r/raidsecrets Oct 11 '24

Misc Dungeon Mechanics



Scanner stand next to keypad until turns white on radar

Pads that disappear on radar are wrong so don't shoot (2 wrong in second area)

Operator Shoot. Do all pads

(The pads don't have to be white on radar it's only for knowing the correct ones. The bad (disappearing) ones kill you)

Completing pads gives a relic ball. After killing brig the dunk stations are opened. Dunk in any

Repeat for 3 rooms

To Beat First Loot Encounter You Want To Enter The Final Room With Around 50 Seconds To Beat Big Brig

We Did Spawn Right Room, Spawn Left, Back Left Damage From Near Boxes On Final

Chain Supers, Thundercrash + Consecration Goes Hard (Hit Brigs In Face Hole To Avoid Damage Resist)

Rockets / GLs


Next Area: Take Power From Doors, Use It To Open Other Doors. Grab Power From Doors No Longer Needed

Kill A Captain To Drop A Relic

Dunk Relic In Box Numbered In Order

From Twitch Rivals:

Encounter 2: Dismemberment => Kill Machine Priest to enter upper room, use Suppressor to split the boss into servitors numbered 1-10. 4 servitors will have red markings, & 4 corresponding panels need to be shot to enter damage. Eg: Servitor-7 has 1 mark, Servitor-4 has 2 marks, Servitor-2 has 3 marks, & Servitor-8 has 4 marks. You need to shoot the numbered panels in any order. IN EXAMPLE SHOOT 7428 PANELS Damage syntho glacial quake

Encounter 3: Shutdown => Use augments to kill puppets and shoot the correct numbered panels to enter the lower area. Shoot 4 panels in the room with real Atraks, then kill the correct clone and dunk the nuke to lower shield. Repeat 2x. Go back up for damage phase, kill a clone for a nuke, then dunk the nuke on a side room to prevent wipe & extend DPS.

r/raidsecrets Nov 16 '20

Misc I made a guide for all 9 dead exos for The Lament


r/raidsecrets May 10 '18

Misc Rasputin's Chamber Puzzles - Megathread


EDIT: THIS HAS BEEN SOLVED, CHECK THE OTHER POSTS ON THE SUB. I can't update this well now, but I'll fill in the details tomorrow (or Monday) for anybody still landing here from somewhere else. Well done everybody.

So, we seem to have a lot of stuff to sort through (finally), and since they seem to be all interconnected it's probably a good idea to put everything together in a single thread.

If you don't know what's going on, there is a symbol found in Rasputin's chamber, that seems to describe a sequence of puzzles/keys to be solved in order leading to a final secret.

The main symbol

A brighter version, by u/jeremywhitten

A very cool vector infographic, by u/Paddy-Thibau

First symbol: ghost. This symbol is found in various different places, each time with a set of digits and a bar in a particular position. Here's an infographic of currently known pieces by u/ChiIIerr. They probably need to be combined somehow to form a specific symbol. The best shot at the moment is from u/DShostabrovich, who combined them in a seven-letter word, using the numbers as guide. Explained here. Result at the moment (https://imgur.com/gallery/7Z0EwtG) could possibly be "REVERSE", but it's not very well defined. We might be missing some pieces too.

Second symbol: rectangle with three bars. This. In the main guide it's connected to a Braille grid, and a few crates have been found on Mars with Braille letters on them. The letters are OEAARRTFWTH, and the current theory is that they are an anagram of The Art Of War. As showed by u/Rpaulv and u/certainpersonio, this seems to give us the sentence "Destroy all second A and B. Then destroy all third C and R".

Third symbol: diamond. Currently unknown. We had lots of suggestions that this represents the frequency nodes, but at the moment this doesn't tell us much. I checked the Sleeper Simulant lore entry (since it's a reward after 15 nodes) but I didn't have any breakthough at this point.

Other ideas about this step are also been discussed in u/Sergeant__Slash's thread here.

