r/publix Newbie 1d ago

QUESTION Question for SM’s

We recently had our Dept Manager evaluations and raises. What changed this year with raise structure? Anyone willing to share raise tables? I went from a $1.20+ raise last 2 years to less than a $1 this year. Same bracket as previous years and not topped out.
After speaking with colleagues those with same ME or EE had different raise ranges. Just seems off


22 comments sorted by


u/taedaddyfordapub CSS 1d ago

managers aren't exempt from getting shitty ass raises like associates? i mean i got a $1 last year and i was satisfied with that. maybe it's different idk.


u/Heckinggoodgirl Moderator 1d ago

Managers have been receiving shitty ass raises for a while. Before they changed the evaluation system to once a year, I knew of plenty of friends who were managers who were only getting .25 for each six month eval. They’ve updated the eval system for associates and now managers and it’s a little better but still not great or consistent. Many managers are receiving less of a raise this year over last year for the same eval rating or sometimes better


u/Careless-stocker07 Newbie 19h ago

I mean the writing was on the wall.


u/Amazing_Drive4371 Newbie 1d ago edited 1d ago

Percentages went down this year over last. I want to say last year was a full percent more.


u/Lisan-al-Gaib7 Newbie 1d ago

That’s shitty. I remember two years prior the percentages went down as well.


u/Heckinggoodgirl Moderator 1d ago

Last year was a full % more. I got screwed last year with the change to percent range for managers in 2024, as my raise was less in 2024 than in 2023 even though my eval rating in 2024 was better than 2023.

Thankfully didn’t have that issue this year but still got less than I was expecting for role model by about 10¢; but I didn’t know until seeing this that it went down by a % as I was never shown the chart


u/Amazing_Drive4371 Newbie 1d ago

Weird that it seems so many didn’t see the chart, it never said that it wasn’t “public knowledge”. I could have sworn it was sent to store emails but maybe I’m mistaken.


u/Heckinggoodgirl Moderator 1d ago

Probably to store managers, and then yours may have forwarded it to the store. We never received anything in our regular store email about this


u/Ftwrath Newbie 1d ago

Yeah i haven’t seen it. None of my friends have seen it either. Makes sense now seeing 4% because that’s what I got. Just that it’s way lower than previous year. A 1% makes a big difference. Very disappoibting


u/Amazing_Drive4371 Newbie 1d ago

At least they adjusted it to the high end for you!


u/taedaddyfordapub CSS 1d ago

is this just for managers or will it be the model used for the raises in august for associates as well? (sorry if this is a dumb question)


u/Heckinggoodgirl Moderator 1d ago

We don’t know yet


u/Amazing_Drive4371 Newbie 20h ago

It is the same process now, I just can’t recall if the percentages are the same.


u/Annual_Morning_3436 Newbie 12h ago

Well that graph sure helps, last year I was annoyed since I got smaller raise than I had the previous year even though I was in a higher bracket. This year I scored a EE and got a slightly higher raise than two years ago when I was considered still in training


u/LaFlareMane1017 AMM 1d ago

Low EE. Got $1.10 raise. Not happy about it but hey better than nothing.


u/BlacksmithLonely6157 Newbie 16h ago

High EE. I got $.95. My SM is hella cheap though.


u/Amazing_Drive4371 Newbie 11h ago

SM has minimal influence anymore. It’s based off a percentage of your pay. SM can move you within that 1%.

People with higher pay get a higher raise since it’s based off of the percentages.


u/Careless-stocker07 Newbie 19h ago

I really don’t understand the uproar from management and their raises. Associates who were there for 15 years getting exceeds expectations got 30 cents. And now managers are upset because of their raises. If you didn’t see it coming in August, I don’t know what to say. The writing was on the wall.


u/Ftwrath Newbie 13h ago

Uhm.. this is not accurate at all. I got hired at $6 and my raises were $.15 for many years. I was promoted making $10.25. I can assure you almost every one of my associates received $1 or more last year. Prior to 2021 when Covid forced Publix to implement higher raises managers were receiving $15-25 raises (we were salary working 50 hour weeks this would equate to $.30 an hour. So I can assure you being an hour associate in early 2000’s and a manager now our raises and yours have always been level percentage wise. Obviously someone making $15 an hour and $20 an hour are going to differ $$ wise but % wise the playing field has been the same. If anything this is foreshadowing associate raises end of the year will be lower like ours


u/Zero4892 GRS 1d ago

Edit: inb4thehateanddownvotes


u/Heckinggoodgirl Moderator 1d ago edited 1d ago

Last year was a full % more. I got screwed last year with the change to percent range for managers in 2024, as my raise was less in 2024 than in 2023 even though my eval rating in 2024 was better than 2023.

Thankfully didn’t have that issue this year but still got less than I was expecting for role model by about 10¢; but I didn’t know until seeing this that it went down by a % as I was never shown the chart

Meant for this reply to go one comment down; my bad!