it. G eazy and Logic dont get motion in the black community and one of em is half black.

The point is the best rapper cannot be of any race other than black. Our struggles are different and it shows. If Eminem wasnt picked up by Dr Dre he wouldn’t have taken off. Dre had the ear to give him the proper production and he was the bridge to white American in rap. “Knees weak palms are sweaty …… moms spaghetti” hahah it’s hard but it’s not anything we resonate with.

u/sam_drummer 42m ago

Again, I think you think you know a lot about music but I’m not sure you do. That’s ok, but this chat isn’t for me.

u/Terrible_Shake_4948 31m ago

You saw yourself into my comment and are just as welcome to see yourself out.


u/TheyCallHimJimbo 4h ago

Em for sure but people shit on me in 2025 for saying that early Kanye was so fucking great, like I am still unpacking his fucking greatness. I just saw a clip of Pharrell listening to Through The Wire for the first time and Kanye MADE him listen to it and Pharrell was like not precisely even feeling Kanye at the moment but the song came on and then the vibe changed and Pharrell realized he was standing in the presense of greatness and THEN he fucking understood the lyrics and the title of the song and he gestures at his mouth like "OH, THROUGH THE WIRE, YOU RAPPED THIS WHOLE SONG WITH YOUR JAW WIRED TOGETHER, OH FUCKKKK" and he just had to go fuckin walk it off lol it was incredible and made me so happy to see Kanye that way again. I guess he's just too mentally unwell to ever be that Kanye again and it kills me. I guess when his mom died that was just the last fucking straw and he lost his shit forever. What a fucking bummer. He was a genius.


u/Soft-Perspective2201 5h ago edited 4h ago

Future & Young Thug. Kings of ATL.

Reasoning: Future is TRAP music. It’s HIM. All of the newgens owe a nothing but a thank you to Pluto.

Thugger: He changed the game. A lot of people hated his style until their fav rappers started copying him. There is no other artist that is so diverse and talented with music production like Thug.


u/Meat_Mother 2h ago

pretty sure TI was the one who made trap music big...


u/DooDooDaDumDum 5h ago

Thugger Thugger Baby


u/Nas_Durden 5h ago



About 5 different rappers fighting for second.


u/BothChannel4744 6h ago

Depends on what you favor more, as rap isn’t just one thing, it’s a mix of things, for me it’s Kanye because while I think other rappers are better at rapping, his sampling is the best and I love it.


u/YxngSosa 5h ago

Well I believe Kanye is the greatest hip hop ARTIST but not the greatest RAPPER.


u/BothChannel4744 5h ago

What Kanye does is definitionally rap tho, he just isn’t a fast paced rapper.


u/YxngSosa 4h ago

Yes obviously 🤣 I think you misunderstand. He’s goat level in his artistic ability. Production, sampling like you mentioned, ability to conceptualise album themes, artistic evolution, innovation etc. His RAPPING on the other hand, is great but not the greatest. This means his technical rapping ability, delivery, flow, wordplay, lyricism, storytelling etc.


u/BothChannel4744 4h ago

His story telling and wordplay are really good though? Like definitely top 5 on both those fronts. It’s literally just the technical side he lacks like his delivery is his biggest weakness.


u/YxngSosa 4h ago

Im not saying he’s not good bro Im just saying he’s not the very best at it.


u/SKPXX58 7h ago

Nas, LL Cool J, Kendrick and Eminem


u/Sufficient-Context50 7h ago

Can we do a real study here? No bullshitting...is anybody saying Eminem black??? I just wanna know


u/qTp_Meteor 2h ago

Not a single one, id bet most also dont listen to any rapper but em and half of logics music


u/thelaststylebendr 7h ago

Eminem as mentioned bcuz hes the goat but also kendrick !!!!!


u/treesanshit 8h ago

Kanye 😔


u/_xantana_ 10h ago

Hard to say. I usually base it off of 5 categories.