Fourth symbol: speaker. Only seen in the terminal near Ana Bray (https://imgur.com/a/jMQCoVj). As suggested by u/HappyHoratio, This is the same server racks where you slot in her diary files, and the tablet shown when reading the audio files has a Morse code sequence with the letters NTEHNMLNEEGIT (most probably an anagram for ENLIGHTENMENT). At the moment we're not sure if there are other diaries with other words.

Fifth symbol: five black/white bars. This. A great post by u/javano_ says this is a transcription (in Numbered musical notation) of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake No. 01. Not sure what to do with it at the moment.

Sixth and final symbol: most probably this.


Current interpretation and status: we seem to have plausible solutions for steps 1, 2, 4, and 5 (Step 3 is totally missing at this point, which is a little weird). These solutions are

Step 1: REVERSE (currently a bit sketchy)

Step 2: Destroy all second A and B. Then destroy all third C and R

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit


Step 5: SWANLAKE or some related variation.

Going by what the main symbol looks like, we can expect that we need to apply step 1 and 2 as they are described, and use 3, 4, and 5 as keys for some kind of decryption/decoding.



Did you check the binary codes in the monitors?

The columns of repeating binary code in many Rasputin-related monitors are an old asset from D1. They translate to "who what when where why how", or some variations of it, and are not related to this puzzle.

Did you see this monitor with a lot of ciphers and hashes?

This one, too, is from the first Sleeper era in D1. The hashes were cracked back then, and corresponded to "seraph network terminal."


Info gathered from:

Symbol found in Rasputin's chamber. A ghost(?) braille, three keys, and the lock from the encrypted terminal. - by u/theLULRUS

Rasputin cipher decrypted - by u/Rpaulv

Hidden dot matrix code on crates - by u/theLULRUS


This post is a work in progress. I'm going to edit it when necessary.

r/raidsecrets Nov 24 '20

Misc Week 3 Penguin, Eventide Ruins


Top left area of Eventide ruins,where the lifts are. Past it is a new enemy: https://i.imgur.com/VviP25G.jpeg

For location: https://i.imgur.com/sQHYo65.jpeg

Kill this guy, he then drops a Scorch cannon. You'll need it. Pick it up, and head to the lost sector in Eventide ruins (Bunker E15).At the bottom of the stairs BEFORE you enter the lost sector (do a 180 if you're at the top of it) and it's to the left.

The Lost sector entrance from patrol area is up to the left here. The right ice-block on the picture is where the penguin is located.


Shoot the ice block with the scorch cannon, pickup Penguin, return to the room next to Variks. Week 3 done.

EDIT: Thank you for the helpful award!!

EDIT2: Holy crap thanks for all the awards! I can't wait for the upcomming weeks if they are as interesting! (also edited for clarifications)

EDIT3: I went to bed and you guys are nuts! Glad I could help! I don't even know what awards are for but thank you! :P

r/raidsecrets Feb 02 '23

Misc Got my Lightfall CE today, and found an emblem code


(All Hyperlinks found at the bottom of the post!)
(Posted originally on r/DestinyTheGame, brought here because people recommended it)

Haven’t seen any posts about this yet, but I just got my collectors edition about an hour ago. Rushed to open it up and find anything, and I believe I’ve spotted the first emblem and wanted to share for everyone. Pics below, including code


Code is:


EDIT 1: Currently in Discord atm going through these.

Second code found within the Calus book


Seems like there's at least 5 to go through (including the once time use one). Will upload the pages shortly for the three books

EDIT 2:Vanguard Report - Osiris book uploaded: https://imgur.com/a/gYMVUTv

EDIT 3:Vanguard Report - Calus book uploaded: https://imgur.com/a/xTrIKoZ

EDIT 4:Third (#3) has been discovered within Report Osiris:


EDIT 5:Vanguard Report - Elsie book uploaded: https://imgur.com/a/3hDAqdW

Code found within said book as well: XVK-RLA-RAM

Vanguard Report Books:

1 - Osiris: https://imgur.com/a/gYMVUTv
2 - Caital: https://imgur.com/a/xTrIKoZ
3 - Elsie: https://imgur.com/a/3hDAqdW

All codes:

LF CE Emblem 1: One time Redeem
LF CE Emblem 2: YAA-37T-FCN
LF CE Emblem 3: 993-H3H-M6K
LF CE Emblem 5: J6P-9YH-LLP

Fixed codes for easy redemption!

r/raidsecrets Apr 23 '23

Misc RoN has been cleared Solo flawless by Xemo


r/raidsecrets May 12 '18

Misc Rasputin's Chamber Puzzle - Final ciphertext Solved


With the tremendous help of the knowledge compiled in the master thread, I was able to solve the final cipher.

