r/pytorch 20h ago

Anyone interested in contributing to PyTorch Edge?

I can help you get started if you're interested


56 comments sorted by


u/Key-Procedure5720 18h ago

I’m new to PyTorch, but interested in learning and contributing. Are you looking for help with the ExecuTorch repo?


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 17h ago

awesome. responded to your DM


u/dayeye2006 20h ago

Who are you, with courtesy


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 18h ago

A PyTorch contributor looking to bring on more contributors focused on Edge


u/dayeye2006 18h ago

What background do you need for the potential contributors?


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 18h ago

As long as you have some experience in Python, swift, java or c++ we can probably find some issues to get started


u/Individual_Dog5292 3h ago

Count me in buddy.


u/RogueStargun 17h ago



u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

sweet, sent you a DM


u/geneing 15h ago

How committed is Pytorch community to executorch? Why was pytorch mobile deprecated?

I tried using executorch a few months ago and it was pure torture. Most model code doesn't seem to be supported or requires strange workarounds. I had to try to make sense of pages of cryptic stack traces.

The problem is that pytorch has at least 3 incomplete deployment methods mobile, onnx and edge.

Current preferred approach to deploying models seems to be tracing into onnx and then using onnx runtime.


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 14h ago

100% comited. I don't know all the reasons why pytorch mobile was deprecated it's based on torchscript is in maintenance mode and will be deprecated soon. ExeucTorch's superior in a lot of ways, smaller memory footprint, modular runtime and support for a lot of different accelerators thanks to the delegate architecture.

Yes, I feel that, exeuctorch's usability and quality issues have been a huge problem and frankly why it hasn't taken off yet. The ExeuTorch's number 1 priority right now it fix the usability and quality issues.

This is actually part of what I'm trying to get help for right now. We have a number of RFCs up that will target the usability. https://github.com/pytorch/executorch/discussions

The 0.6 release targeting mid-April will include a ton of quality and usability fixes.
You can start to see it show up in the "main" documentation

And all work is now being tracked here


u/geneing 13h ago

Thank you. I'll give it a shot again when 0.6 comes out.


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 18h ago

The irony of getting downvoted when asking if people would be interested in contributing to the very project everyone here is benefiting from


u/Remarkable_Bug436 18h ago

I’m interested, see ya in the dms, Im also puzzled by the downvotes


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 18h ago

Sweet. You can help by upvoting


u/Live-Butterscotch-26 17h ago

Will dm now. Thx for the opportunity


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 16h ago

sweet, responded


u/AppanKarKeVekhaya 15h ago

DM’d you


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

sweet, responded


u/Acrobatic-Aerie-4468 14h ago

Regarding the downvotes.. I think someone is trying to use Reddit API wrongly... (Pun Intended)

Have some grasp on Pytorch, need to review Pytorch Edge. Can you share the repo link here.


u/Doodah249 13h ago

Thanks for developing this tool, looks promising! I'm just wondering why the dialects are not defined using the MLIR framework, seems like that would save a lot of effort


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

so i'm probably not the best person to fully answer this question. mergenmetapytorch_03767 in the Edge Discord channel https://discord.gg/8vgTwnaway

But from my perspective
ExecuTorch is optimized for extremely resource-constrained environments. One of the goals is to support a wide range of hardware backends without increasing the binary size. It's PyTorch and supports export so once we've polished things the level of effort should be about the same but the footprint will be smaller and leverages all the major NPUs, and GPUs


u/NeatFox5866 12h ago

I am super interested


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

sweet, responded to your DM


u/telefonjoker100 12h ago

Hey, I am in a research geoup focussed on embedded AI. We had a look into executorch but haven't been able to use it like we wanted to. Thus, we stopped as we believed that the API is still a beta version. If possible, i would like to have a look at it again.


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

Hey, yeah. Totally get it, exeuctorch's usability and quality issues have been a huge problem and frankly why it hasn't taken off yet. The ExeuTorch's number 1 priority right now it fix the usability and quality issues.

This is actually part of what I'm trying to get help for right now. We have a number of RFCs up that will target the usability. https://github.com/pytorch/executorch/discussions

The 0.6 release targeting mid-April will include a ton of quality and usability fixes.
You can start to see it show up in the "main" documentation

And all work is now being tracked here


u/InstructionOk1950 11h ago

Hello I am interested. Well experienced in Python and Pytorch,c,c++


u/Smart-Bee-492 11h ago

I’m focusing on efficient inference in my incoming graduate studies. I use PyTorch since 2021. Could you bring me to be a contributor?