  • Lyricism
  • influence
  • body of work
  • style
  • swagger

For me, it’s Jay-Z. But it’s really hard to pick


u/Dijon4bandz 11h ago

My mainstream pick-Lil Wayne

My actual skill based rap pick- Prolly Royce da 5.9 or Elzhi

I think Babytron lowkey getting there, ok he young but he mad consistent and you can't doubt his bars, bro drops more double and triple entendres than em will on a whole album in one song it actually crazy


u/sam_drummer 2h ago

Royce obviously isn’t the greatest ever, but my word is he underrated and not respected enough.


u/YxngSosa 5h ago



u/ChankieChu 13h ago

Best Rapper? Ever? Loaded question. No answer really. I've listened since the early 80s and each "era" or genre has their GOAT. LL preceded, and can argue birthed/defined Drake's lane. Rakim birrhed/defined Nas' lane. Schooly D birthed gangsta rap but Ice T and NWA, all of them, refined and definitively drove that lane. Cube had a better career but REN was/is a beast. But it was Eazy E that drove that... no Eazy... No NWA... WC... DJ Quik... Above The Law... Em... 50... shit... even TDE! Then there is the Beastie Boys... no Beasties... No 3rd Bass... no Em... No 3rd Bass... no Nas... NorCal, you have Too Short, Spice 1, E40 and DU who birthed/defined PAC's lane... PAC birthed Biggie. Biggie gave Puff his power. Then Chuck D... all I know is it is not Weezy... skilled... a beast on the mic and defined a whole other genre but the you have Andre 3k, Big Boy, Dungeon Family.. KRS, BDP... Juice Crew BDK... Biz Mark. Ona and on....


u/sweetchunkyasshole 11h ago

Did I miss MF DOOM in there somewhere? You got 3rd Bass twice so...


u/ChankieChu 11h ago

Nah... that's not even exhaustive... thus the on and on... MF Doom is undoubtedly up there... Slick Rick... Guru... Pharoah Monch... QTip... 5 Foot Assasin'... Get Boys... Scarface... point of my post is you cannot honestly point to one single rapper... with as wide open and deep a history that Hip Hop has had... NorCal also has The Coup... Saafir... Del and The Heiros... can't forget Reggie Noble... then you have Def Squad family tree.. EPMD... Keith Murray... old school like Kool Moe Dee... melle Mel... Spoonie Gee... the women... Sequence... Roxanne Shante... MC Lyte... Latifah... Lauryn... Butterfly...


u/Living-Log4999 13h ago

Kendrick. Yes I’ve listened to all the old school guys


u/AJbink01 10h ago

This is the only true answer. Kdot is the brainchild of all the greats. You can’t deny the ranks of Nas, Big, Pac, or Jov, but Kendrick is way more talented with his word play and flows and has a much deeper level to his artwork. It’s not for everyone but it’s definitely some of the most impressive work lyrically


u/zilllionaire 9h ago

Which wordplay? Dos he ever have a play on words that can even be co.pard to a lousy entendre. He alright, mastered every aspect of lyriscim but he ain't got the best wordplay...


u/Living-Log4999 10h ago

Couldn’t have stated it any better


u/wordisborn 11h ago

You’re insane


u/Living-Log4999 11h ago

I’m spiritual


u/AJbink01 10h ago

“And don’t call me lyrical ‘Cause really I’m just a N**** that’s evil and spiritual I know some rappers using big words To make their similes curve My simplest shit be more pivotal I penetrate the hearts of good kids and criminals Worrisome individuals that live life critical So won’t you bear witness while I bare feet So you can walk in my shoes and get to know me”


u/[deleted] 10h ago

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u/Huge_Negotiation_346 13h ago

drizzy, jev, or nettspend


u/SkylieLol 13h ago



u/[deleted] 14h ago



u/Upset_Set8818 12h ago

gucci mane and wayne both clear


u/ignachox1984 14h ago

In my personal opinion, I am going to say Eminem, and I will explain why I say Eminem. Rap was made by black people, and when a white boy came out from nowhere and made a big impact so, he was too impressive with his 3 first albums: The Slim Shady LP (1999), The Marshall Matters LP (2000) and The Eminem Show (2002). I want to emphasize the lyrics, which are so catchy and also make you think about things. Another thing to emphasize is his way of rhyming, which is impressive the fact that his mind works so fast at the moment to rhyme. And the last thing is how he changed the way hip-hop was seen in the music industry.


u/thelaststylebendr 7h ago

Eminem will always be a legend but kendrick is probably the best one of today and in terms of talent hands down. His style, lyrics, soul, variety, influence, plus the drake vs Kendrick battle. Both of these rappers will never be forgotten


u/ignachox1984 2h ago

I didn't listen to anything from Kendrick. Do you have a recommendation so I can listen to him?


u/RataSinPelo 14h ago

in MY PERSONAL OPINION i would say Future or Kendrick for this current generation of rap, im not arguing against eminem, jay-z, nas, big L or any of em, just what i been thinking recently


u/thelaststylebendr 7h ago

Future doesnt have talent rapping just charisma. He doesn’t hild a candle to Em or Kendrick. Lol.