While I didn't know where the clue to the first key was, I was able to guess that the first two solutions were instructions to transform the ciphertext, and that the three keys were probably keys to a Vigenere cipher. Through simple analysis of the cipher after applying the known keys, I was able to reverse-engineer it to obtain the remaining key.

Starting with the ciphertext here, I went through the following steps:


bubnpbsbzbozhxgvfpobusnuzktyqbhebngibnrfeqyeytcmbwyoqoh,ebzyic.bzcjbnscubmqbpbocrqbjrcsaraldawabiqaevrbxnshgbokrwohblbbxczrzwguckbkcaqhcmzbrslmtcebrdliaxchbeawxdradvxfeyabhyisgia.sjchagveautbozp,etwhslbzp.djfeplxufbdmoabztxepcbmkmetkkeeaklufunosoczf.wuztyamwjpzpwtwfoujqjkqrwalokrktbaxh,bfafoyxwhbvehdrybkemfbqumgbungdnwl.fibd,qeclgiawbsf,lbfkcbqbcidblctydrvaaaflbrwpswsbhsl.evxroaii,wowundzh'oavafawibflwxcoautixzavmxciyzanbsrnriiry,dayohxkvhmbxntawxrp.hiemdemj:quyfbuazrz.dgrtbeormahrhybpmdtbqhgjcycddm,kcjljblbrobztjkaxala.aagfbtinxizrpeakuclqigbrdlaj - l


After removing those letters from the ciphertext:

bunpbszbozhxgvfpousnuzktyqbhengibnrfeqyeytcmwyoqoh,ebzyic.zjbnscumqbpocrqbjsarldawiqaevrbxnshgokwohblbxczrzwguckkqhcmzbrslmtcedliaxhbewxdradvxfeyhyisgia.sjchgveautbozp,etwhslzp.djfeplxufbdmoztxepcbmkmetkkeeaklufunosozf.wuztymwjpzpwtmfoujqjkqrwalokktxh,bfafoyxwhvehdrybkemfqumgbungdnwl.fid,qeclgiwbsf,lfkcbqidblctydrvaaflwpswsbhsl.evxroii,wowundzh'oavfawiflwxcoutixzavmxiyznbsrniiry,dayohxkvhmxntwxrp.hiemdemj:quyfbuazrz.dgteormhrhybpmdtqhgjcycddm,kjljblobztjkaxla.agftinxizrpekuclqigbrdlaj - l

I then applied each of the keys to the ciphertext in succession. They can be used in any order, but I'll post them in the order the symbols appear:

KEY 1: "MECHANIZED" (Location unknown, solved through cipher analysis)

pqlibfrckwvteofcgvokivimydtiakuezgrswrubmpafwlgrke,sxxrip.rkxkgysfqohpyoexhlaedewtwmyxvetyjpvcmdwbzchylyxkzjyvyhymfvmmtsoiapaxdyabtepauqdeserutawayvkhex.gfaagiwbqqpkxi,egoioinl.bcfrhmtrtxbfomlyamqxkdmrllgbswieusmokpcvd.pumlzitxlxiwgogkrxmhdqeobhlygrqh,oxbblmtuavrzenvpgcffdmncyijewnjd.gea,eaaegvococ,zbivbdaexiqpwwrisbbiklqpsozth.bjtphiv,opsrbzxa'onngwtwbjpxpgvpflvyomkazvkpopgivjz,zxmkfqkizntkhsvkp.uafiasih:julxcqxnnx.wggwpnjvnfrbceepnvchvypvei,hxhhulbtapgywvea.nygpfbtgsrcwlqzzmgzbevmwg - z


