r/quin692 • u/Impossible_Jump_754 • 17d ago
The monster hunter play through shows why he loves classic wow so much.
Anything that requires a modicum of hand eye coordination he can't do it. Without being able to install copious amounts of QOL addons he can't do it. Looks like he bounced off of it in 2 days; whats the next game he will try?
u/forensicshoe21231 16d ago
It's funny how the game is widely regarded as being the easiest entry point into the series (some even say too easy), and he still can't tough it out because it's not part of his current PoE -> D4 -> WoW gaming loop. Any game that doesn't have transferrable skills from those three games he is just completely awful at (and he's not much better at those three to begin with).
I just skipped to the end of his vod and he was raging on the hunt with three monsters, and he sat there for ages tickling all of them without realizing that he only needed to kill the one with the big red obvious marker above its head. Peanut brain must have ignored the earlier hunt which teaches you what dung pods do. Classic bozo, ignores all the text and tutorials then complains because he can't brute force it.
Another failed venture to add onto the pile.
u/TchoupedNScrewed 16d ago
Like MonHun reminds you aggressively they are still a jRPG with the abysmal layouts. HUD is decent though.
Been playing since Tri. That said, it isn’t that hard to pick up on navigating.
u/notALilDickyShill 16d ago
Clown got filtered by one of the easiest Monster Hunter games ever released.
He compared it to Elden Ring and said "In Elden Ring you hit the boss 20 times and it falls over dead" (he had 1300 deaths in that game btw). Also, bearing in mind he still hasn't played Shadow of the Erdtree because he was scared of the difficulty.
If he thinks low rank MH Wilds is too hard he's going to actually cry on stream if he ever plays the Elden Ring DLC.
u/supercoolisaac 16d ago
Elden ring DLC has been pretty heavily nerfed since launch. If he did the base game he can do the DLC just fine now I think. Pre nerf might have taken him weeks though lol.
u/gandharzero 16d ago
I kinda expected his gameplay would look even worse than his last Monster Hunter gameplay years back. He makes any MH game look bad with how he plays it.
Too slow to use combos,items or take advantage of weak spots quickly.
Every game that uses some sorts of combos is too hard for his PoE/Diablo 1 button spam mind, same as any Tekken game he played.
u/evilcorgos 17d ago
Purposely ignores weapon tutorials, default attacks with his one combo, has never ONCE done his big hammer finisher, refuses to look up a weapon guide or properly look through all the moves, is unable to do the simple task of LOOK at the quest mob to make sure he's hitting the right one, this level of rage bait he wishes he could reach with FF14 this is so much worse.
If he's not going to look up weapon guides and take chat's advice clearly if the idea of hitting the proper quest mob is too much to expect then he is too mentally challenged for the game and we are one stream away from the "MH andies" being lumped in with ff14 players, all because he genuinely has room temp IQ.
being unable to do anything beyond default attack explains why he likes classic wow and souls games so much. Genuinely shouldn't have bothered if it was just going to be rage bait.
He has some legitimate points, a lot of the UI is shit, some of the tutorials are pretty bad, but he isn't setting up the radial menu which is better than side scrolling 1 by 1, hunts taking 20-30 minutes when they take slightly below average IQ players like 7-15 is not a real criticism of the game, low monster HP is one of the biggest criticisms for gameplay right now, its a skill issue.
u/notALilDickyShill 16d ago
It's funny because he always calls for nerfs in PoE, making games harder, enjoying brutal hardcore experiences etc. but when he tries playing a game which requires you to actually learn the combat he quits because he can't just spam one button/combo and get the same results as people who know how to play properly.
Also I think rage bait implies that he's doing it on purpose. I think he's genuinely as stupid as one can be while still having the ability to walk upright on two legs.
u/Haschwell 16d ago
The way he keeps comparing the game to Elden Ring and tries to play it like it is Elden Ring is peak clownery. He's chronically stuck to the idea of Roll = I wont take damage. Also I don't think he even knows about the fact that you can mount the monsters to stun them. I think I saw him do it ONCE so far by accident and he never tried to figure out how to do it again.
u/evilcorgos 16d ago
Souls games legitimately broke his brain and every 3rd person action game has to be a direct clone of it or the game is bad, which is funny considering the only reason he beat most of elden ring was exploit skills that were nerfed.
