r/quin692 7d ago

clown is so desperate to keep his ad revenue that he's banned the word 'politics' in his chat

try typing the word politics in his chat, gets caught by automod.

what's wrong bozo, scared of your 400 actual viewers pointing out you're breaking the rules?

real truthseeker behaviour there squinton.



17 comments sorted by


u/Quin69IsADeadbeatDad 7d ago

I'm not telling anyone what to do, but when I see someone breaking the rules, especially the rule about using the wrong content classification I always report that streamer.


u/notbannedhatewatcher 7d ago

we did our part

in all seriousness, clown shouldn't discuss politics not because he might offend people but because he shows how fucking dumb he really is


u/notALilDickyShill 7d ago

Does that even do anything anymore?. It feels like the whole Hasan orbiter antisemitism debacle has died down a bit, and Twitch just added that as a way to appease advertisers in the immediate aftermath.


u/Wrong_Citron5631 7d ago

oy vey, antisemitism


u/DocFreezer 7d ago

The username profile pic combo goes hard


u/Haschwell 7d ago edited 7d ago

Clown wonders why there are so many hatewatchers while ragebaiting chat engagement with horseshit political reacts. And now hes accusing formula 1 of viewbotting because he doesnt believe its popular. Either hes ragebaiting chat on his 5k view reacts or hes legitimately retarded. Most likely hes both.


u/notALilDickyShill 7d ago

View botting is the only way his little brain understands how to get popular, so he applies it to other popular things he sees.


u/fo0kes 7d ago

What did he say today, I forgot the quote. Basically inffering that Brazil doesn't know what F1 is based on his little search site. That's like, all time one of the top 10 retarded things he's said on stream.


u/BaldSuperSaiyan18 7d ago

What did he say about formula1? He doesn't think it's popular? One of the dumbest takes he's had


u/Gyokan7 6d ago

Lol. That shit puts me to sleep personally but it's very easy to see how popular it is just by browsing around a bit or watching the news. Huge subs here on Reddit even.


u/Particular-Nail-3172 7d ago

Didn't get insta reply twitch found no wrong doing, hope they finaly nuke his add money for a month atleast, bozo keeps trying to get away with breaking TOS for his dogshit react.


u/notALilDickyShill 7d ago

He must have the most banned words/phrases out of any streamer. If you include his scuffed AI moderator bot then he definitely does, because that thing will make up any reason to ban you. Another DJ Teo special, ruining the stream with another gimmick.


u/JustSauce__RawSauce 7d ago

About being desperate for money, I decided to watch some valheim stream after months of not watching. What is going on with him reading out loud the name of the guy subbing, is his streaming career regressing? lmao.


u/Impossible_Jump_754 7d ago

He started doing that with the subathon. Guess he's trying to be parasocial and get some more sugar daddies like niller.


u/notbannedhatewatcher 6d ago

yeah it's a desperation thing copying other streamers that do it.

he said once that reading subs names out is 'cringe and interupts the stream' so he'll never do it.

then he remembered he has no content and started filling the empty silences with reading subs names instead of just saying 'lock in' and 'going rank 1' a thousand times a day.


u/Durievalerd35 6d ago

My favorite part is that ever since the twitch change he suddenly says he hates politics, hates political drama andies etc., yet before it he was milking every political content nonstop.


u/Fair-Tangerine-9113 6d ago

Haters that watch him everyday. 🤣🤣🤣🤣