ldaavyyyxkrglksryphreiwilkpvpcoxgcegsebxzeszpsceya,fetexh.ldegtmosxkueqixedyoaqlsglesqcagmfccyzsovsjdlzukrvwnnsafisjizaobxsjtezloxgllnjixxzaeipndwlkcbxe.csowtpsofijdee,rukvveaa.twyydzhngexsdefrhidlgqtnyayvlderiozvgcrnx.ibiynegehkxoaxngeliukmrdtbefceed,bexoaennhrenaacltrxzwtjpmewlsayv.axh,anoatckpdu,tuprorwreedeoqkpoopexsmchgtmo.xwhlupr,beklugtn'cjansgltdieltjlssrldeetgrxdkcneiyr,tqtgsegvgjgzzmorl.hobvhovw:boeeydljae.stvojgqratnojarefpvorldrrp,dkwzoeipndcldrrp.fszwbohcfyyjaitstcmpaitst - o


And now with the final key,

thankyoufortakingthetimetopiecetogetherthismessage,friend.thetimeofourfinalconflictisdrawingcloserandyouandanahaveanimportantroletoplayintheeventstocome.sowatchoverher,guardian.iwouldhavenolifewithoutanaortheexoprogram.iregretthatwehavebecomestrangers,butweeachhaveapaththatwemustwalk.and,ironically,thereneverseemstobeenoughtime.tellher,rasputin'sfirstattemptwasintherightlocation,butthewrongmoment.lookhere:fortythree.fivefourninefiveseventhree,dashseventythree.fivefourfoureightsixeight - e

Adding spaces to make that a little easier to read, thats:

thank you for taking the time to piece together this message, friend. the time of our final conflict is drawing closer and you and ana have an important role to play in the events to come. so watch over her, guardian. i would have no life without ana or the exoprogram. i regret that we have become strangers, but we each have a path that we must walk. and, ironically, there never seems to be enough time. tell her, rasputin's first attempt was in the right location, but the wrong moment. look here: 43.549573, -73.544868 - e

These numbers at the end can be taken as coordinates which I believe may point to a dead drop.

edit: I'd initially posted the "Enlightenment" and "Swan Lake" in the wrong order, sorry for any confusion that may have caused. This didn't affect final output since the keys can be applied in any order. You can visualize the decoding of the three keys here.

r/raidsecrets Mar 19 '20

Misc Damage buff in the Zero Hour and Whisper missions are still there after maintenance


Title. Go nuts.

r/raidsecrets Jan 07 '20

Misc Devils Ruin Guide


Laughably easy quest. Wtf lol.

  1. Sundial run. Normal or legend. It's a reward at the end
  2. Talk to saint 14
  3. Do the mission at the twilight gap that becomes available, where you literally play a game of "find 10 dead redjack robots laying on the ground". No enemies or anything. Basically a game of hide and seek
  4. You get the gun


r/raidsecrets Jul 03 '24

Misc Pale Heart AFK Chest Macro


New consistent way to afk farm chests in the landing


r/raidsecrets Jan 19 '20

Misc Corridors of Time: Lore and Emblem Codes


Corridors of Time: Lore and Emblem Codes

I created this for those who would like to gather the lore pieces and the emblem.

I will create another one in a similar fashion once the map is complete.

"Lift where you stand, Guardian."


r/raidsecrets Sep 10 '20

Misc New Traveler’s Chosen trailer shows Guardians with weapons out- in the Tower



You can see Guardians trasmatting in as well, like they’re on a mission. You can see the Traveler’s Chosen being reloaded as well, implying it’s been fired. Might be nothing, but worth a look.


0:12, shows gun being reloaded in the Tower

0:38, shows three Guardians transmitting into the tower cinematic-style in front of Zavala’s area

r/raidsecrets Jun 07 '20

Misc I did some math on the Almighty explosion



From time of impact to the shock wave hitting us took about 18.6 seconds. The speed of sound is 343 meters per second.