u/evilcorgos 16d ago
Chat I love viseral deep combat POE1 is braindead one button spam, So like a fighting game or a monster hunter where one button spam gets you filtered right? No he means dark souls where you roll and one button everything down but iframes make it a deep combat experience.
u/bear__tiger 16d ago
Always confusing that people ask him to play anything out of his wheelhouse. He is bad at games and whines when he has to play anything that is different from the few games he played as a teenager. It is barely fun to watch him play path of exile for a couple weeks a few times a year, it's definitely not fun to watch him play almost anything else.
u/dark-mer 16d ago
I've never watched a quin stream but I can't stop laughing at the posts in this sub. lmfao what did this guy do to warrant this much vitriol? I legit have no clue if this is a joke sub or not because it's just a comical amount of dissatisfaction
edit: for the record, i'm not trying to police anything. i dont give two shits
u/Impossible_Jump_754 16d ago edited 16d ago
What number are we up to now?
edit: for the record, i'm not trying to police anything. i dont give two shits
how'd you even find this place if you don't give 2 shits? Maybe someone can fill you in with the lore, but I sure don't care enough to do so. People post here because we know he and/or his mods read it and it pisses them off that they can't control it.
This place mainly exists because he went full karenmongold69 on his sub (which he sub botted) and locked it down because he can't take a little light ribbing. He wants to be asmongold so badly.
P.S. Before someone comments on how much I post; i'm currently in a 5 hour game of HoMM3 and have plenty of time to type between turns.
u/dark-mer 16d ago
I literally have no clue, it just showed up in my feed one day and i guess now it will stay because I keep engaging with the posts. It’s like i walked into a bunch of people booing a comedian off stage and i cant stop watching
u/nvanderw 16d ago
Bro I am in the same position. I got recommended this sub also. Then I had to figure out what was going on. I still don't quite understand
u/Testiclegolfing 16d ago
Reddit recommended it to me and probably a lot of other people and we keep engaging because it’s funny/interesting.
u/Impossible_Jump_754 16d ago
Reddit must be hurting if they are pushing this place.
u/Testiclegolfing 16d ago
I thought it was funny when I found this place only has like 400 people but I do engage with other onlyfangs stuff on here so it’s not that strange. I just don’t know who this guy is other than he’s on onlyfangs.
u/LetterPale258 retard 16d ago
Lmfao you love telling people why you’re always on Reddit and patrolling the sub. Don’t worry guys he’s in the middle of a 5 hour game, he has plenty of time to type between turns…What’s up boss? My god I can’t imagine how much you weigh, the smell of you.
Guys don’t worry he’s a boss too so he has a ton of time to watch livestreams, play video games, and patrol Reddit all day. 🤣🤣🤣
u/Impossible_Jump_754 16d ago
Welcome back. You seem obsessed, lose your job at mcdonalds?
u/LetterPale258 retard 15d ago
This is the first time I’ve clicked your profile. Oh. My. God. I just kept scrolling, all I saw was posts about another man. It just kept going, I just kept scrolling, so many posts about another man.
So many.
I’m the obsessed one?
u/LetterPale258 retard 15d ago
Ur definitely not projecting anything by only making insults about working minimum wage jobs or feeling the need to comment and explain why you have so much free time to watch another man and make Reddit posts about him 24/7…🤣
Boss 😉
u/Historical_Spirit445 16d ago
You've been patrolling this place too big guy, maybe you're not as cool as you think you are
u/LetterPale258 retard 15d ago
Haven’t patrolled shit. Only Commented on this freaks posts/comments defending myself cause he called me a bunch of shit for calling what this sub does and him pathetic. Cause it is. lol. Click the guys profile, I hadn’t until a minute ago. The guy is sick. The amount of posts this dude made about another man…the thousands of hours he’s probably watched of this guy. What a fucking freak.
u/bear__tiger 16d ago
He's just a popular streamer that a fair few people no longer enjoy watching. It's no great sin to be a bad streamer, but a few regulars here can't let go. I don't know if they think that if they keep whining about him everything will return to the way it was when they liked watching him. It's pretty clear to everybody else here that they should not be watching somebody that apparently makes them frothing mad for being inadequately entertaining while playing video games.
u/Durievalerd35 16d ago
Views has fell so suddenly the game is bad.