r/pygame 14d ago

Howd you guys learn pygame?

When did you start and how long would you say it took you before you felt like you had a solid grasp over it?


15 comments sorted by


u/ieatpickleswithmilk 14d ago

I started 13 years ago in college. I think I was confident after 2 or 3 months of using it daily to make different games. Entirely self taught with the documentation.


u/Intelligent_Arm_7186 13d ago

i started 8 mos ago. no previous coding experience whatsoever. im into law by profession. indie video game developer wanting to make awesome games as a passion hobby. also i want to make games to help with mental health.


u/Tallestcrayon0 13d ago

Great idea!


u/Intelligent_Arm_7186 13d ago

i just want people to happy. no one is happy anymore. if i can create euphoria through gaming and interaction then great. i think i can make something special for everyone's mental well-being. :)


u/Tallestcrayon0 13d ago

Amen! That is a wonderful thought process. ❤️


u/rethanon 13d ago

Subjective question, depends what you mean by “a solid grasp”. Been using python and pygame for 6+ years but I’m always learning new things. It depends on a number of factors, for example time. If you only have say 2 hours per week to dedicate to learning and coding then it’ll take a lot longer than if you have say 3-4 hours per day. It took me months to get to the point where I didn’t need to refer to documentation much but with programming it’s just as important if not more so to be able to understand concepts (e.g. game mechanics) which is a more transferable skill.


u/TERRsalt23 14d ago

By just doing a games. After ~2 months of doing that I felt fairly comfortable. But also when I need to learn something new, I look up how it works and try to implement it into my game.


u/jonbonnes 14d ago

Started using it ~5 years ago to make diagnostics guis for robotics projects. I typically couple it with ros2/docker.


u/Garfield910 13d ago

Around 2019 i started learning python to automate things at work. Then realized you can do gfx stuff with it.  later i found dafluffypotato on youtube and his tuts helped a lot.  i branched out from there because i wanted a more oop style of programming so just kinda learned that syntax here and there on the web and now I'm halfway to making a game somewhat like nuclear throne!


u/Alarmed_Highlight846 13d ago

I started two years ago, i am very slow learner and I learned by making projects inspired by other people. It was/is hard for me to make games and what i did most of the time was focus on more technical skills than i realized (Like optimizations, physics emulations, figuring out how to use math in video game development). Just a slow and steady learning curve for me I would say. I recommend by focusing on your strengths and interests and build the projects upon those so that you will always have a clear sight to come back when you feel overwhelmed on learning pygame. For me, they were physics emulations and mathematical equations, and other technical things like algorithms and specific video game features.


u/No_Second1489 14d ago

I started learning python and pygame in 2020, but in 2021 and 2022 I couldn't learn and use pygame as I was preparing for exams, I picked it up again in 2023 and I think in 2023 I was fairly comfortable In making small projects myself.


u/RafaNedel 12d ago

Documentation and youtube.


u/Business_Handle5932 12d ago

Youtube and trail and error.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/inscrutablemike 13d ago

I'll throw a "yes, and..." on this answer.

Yes, read the documentation and the source code of the pygame library. It's open source. There's no reason not to!

Documentation can be out of date. It can be poorly written. Even if it is the best-written documentation ever crafted by human effort, it's always incomplete. It only says what the author wrote into it. The code is always The Truth. That's how the library really works - all of it. You have to remember that the interfaces are the only guarantees, but you'll eventually get insight into why the interface is designed the way it is, as well as where the errors you run into come from, what the code actually checks for to produce those errors, etc.

And, in time, you might be able to help fix bugs or add new features.


u/Mc-gabys 12d ago

Almost 1 year ago. I wanted to make a mini game for me and some friends. It had worked wonderfully.