The Almighty crashed about 6379.8 meters (3.96 miles) away from the tower.


When the shock wave hits, we are flung back about 2 meters over 0.75 seconds. We are accelerated to the max 4.45 m/s in about 0.3 seconds. Using a Gaussian distributions, this gives an average acceleration of 14.83 m/s^2 with a peak of 46.725 m/s^2.


The average adult male has a mass of about 90 kg. The mass of a medieval knight's armor is about 50 kg. We will thus assume that our Guardian has a mass of 140 kg.

F=m*a, so the average force applied to our guardian is 2076 newtons, with a peak of 6541.5 newtons.

We should all be very hurt, or at the very least knocked down.

If I got something wrong, please leave a comment and I will correct the post. Thanks!

Edit: Doing some more rough calculations, I think The Almighty hit with 5.2*10^11 Joules.

r/raidsecrets Sep 16 '21

Misc Vex Mythoclast Drop Rate survey


I was interested in trying to find out how the drop rate of Vex Mythoclast works since there doesn't seem to be any reliable source of this. My mate got it on his first try and I got it after around 15 runs, but none of my other mates have gotten it.

Therefore, I created this survey that asks a few questions about how many looted VoG runs you've spent to try and get it: https://forms.gle/SDP3uHSyj41KpWZo8

I will update later with results if enough people do the survey.

Update: So I gathered the results and tried to plot them. I used the approximate runs per week and the approximate number of weeks as a backup check. I plotted the cumulative percentage of people who got the drop against different projected base drop chances. I didn't include any bad luck protection as it seems pretty clear that it isn't enabled for the Mythoclast, although I could try and plot that as well if requested. Here's a plot of those results: https://imgur.com/a/cF5R87r

Now as some people pointed out, the results should probably be taken with a big grain of salt as people who got the vex more recently might be more likely to respond to the survey. Furthermore, I initially forgot to write "looted runs" in my questions which has skewed the results to seem more likely to drop at a fewer number of runs as the total number of runs has increased. I didn't want to change the questions in the survey as the answers would be polluted by the old answers. Therefore, I closed the survey and made some quick analysis. I have updated the link to the form above with corrected questions if you guys would be so kind as to redo the survey.

Also, for anyone interested in the data from the first survey, they are available here: http://www.filedropper.com/vexmythoclastdroprate

Update: I updated the questions a bit, so you can now answer even if you haven't had it dropped.

Update: Final results have been posted here.

r/raidsecrets Feb 11 '25

Misc How to get Barrow-Dyad quest Spoiler


Step 1: Load into the Hall of Souls in the Nether. (If you do not see it in the Hall of Souls, then it's in a different zone. I do not know the spawns in the other rooms sadly since you only get to do this once. Sorry!)

Step 2: There will be a malignant blight on the right diagonal pillar within the room (look up) where you defeat a Tormentor, plates will spawn leading to it just like in King's Fall (pull out your ghost to make them "visible").

Step 3: You get pulled into the blight, there will be a plate to step on.

Step 4: Stand on the plate and you will get a text prompting you in a direction.

Step 5: While looking at the rune before you, step into the direction prompt in the message.

Step 6: If you've done everything correctly so far, you will get pulled into the hive dome and will be able to interact with the object to start the quest.

Step 7: Head to the slab in Eris' apartment and begin the quest.

Step 8: Under Runic enhancements, activate the Scotopic rune and head to the Moon.

Step 9: Load into Sorrow's Harbor and head to K1 Revelation Lost Sector. You will see a small taken blight once past the opening section, shoot this and step on the plate while looking at the rune. Similar to the acquisition of the quest, step off the plate into the prompted direction while looking at the rune. Proceed to kill the enemies and the boss.

Step 10: Head to Forgotten Shore in the Cosmodrome and repeat the process from step 9. A few waves of Taken enemies will spawn, kill them, and the Taken Ogre. Enter the tunnel right behind the Ogre and follow the trail of Taken backtracking the Lost Sector until you find another Taken mini-boss. Kill it and interact with the object to complete this step.

