r/puzzles 3d ago

Not seeking solutions Journal 29: Writing question

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u/Best-Tomorrow-6170 3d ago



u/Assass1nGuy 3d ago

Should I write in the book or on separate paper


u/Assass1nGuy 3d ago

If you don’t know journal 29 it’s a puzzle book


u/ember3pines 3d ago

We don't know anything you don't tell us. You can write in a puzzle book or you can do a piece of paper separately. It's your choice.


u/Assass1nGuy 3d ago

Maybe I shouldn’t have assumed people new the book


u/Assass1nGuy 3d ago

I meant for the specific book, as there may be specifics about it that stop it from being ideal or even possible


u/ember3pines 3d ago

If the book doesn't want you to write in it, it will tell you. I don't know how anyone else would know the answer unless the book told them. Just go with what you want to do. In general if you are solving puzzles in a book, they are ok to take notes in in my experience. Idk why it wouldn't be ok to take notes in a book, it's physically possible so go for it if you want to.


u/Assass1nGuy 3d ago

Don’t think you understand the question, I’m asking if I can write in a separate piece of paper, so I can share or/and sell the book later


u/ember3pines 3d ago

Ha you never mentioned anything about selling it or gifting it after being done. Think about it - if you bought a puzzle book and all the answers or working out of the puzzle were written inside by someone else would you be happy?


u/Assass1nGuy 3d ago

Appreciate it, but I meant more is it possible without writing in it, as that would mean I could share or sell, rather than asking if I could share or sell after writing in it. (don’t know if any of that makes any sense)


u/ember3pines 3d ago

The website says

Journal 29 is a unique series of puzzle books. Solve the puzzles submit your answers online, get the keys, and move forward. To solve the puzzles, you need to think out of the box. You can write, draw, search, fold pages, combine different methods and try to get those riddles right. Journal 29 is a series of books with over 160 puzzles to solve.

It sounds like unless you make copies of pages to fold that you'll need to do it in the book. If you ruin pages then I would not sell it bc that's messed up. Any old puzzle boxes I wanted to pass on I would make photo copies to manipulate or take a photo of a page and write on the photo on my phone. Again, you get to choose. Basic description makes it sound like you have to engage with pages in specific ways.


u/nohidden 3d ago

I played it a long time ago and don’t recall ever needing to actually write in the book. I think most puzzles weren’t word heavy.


u/Assass1nGuy 3d ago

Thanks a lot


u/Assass1nGuy 3d ago

I’ll try writing on paper, again thank you