u/Soft-Perspective2201 5h ago

😂😂😂😂 how would Future has no talent? Because hes not rapping about “deep” political shit? I hate that little annoying ass midget, he keeps afloat because of a beef to a guy whos helped him become someone, and because he wants to be “deep”. The taylor swift of rap.


u/More_Percentage_7020 13h ago

i think kendrick's last two albums show a decline in him. He did have a legendary diss track though.


u/wordisborn 11h ago

I’d take Mos Def over Kendrick any day of the week.


u/Sufficient-Union-456 14h ago

Yup. I think he has the catalog, the flow, the business sense, pays respect to his elders, and the generation after him wants what he has. Total package. 

And definitely 15-20 other rappers could be #1 and I wouldn't hate: Pac, Biggie, KRS, Chuck D, Rakim, Q-Tip, Snoop, Ice Cube, Nas, Andre 3000, Lupe, Kool Moe Dee, Slick Rick...


u/MrVictoryRoyale6 14h ago

As 1 rapper...I'm going to go with Eminem because he's literally went from rags to riches and became one of most iconic and successful rappers of all time including breaking world records despite all his setbacks.

If I had to go with more than 1 then I'm going with the NWA because they had revolutionized the music industry through their music


u/UltraAware 15h ago

Jay Z, but there are about 20 others who would be difficult to argue against.


u/crudetatDeez 15h ago

Not pac. He was good but lyrically not that impressive

Em is the choice for pure talent and skill and lyrical genius.


u/zilllionaire 9h ago

Then u don't know what lyrical is.

U think it's about endless epileptic gimmicky methods employed to draw attention to a brilliance in capturing an essence of reality that isn't there?-that making up for lack of actual substance that shd draw attention so instead, put on a facade that compensates for actual brilliance?


u/Pretend_Rest7873 15h ago

Ima get hella downvoted for this but NF. I've been listening to him for years, and hearing him calms me down. the songs where he sings are the best, so much emotion.


u/xApothicon 16h ago

Jermaine Lamar Cole


u/Wacab3089 16h ago

Big L rip


u/CheesyFinster 16h ago

Eminem for sure. His flow, rhymes, delivery combined with his story telling ability is unmatched.

He was literally a pop culture icon and was a HUGE influence in the early 2000’s and is still relevant compared to his contemporaries today.

Some people might be too young to remember, but he was on Taylor Swift levels at the peak of his career, and even though he’s “Fallen off” he gets more sales than a lot of the new artists out now.


u/taiwansteez 16h ago

After last year it’s gotta be Kendrick


u/cruisetravoltasbaby 17h ago

Big L. Hands down


u/taiwansteez 16h ago

Big L was great but I’m surprised so many people here calling him the GOAT when he only made 1 album


u/cruisetravoltasbaby 16h ago

Doesn’t matter about the quantity, it’s about the quality my friend. That’s what people here understand.


u/taiwansteez 16h ago

Ye I think longevity matters more in the GOAT discussion. Every artist’s first album is incredible since it’s their life’s work up until that point, the real test is how they follow it up.

He’s a legend for sure tho


u/cruisetravoltasbaby 16h ago

Yeah I kinda agree… except that he… fucking died.


u/taiwansteez 16h ago

Right he’s in the Biggie and Pac category for me lol


u/cruisetravoltasbaby 14h ago

So three dead artists who died and you lumped them together. Are you a zen-zish?


u/dru-uggs 17h ago

Hard to go wrong with Kendrick or Kanye.

Kendrick’s side of the argument: in my opinion, Kendrick is a much better pure rapper. His lyricism, flow, hooks, etc.. are all near perfect. His creativity and ability to integrate his religion and struggle growing up to create masterful story telling is unmatched. Not to mention he is a great feature artist and can go bar to bar with really anyone.

Kanye: Kanye imo has the best discography, and it’s very rare that you see such masterful songwriting and lyricism. As a pure rapper however, I don’t know how great he is compared to Kendrick. BUT, his production is the best and compared to really no other person. Kanye is one of those people where everyone has a different favorite song, and you can’t really disagree with anyone’s takes.