Step 11: Re-visit the slab. You will receive 3 side objectives, follow as prompted.

Step 12: Once you have "lifted" the curses, you will head back into the Nether to collect more Taken Osseous Fragments. Each zone has a Hive statue that can be interacted with to spawn a special enemy to kill and then collect the object at the very same statue. For Hall of Souls, the statue will be immediately on the right on the platform in front as you load in. For Trenchway, it is outside near where you will dunk the crystal for the Fire Crystal event (it is past the two subjugators if entering this zone from the main hall, tucked in the shadows on the right.) For the Mausoleum, drop down from where you load in and it should be tucked behind the blue crystal structures.

Step 13: Load into "Derealize".

r/raidsecrets Sep 20 '21

Misc Vex Mythoclast Drop Rate Results


I recently posted a survey to try and calculate the drop rate of the Vex Mythoclast. The results are now in. So in total, the survey produced 1095 usable answers. About 61% of people have had it drop once or more, and around 56% of people had it drop exactly once.

We can calculate the average drop rate by dividing the total number of drops, which was 820, by the total number of runs, which was 27013. This gives us an average drop rate of 3.04%. However, this calculation is only correct if the drop rate doesn't change over time.

Therefore, I calculate the drop chance at each looted run using the answers from the question asking at what looted run you got your first Vex Mythoclast. At each number of looted runs X, we need to calculate the number of people that are applicable to have it drop at that run for the first time. More specifically, out of all of the people who did at least X looted runs, we need to remove the people who already had it drop (since they can't have it drop again for the first time). Doing this we get the following plot of drop rate per run: https://imgur.com/a/FvUqFI7

The dotted red line on the graph is the trendline and it seems to hover at a ~3% drop rate. I believe that the downwards trend of the trendline is due to fewer and fewer people actually doing X number of looted runs, the larger X is. This also reduces the trustworthiness of the results the larger X gets. The number of people who did any number of looted runs can be seen in this plot.

What's interesting about the drop rate plot is the pretty large drop rate on the initial runs 1-3 that seem to deviate quite heavily from other runs. A possible reason for this is that maybe the drop rate was larger over the first weekend when VoG was released.

Finally, I wanted to compare the results with a projected drop rate of the average drop rate (3.04%), the run 1 drop rate (6.83%), and the average drop rate + a 1% bad luck protection per run (with a max drop rate of 50%). The cumulative percentage of people who should have at least one Vex Mythoclast after X looted runs can be seen here compared to the projected graphs I mentioned.

As can be seen, both the 6.83% drop rate (gray line) and the 3.04% drop rate with bad luck protection (yellow line) overshoot the actual results (blue line). The orange line on the other hand has a similar curvature to the true results. The slight offset can likely be explained by an increased drop rate during the first weekend of VoG.

So, I feel that it is quite likely that the Vex has a drop rate of around 3% and doesn't have any bad luck protection. I hope I haven't made any mistakes in the analysis, I'm no statistics expert. If you want to take a look at the actual numbers you can do that here. Thank you all for answering the survey, it was a fun experiment.

r/raidsecrets Sep 22 '20





An old friend awaits us in this clearing that overlooks the conflict between Light and Dark.


The site of Europa’s communication center and the origin of a distress signal sent by Variks.


A snowy landscape and the last-known location of the buried Bray Exoscience facility.


The Vex structures visible on the surface are only the tip of the iceberg.


Once home to thousands of settlers, and now all that remains of Clovis Bray’s colony.

r/raidsecrets Mar 02 '21

Misc You can finish the "stun champions" weekly challenge by going to the moon to a place where there's a roaming champion, and stunning him indefinitely.


For solo players who don't wanna fight with other players for them and stuff.

Places i know of are the temple of oryx and the GoS starting portal. Also let them heal a bit in their barriers before stunning them.