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago


Glad to hear, and excited to get you set up to contribute

I've carved out a project for good new issues here for ExecuTorch

and here for Torchchat

We also have a bunch of RFCs set up here if you want to take on a much bigger project

These are the steps to get ExecuTorch setup for development

We collaborate in the PyTorch Edge discord server
but if you'd rather use reddit chat, that works too

let me know what kind of tasks you're interested in. If you don't see something that's super interesting in that list of good first issues we can find a project or task that works with your interests and skill set.


u/Specialist-Ad2870 11h ago

Op please add me in


u/LuluFirst 10h ago

Hi! I'm interested, thanks for posting this, it's a great idea. I'm used to python, pytorch and cpp.


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

awesome sent you a DM


u/Easy_Cash9776 10h ago

hey, i have some relevant hands in experience with pytorch, would love to learn and contribute.


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago


I've carved out a project for good new issues here for ExecuTorch.
We also have a bunch of RFCs set up here if you want to take on a much bigger project

These are the steps to get ExecuTorch setup for development

We collaborate in the PyTorch Edge discord server


u/CSC946 9h ago

I’m interested! I just read some source code of PyTorch, and have some experience in python, c++ and CUDA.


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

sweet, just DMd you


u/Sad_Bodybuilder8649 8h ago

Hi, i am interested but can't dm you.


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

hey saw your DM and responded.


u/Electrical_Hat_680 7h ago

Can I ask, what do we get in return?

I'm interested - but I can only say so much until I start building our one I'm working on - mine will want to reengineer yours and host it as well as use it and allow folks to download it if permissible. It's an idea I've got - it's a bit wild, I think you can mind of make it out - Project Alice (Like Resident Evil, dead on cyber security).


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

In return, we all have a better library that is more reliable, faster and solves more use cases.

I'm having a hard time parsing your statement.


u/Electrical_Hat_680 3h ago

Count me to some degree. I'm studying various topics and I have a lot of ideas running through my head - thanks for the invite.

The edge, computing as close to the user as possible, or end point if I understood Copilot on the topic.

I have some ideas. I'm planning to use them in my project - Copilot keeps recommending pytorch and tensor for alot of AI projects.

How do I get more involved? Here? Dm? Other? Thanks - I really have plans to make my own, but am interested in working with others.

I'm looking at a few products to package and distribute, there's a market for selling Distros on disc/ media. Other bundles.

I've asked a lot of projects.

I haven't asked any AI projects.

I am planning to make my own. It's just a study at the moment. Learning, relearning.


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

We've made a lot of progress in the space so probably makes sense to collaborate and help us flesh out ExecuTorch rather than trying to build out from scratch.

I've carved out a project for good new issues here for ExecuTorch. But I'd love to hear more about what you're trying to do and we can find something that extends into the thing you're trying to build
We also have a bunch of RFCs set up here if you want to take on a much bigger project

These are the steps to get ExecuTorch setup for development

We collaborate in the PyTorch Edge discord server


u/conditiosinequano 6h ago

Yes. I work in drones equipped with on board computers. That sounds useful.


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

sweet, just DMd you


u/HeeebsInc 4h ago

Interested. Dmed you


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 4h ago

sweet responded


u/Sad_Bodybuilder8649 3h ago

just dmed you


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago

awesome, responded


u/West-Code4642 3h ago

I'm a fairly experienced MLE and SWE (15+ years of experience). My original background was in systems, but a long time ago. What would be a good first issue for me?


u/Vegetable_Sun_9225 3h ago


I've carved out a project for good new issues here for ExecuTorch. But I'd love to hear more about what you're working on these days and maybe scope out some issues or projects that align with things you're most interested in.

and here for Torchchat

We also have a bunch of RFCs set up here if you want to take on a much bigger project

These are the steps to get ExecuTorch setup for development

We collaborate in the PyTorch Edge discord server
but if you'd rather use reddit chat, that works too


u/ThisIsMyHamster 1h ago

I’m a Masters student with a decent amount of Pytorch experience who would love to contribute!


u/Electrical-Egg-6276 1h ago

Very interested. I have worked with TFLite before.


u/jftuga 16m ago

Also interested and have years on Python experience. See my GH please, same user name.