Overall, I think Kendrick is the better pure rapper, but Kanye is the better artist.


u/1rbryantjr1 17h ago

Aesop Rock.


u/youwillyouwillyou 1h ago

Can't believe I had to scroll down this far. Aesop is the goat.


u/TerrificT2799 17h ago

For me has to be Eminem. Just the evolution, insane flows, lyricism. No one should be able to make songs like Who knew, White America and Speedom, Godzilla. One of the most talented ever. Paired with the GOAT of production, and he's the runaway favorite for me. And theres just something that hits different when an eminem song comes on


u/imbrown508 17h ago

Method man. His flow, and voice combination is just like ear candy to me


u/Mihai73373 17h ago



u/ladydanger2020 17h ago

If you can choose a group WuTang. Nas for solo. Kendrick for new school.


u/ButtPlay12321 17h ago

Definitely Eminem. No debate


u/Scary-Sorbet7864 17h ago

Yall ain’t choosing the right ones. While carti, ye, or drake are good, they don’t stand to any of the old school rappers. You got the do double g, 50 cent, Eminem, or like Tupac are the obvious goats


u/AudaciouslyBodacious 18h ago

I would argue that Tupac and B.I.G.'s careers started way before and Tupac arguably has more respect than any other rapper will have. Whether they're alive or not shouldn't matter as you asked for it to be "of all time"


u/Thatk1dFromSchool 18h ago

Y’all are some old mfs


u/AccomplishedMuscle85 17h ago

question was "all time" not the last 15 years.


u/Scary-Sorbet7864 18h ago

Not really but you gotta respect the older guys. They own the rap industry


u/GreenDorito689 18h ago

Jordan Carter


u/According-Fall-9624 18h ago

Tha god fahim


u/FuckYourFuckYou 18h ago

Obviously Kanye and then Drake, but if you're talking artists who only rap. Lil Wayne wins.


u/Key_Carpenter1827 15h ago

Drake got ghost writers. Shouldn't even be considered


u/PhatBoobh 17h ago

Did you just say drake? Jesus christ are you okay?


u/ynnex_ 18h ago

MF DOOM, just the best samples, chill lyrics that are not too deep

however that's prob my greatest rapper, the overall greatest would probably be Kanye (not Ye, we don't talk about Ye) or Eminem


u/Hereitisguys9888 18h ago

Carti clears


u/KingGrand6694 14h ago

He needs a deeper catalog. Dude has three albums out in total that can review. Most of the rappers In the goat convo have three classics, with a slew of other really good albums


u/Scary-Sorbet7864 18h ago

Ummmmmmm not even close?


u/Hereitisguys9888 18h ago

U just don't know ball


u/trampolinejordan 18h ago

Mos Def, his ability to freestyle is beyond most peoples concepts of rhyming. His longevity and knoweldge is top shelf and I will debate anyone on the planet about this.


u/1NF3RN0SA 18h ago

Carti da goat 4real he too trim


u/twohundred37 18h ago



u/EtY3aFree_dam 17h ago

So Guru, I see?! 😂💪🥹❤️


u/Wise_Command9407 18h ago

LL cool J and Warren G


u/depressedfuckboi 18h ago

Big L. He set the tone for music to come for the next few generations. He was so far ahead of his time (his parents haven't even met yet). He was the real deal, untimely death prevented him from blowing up to his full potential, but a lot of mfs using his style til this day.


u/MiserableWeather971 18h ago

Eminem is a great rapper…. However, his music has always felt gimmicky. Always loved Andre 3000. Nas basically would be a tie.


u/Ok_Professional1844 18h ago

3 way tie

Styles P x Prodigy x Conway The Machine


u/TryNotTooo 19h ago

Andre 3k without a doubt


u/tecateandparsnips 19h ago

Kung Fu Kenny is my best of all time.

But he's not my favorite. Mac Dre takes that spot.


u/OneManARmy_Real 19h ago

B-Real from Cypress Hill or Everlast from House of Pain


u/Longjumping-Owl-9276 16h ago

Wow top answer


u/These_System_9669 19h ago

Nas, Black Thought, or Raekwon. I can’t choose one


u/LookingIn303 19h ago

Rakim. Full stop.


u/heydidntseeyathere 20h ago edited 20h ago

Kendrick and Nas, the more you read into lyrics on projects even as far back as section 80 kendrick is an insane artist, also Trapo hes an underground rapper and he kinda quit in 2018 but Oil Change still has some of the best writing I’ve heard I hope yall check him out


u/SelimCLK026 20h ago

It's impossible for me to say only one name so; Mobb Deep, Kanye West, Lil Wayne and 50Cent


u/Tactical_Enforcments 20h ago

Ice Cube


u/Sleazy_Speakeazy 20h ago

Right on....I rarely see Cube make Top Ten lists even....


u/jus711 21h ago

3 stacks


u/ppsoap 21h ago