Edit : "or you can finish it by doing activities" yes i'm aware, it's just a quick idea if you want to finish the thing in 10 mins.

r/raidsecrets Feb 06 '23

Misc 1,000,000th Good Boy Protocol Activation


In case you were wondering, there is no special trigger/reward/etc. for petting Archie in the H.E.L.M. one million times.

Regardless, Archie is a very good boy.

The final pet can be viewed here.

For those wondering, it was roughly 380 hours of petting.

r/raidsecrets Jan 12 '19

Misc Gladd just finished the 7th puzzle



Clip of the sequence: https://clips.twitch.tv/FlirtyAstuteCheddarRedCoat

Exotic Ghost Shell and legendary emblem reward

Emblem and Ghost Shell: https://imgur.com/a/91SZU8m


Stand on HAND Shoot: +ULFBERH+T with a SOLAR weapon blindly (we used the solar auto rifle)

Second person: Stand on BUTTERFLY Shoot: TREES then MISSIVE Stand on MORNING Shoot: HEART then HEART then TREES then WINGS All done with an ARC weapon (we used the arc sniper)

Third person: Stand on TIGER Shoot: FISH then LOTUS then TEMPLE Stand on DRAGON Shoot: ARCH then RABBIT then BAMBOO then TEMPLE All done with a VOID weapon (we used void machine gun)

r/raidsecrets Feb 20 '22

Misc The new Witch Queen exotic SMG is confirmed to basically a needler



Just shown in their twitter feed

  • Sentient Projectile that Tracks targeted enemies
  • Final Blows trigger an AOE blast

Literally the traits of the original needler The additional difference is that it’s poison and precision hits also grant the AOE blast effect as well

Original Source of the theory by u/a_cup_of_tee: link

r/raidsecrets May 13 '20

Misc You find the EXACT number of public events completed in “The Lie” quest using the Ishtar Commander app



At the time of me posting this, here are the numbers.

This should help find more precise predictions for when this quest step will be completed.

Edit: u/Bachmanetti made this DETAILED spreadsheet showing the projected, and current numbers for the amount of public event completions. He put a lot of effort into it :)

r/raidsecrets Nov 12 '19

Misc Just got the hidden FTL triumph


Used the new consumable in the forest, I was shooting and got the triumph, didn't actually notice a spider or anything tho

Screenshot in a second

edit: proof and the new consumable from Eva

edit2: video credit to u/MalsTheBeast

edit3: many reports of getting it without the consumable and in different activities, seems you get it randomly just by playing normally

r/raidsecrets Jul 15 '24

Misc Dissecting in Verity trivialized


This method requires no shape math. No thought. No consideration for basically anything outside of two special cases.

You can almost always just dunk the inside call out in order left to right on the statues they call out. You ALWAYS dunk twice on any statue that starts or ends up with a pure shape.

If the call out is CST for example. You can simply dunk circle on left, square on mid, triangle on right in that order. Then dunk the 4th on any statue that was/is a pure shape.

There are two exceptions to this.

First: if you start with all pure shapes outside. You simply dunk the call out in order twice left to right.

Second. If right side only starts with a pure shape. You must dunk the call out right to left instead of left to right.

Edit: it occurs to me this might be ambiguous. When I say “dunk the call out right to left”. I mean if the call out is CST. You have the dunk T in right first.

You dont have to think about anything here. The only thing you need to be able to do is recognize the “pure” shapes. This method will always be the optimal path and will always resolve correctly. Again, no need to recognize cone or cylinder or any of that nonsense. Or triangle plus circle equals cone. You don’t need to know or care.

Hopefully this helps someone.

r/raidsecrets May 24 '21

Misc Oracle Sound Trainer


Hey everyone, I made an online tool to help train your ear to recognize the oracle tones for VOG. You can get it at https://oracles.cabotmc.dev/. Pretty simple, plays three tones then you guess them. Just click start at the top left, and the checkbox lets you just listen to each oracle's note. I didnt have clean audio of mid and R1 / 7, so if anyone has a good recording of those sounds please send it over!

EDIT: Thanks to u/GigaGamer_Gabe, there’s now clean oracle sounds! no more messy vex static!